

Jul 15, 2020
I can't believe this is fucking real, what.the.actual.fuck
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Aug 6, 2020
My landlord presented me with a Section 21 notice of eviction due to me suffering from depression and him not want to be "close to it" if I were to end my life.
He found out about it due to the police paying me a visit to do a welfare check (to check I'm still alive).

It has made me wonder exactly what happened though, because housemates must have told him that police visited me.....which for some reason I've only just realised.

And before you ask, yes this is legal. He doesn't need a 'valid reason' to present a Section 21 notice.
  • Aww..
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Jul 1, 2020
My Uni accommodation actually forced me out with threats of sectioning when I tried to jump off a bridge in May. I was lucky that most people left the following week due to COVID-19 because I don't know whether I would've graduated not being allowed on the campus. I still think about how bloody close I was to jumping...if only I was sucessful then :/
  • Aww..
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Sep 12, 2020
The original article for this was published in the Salt Lake Tribune, which isn't available in EU countries for whatever reason, so I linked an MSN mirror alongside it. This is genuine. This isn't an Onion article.

  • A Utah landlord evicted an 18-year-old woman after she described suicidal thoughts to her roommates, The Salt Lake Tribune reported.
  • The notice from the landlord begins by suggesting that the woman violated her lease contract, pointing specifically to two parameters: breaching the "quiet enjoyment of the premises" and threatening "endangerment of human life."
  • "We have been made aware that you have vocalized suicidal tendencies which has caused undo [sic] stress and alarm to your roommates"
  • Nate Crippes, an attorney with the Disability Law Center in Utah, says "This just seems particularly egregious. You have a person who is literally and clearly going through something to the point where they're expressing thoughts of suicide. To then turn around and say, 'I'm going to evict you,' it's just a real problem."
  • The apartment complex exclusively houses students at Utah Valley University, but it is not owned or operated by the school. UVU spokesperson Scott Trotter said Thursday that the university sympathizes with the woman, but "we couldn't even do anything if we wanted to."
  • The evicted woman told The Salt Lake Tribune she has contacted the building's management, but has not received a response.

bruh, what the fuck are these dudes smoking?

Imagine genuinely expressing one's struggle with suicidality, but instead of receiving helpful support, you're literally persecuted for thoughtcrime. Dare to speak of your weariness to those close to you and get fucking evicted for 'the breaching of the quiet enjoyment of the premises'. "Sorry, your suffering is just too much of an inconvenience for us to tolerate." Imagine thinking that frivolously and mercilessly kicking a vulnerable person to the curb solely for saying they're suicidal somehow isn't a literal "endangerment of human life." Imagine an administration that values the avoidance of inconvenience more than not condemning an already suicidal person to homelessness. Imagine doing all this, and then having the gall to fucking call the expresser's actions "reckless".

This genuinely incentivizes not saying anything. If you so much dare so much as to speak anything of suicide, you get your home stolen from you. Imagine having to walk a tightrope, being trapped under a tyranny of silence, just to be able to maintain an existence that you're damned miserable in anyway. What the hell did they think such an action would accomplish? Do they think problems get solved by not addressing them, and then by proceeding to make new ones? This is a level of idiocy that's simply so damned stupid, it has to be real.

I've gotten punished for speaking truthfully/honestly about suicide before, but never to such a degree as this. What do you guys think fuels this bullshit?

This is the kind of shit that gets me going about how our freedom of speech isn't even a freedom of ours anymore. If it doesn't fit societal norms or a particular agenda, forget it! Much like the cannibal cop, who was literally prosecuted without even commiting a physical crime! That's a documentary you guys should check out, the premise goes hand in hand and shows exactly the ignorance that is allowed to go on. Convicted for his fantasies that were never acted on, and there was absolutely no evidence that any preparation, not even the tiniest step toward the end goal, had been taken. Insanity I tell you, so this really isn't very surprising at all to me. These flipping people nowadays. I'm definitely an old soul, cause I can't take much more of this modern idiocy.
Spiny Lobster

Spiny Lobster

Jul 16, 2020
Universities, landlords, etc. are cruel. Institutions want no liabilities, so they're willing to do what it takes to make sure no suicide happens on their property -- instead of getting the individual the help they need. I speak from my own experience of being forced to "drop out or get expelled" when I expressed my own suicidal thoughts at my college.

I'm sad to say that this shit doesn't surprise me. It's incredible how vile people can get on the topic of mental health. No one understands it or even wants to understand it.
  • Aww..
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May 10, 2020
The one thing they can't bear to do to a suicidal individual is care. All of this makes assisted suicide an even more invaluable protection. The one thing they can't bear to do to a suicidal individual is assisted suicide.


The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
I am so angered by this, this is truly dystopia confirmed!
I dont have any sympathy for those people, not the roommates, not the landlord. Instead of helping a vulnerable person they just kicked her down, probably pushing her to actually attempt.
I dont care about their 'undue stress'. They were not strangers, she described them as friends. She only stated that she was suicidal. She didnt run out with a razor placed to her wrist.
Its not overstepping boundaries, theyre just callous.
And I know where Im coming from, you can look up the latest threads on how I was treated by the system, blackmailed and threatened when I didnt even do a single action to upset them, didnt insult them, do anything upsetting, merely asked for help.
Im done.jpg
Good luck convincing me they actually have any business in us getting better, they just want us to die so were not a burden on society. I read about a school punishing students for 'not smiling enough in between lessons and on the corridors'. Wtf?
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I read about a school punishing students for 'not smiling enough in between lessons and on the corridors'. Wtf?

What???? Do you have a link or do you remeber any details so I can search?


May 10, 2020
Do you think this is why everyone needs to be educated in suicidal thoughts and feelings? It's one of the strangest things that the monsters who call themselves get educated in all sorts of things but not educated to understand their minds and nature.

The room mates like the suicidal individual are unprepared for feeling suicidal. Mental health professionals expect suicidal individuals to cope with so much evil and cruelty and harms and abuses but do not educate to prepare in case of becoming suicidal. Does this make sense?


Nov 2, 2020
That's outrageous! The attitudes towards people with suicidal thoughts versus people who have actually committed suicide is so outrageous, if she did CTB then they would be preaching reaching out.
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May 10, 2020
They have no compassion because they have no empathy and understanding. This is the curse of being better off having never born than risk becoming suicidal when there's not even the protection of assisted suicide.