

Aug 18, 2020

I was more active here a few years ago. Just saying hi. Didn't know where to put this so I went for off topic. Yes? I had a photo but it didnt load. 860k posts in OT. Crazy! I went to rehab. Had a few friends on here (not friends from rehab). My rehab was nice. The experience was nice. IMO it could have been a lot worse. I didn't take meds and I went to drug rehab meetings and classes. We went to the zoo. We had a Christmas outing and a kid got lost. Our counselor drove us home without them. Kinda funny. The kid was already back. We had a crazy broken rehab where we kinda could come and go. We had to keep our beds nice and go to classes. It's a government program. Not bad. Not the best. Our conselors were nice. They were funny and most of them went through rehab also. We had a group shrink for our "teacher" and it was a little bit fun. Anyway I don't know who is here that I know. I don't get on much and so I guess if I said "hey im not dead" that would start a thing. I like this place. I think all and all this is a good place for a lot of us. I wish more could be done about the topics in the outside world but that's not gonna be anytime soon. What still keeps us going? I have no idea. Everyday I think I can just leave but I don't. I really want to some days. I have "opinions" on the shape & state of the world but WTF do I know? Anyway my biggest problems are physical and memory loss. I guess like ADHD or early alzimers. I can't spell that lol. So every day I just feel like shit. I'm afraid I might hit a person with my car if my brain gets too much worse on accident from not being cognitive. I can barely hold my job. There is a shit ton of reasons for me too just fucking go. What else? Oh, I stopped caring about this world real early if life. Spent too much of my childhood around stupid asshole people. Pretty much just never had any wind in my sails. I had a state job for about 23 monies an hour (thats not bad in my country). I really was not good at it. I just kinda stood there. I got "yelled at" quite a lot. They let me go. That was funny. I even went to 2 office parties with lots of food. Le sigh. So I hope those of you that are here are ok. I hope you guys are finding what you need in any case that you see fit. But if you find one single fucking reason to stay today or a little longer than for fucks sake hold on to that reason also. Today we got snow. That should make me unhappy. It was/is cold and I feel like shit. But being cold was kinda nice. It was kinda pretty and different. So I'm still fucking here. Just me & SONY pulling another all nighter until NASA can actually will an asteroid to us instead of just getting it wrong all the time. Fuckin losers. Get your shit together NASA! Make a fuckin magnet! Let's light this bitch!
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