
New Member
Jul 15, 2023
I read this article I thought would be interesting to share.

1. Limbo
One idea is that after we die, we go to a place called Limbo where none of us can hurt each other or feel any pain. It's a place where we can wait until we can move on to the next step of spiritual progression, be it reincarnation or whatever comes after death.

2. Nothingness
Some scientists believe that our personalities are just made up of different chemicals and when those chemicals break, so does everything else about us. Some people are afraid of this last idea because it means they won't ever see their family again.

3. Reincarnation
A lot of people believe that when we die, we come back in another life as a different person or animal — maybe even a flower! This would mean everyone is born over and over again until we know the joys and pains of another life.

4. Heaven and Hell
The idea of an afterlife is a very prominent belief in almost every religion out there. Basically, your fate after death is dependent on if you were good or bad. Depending on what religion you follow, there are multiple levels of heaven and hell.

5. Life before we were born
Some people believe that our lives are like a road that we travel down. Some people believe that after we die, we return to where the road started. We may even be able to remember our lives on earth if our minds remain strong enough.

6 . Apophenia
This is the belief that after death, we get to see what happens on earth before we were born. We can get glimpses of the future or just random things that appear to us throughout the day. Not everyone believes this, but it is one of many theories about life after death.

7 . Eternal Life
Some people feel that there is no such thing as death, and we all live forever in some kind of dream world — perhaps everyone we love is still with us, and we just haven't met everyone. This idea isn't endorsed by mainstream religions but has become more popular recently for people who long for immortality. For most, this theory is hard to swallow because it almost seems like a cop-out. Sooner or later, we die, and that must be the end of all things.

8. Deep Sleep
The Deep Sleep theory proposes that we all die every night when we fall asleep. The reason we don't experience the afterlife or meet other people is because our minds are still very much active. We dream about things happening right now, tomorrow, the past, and the future because it helps us to create a place to live in. This theory is similar to "nothingness," but proponents find it more comforting.
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I am here for you
Sep 29, 2023
I only believe in nothingness. It's the only theory that has some weight to it. The rest are just pure speculation.
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New Member
Jul 15, 2023
I only believe in nothingness. It's the only theory that has some weight to it. The rest are just pure speculation.
Someone made a comment about how people with dementia just shows there is no afterlife and I started looking into it and it really made me think that meaning and beliefs are all made in the brain and once the brain is lost to disease or injury then the person that people knew is gone and I am now leaning towards the view that once the brain dies then that's it - lights out, no afterlife because our brain (which makes meaning and contemplates the afterlife) is dead. Also the more I think about any idea of the afterlife the more it sounds like a rotten deal for some - are people with intellectual disabilities forever disabled in the afterlife? Or if you develop a disease like dementia do you have dementia in the afterlife or do you revert back to a previous state of consciousness? It makes more sense that once the brain dies we die.
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Jul 29, 2021
i believe everything you are is made up of atoms and everything you are cease to exist upon your death all memorys are gone forever
but because i exist i can't rule out this universe bring us back alive in some other machine it's either nothing forever or rebirth
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Sep 12, 2023
I believe in nothingness, but hope for reincarnation 🕊️🤍
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Oct 6, 2023
why do people cling so desperately to these weird stories? We come from nothing, and we go to nothing. we have lost: nothing. The End.
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Jul 29, 2021
why do people cling so desperately to these weird stories? We come from nothing, and we go to nothing. we have lost: nothing. The End.
exactly suicide is the way out but it also could lead to away back in you see everything is run on brute force we are forced in and out of life we come from nothing and return to nothing, whats to say it can't happen again not that i would ever want to exist
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I've always hoped I'd be given a list of 'fun facts' about my life- you walked this many steps, you drank this amount of water, you had hiccups this many times, your hair would have reached this length if you hadn't cut it. I don't know why I want to know this stuff. Not like it's at all useful!

Would be kind of funny if it was a 'This is Your Life' scenario. It used to be a TV programme where they would surprise celebrities with this big red book. Then, they would go back to the studio where their friends and family had gathered to celebrate with them and they would go through their biography. Actually- that could actually be pretty horrible if there were things you'd rather forget...

All scenarios seem weird in their own way. Like- what the hell are you meant to do with eternity? And- why? Really, I've come to the conclusion that nothing would likely be the best scenario.
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May 8, 2023
So i used to have this theory that if i ctb, i'd be greeted by some sort of spirit team who would console & educate me on how to not do the same thing next time..
& in order for some sort of soul progression to occur,
When ready, i would go back to earth
Be in different body but have to deal with the same issue that led me to ctb.
& over and over again until I get the message and do not ctb.

for the record I don't buy this or see it as a reason not to anymore..
But at one point it kept me from ctb in some sort of mental gymnastics to avoid having to experience this again.
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Oct 26, 2023
these are such interesting theories to death and all could have some weight to them. i personally am an atheist, and found "the good place" had some really interesting points regarding heaven and hell or "the good place and the bad place". if we're finally in the good place, how is it always good? happiness can't be forever if there isn't any sadness to show us what happiness truly is. eventually you would've done everything and then what else is there to make you happy? it's really interesting. it's a good show otherwise too if anyone is interested. i personally believe a lot of different things. id like to believe in more than nothingness, but it does make the most logical sense. although, i think reincarnation could have some grounding, maybe our 'souls' need to walk all forms of life and experience all things before it fully grows and becomes it's highest form. maybe we're all just souls roaming the earth experiencing all that it has to offer. another part of me believes that maybe once our souls are finished with earth we go to a different planet, and experience all the different experiences there. or maybe our dreams are actually us and this "life we live" is just our subconscious. death can be really interesting when you think about all the possibilities. maybe the matrix is real. maybe there are multiple timelines. clearly, i don't know what i believe but i'd like to think there are beautiful flower fields we go to when we die that brings us only peace and happiness, rather than nothingness or endless pain like hell suggests.
sorry this was a total ramble just kind of venting random thoughts i don't get to talk to others about..
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Efilist, atheist, pro-right to die.
Jun 8, 2023
Since the theme here is absurdity, I'll throw my 2 cents in.

I believe the universe was created by the Farty Ghost, and we're all made of invisible, undetectable farty particles. Once we die, we'll become farts in our loved ones anus, but only for a short time, because once they fart, we'll be expelled from their body and need to search another host. Thus, we'll spend all eternity wandering from anus to anus, but always lamenting our friends' lost anuses. Sounds cool, yes?
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I return to the raiding shadows of death.
Sep 9, 2023
Plz let it be nothingness.
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Aug 27, 2018
Another theory is life could be a simulation so when we die we wake up and there are many different theories to what we wake up to I made a thread about it a long time ago
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
All that I believe in, is permanent non-existence, anything other than that is completely fictional to me. It's comforting to think of this existence finally coming to an end, only the absence of everything is perfection to me where there is no more suffering for all eternity. All that appeals to me is a dreamless and eternal sleep, existence could never be desirable under any circumstance.
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Jan 8, 2022
Buddhists and Egyptians had/have similar concepts like Egyptians said you will meet the lord of the dead and judgement will be passed.

After judgement you go to one of many realms depending on how you lived your life. If you didn't fulfill your potential because you were lazy you will sleep for eternity like you slept through life. If you lived bringing happiness to everyone you will go to a happy realm. If you raped someone you will go to a pit where you are molested over and over again, etc.


Oct 17, 2023
If it's nothingness after death then it doesn't matter because nothingness cannot exist (that's why it's called NOTHINGness), so we wouldn't be able to experience it, it would be instantly over. We came from nothing to something, so if we go back to nothing after we die, we would come to something again, whatever it ends up being. Look up Near Death Experiences. There are many different stories about what might happen after death.
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Wish for peace
Jul 6, 2023
I deeply hope there is nothing after you die and that your consciousness doesn't occur more than once. But it's hard to know. Consciousness isn't understood and the literature I've read on it is confusing, science is our best explanation of reality and scientists don't know what causes it or how exactly it can be determined to be occurring. Until we know, we just don't know what lies on the other side, it's possible that our consciousness keeps emerging over and over which is a terrifying thought. To me nothingness makes sense…many other explanations also strike me as superbly cruel with a focus on making humans in particular suffer.
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The eternal awaits
Oct 23, 2023
One of the most eerie theories regarding life after death posits that upon one's passing, they are immediately reborn as a newborn, reliving the same life repeatedly, unchanged, for all of eternity. This would also explain Deja-vu; you have the Deja-vu moments because you live the same life over and over again.


May 5, 2023
now i'm not exactly sure what to belive after death. the one thing i want is to see my loved ones again. i didn't know it was called that but i guess i belive in limbo. this is my full belif on what happens, maybe mostly just hopes. i think once we die, we go to a peaceful place for us, wherever that may be. some may see their body, then go to another peaceful place. i belive personally, i'll see my body maybe, then go to a feild. a big nice feild and my partner will be there waiting and i'll finally get to see him again. then i think we just sit around waiting for our other loved ones to come along. we just hang out as "ghosts" or whatever on earth or somewhere else. then when we're finally ready, we move on to a place where we plan and prepare for our next lives. the point of all this, i'm not too sure, i guess soon enough i'll find out. this is just personal belifs and hopes.

i want to give another perspective on this. i heard this theory and it's my favirote of all, it makes a lot of sense. our minds run on energy, there are little circuits runing through our brain and our body all day every day the make us run. the thing is, when we die, that energy has to go somewhere. like Albert Einstein said, energy cannot be created or destroyed. so the energy our brain holds has to go somewhere, it's literally impossible for it to just disappear. now this doesn't mean we know what happens. we might perceive nothing, but i do believe this energy goes somewhere. possibly just back into the earth to be used again and again by other uses. but that energy in itself, cannot die.


Death is the solution to unsolvable problems.
Sep 13, 2023
I believe that there is no life after death: it will be like before birth. Everything else is imagination of people who are afraid of the dark.
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Mar 28, 2023
If it's nothingness after death then it doesn't matter because nothingness cannot exist (that's why it's called NOTHINGness), so we wouldn't be able to experience it, it would be instantly over. We came from nothing to something, so if we go back to nothing after we die, we would come to something again, whatever it ends up being. Look up Near Death Experiences. There are many different stories about what might happen after death.
Exactly right, we are pretty much destined to be reincarnated again given the infinite amount of time and universes out there. It isn't based on karma or anything its just pure probability and chance. If its not this its nothingness eternal which I am also okay with.
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