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Feb 23, 2024
About two weeks ago, a 10 year old boy, Sammy Teusch, took his own life after being bullied at school.
This is schocking and I wonder how a 10 year old learns about suicide methods.....

Why focus on how he found the suicide methods and not on what kind of bully could've led to him believing there is no future left for him to continue living... I wish sentencing for youth was far less strict
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Ignorance is bliss
Jun 27, 2023
Why focus on how he found the suicide methods and not on what kind of bully could've led to him believing there is no future left for him to continue living... I wish sentencing for youth was far less strict
You re right..... I know it is a bit irreverent to ask for the method.... it seems unimaginable to me that a boy at that age is capable of ending his own life.
The bully.... well they say in the report he got emotionally and phyisically bullied, came home with broken glasses, a broken ipad (if I got it right), scratches..... its true, the parents are kind of crazy to still send that boy there.


Why, do the birds, go on singing??
Mar 14, 2024
The US doesn't give a crap, full stop. Teachers are paid shitty and parents are now raising kids who verbally, emotionally, and physically abuse others, including their teachers. This doesn't excuse bullying though. As unfortunate as it is you might be correct. Parents can be lazy scumbags who decided to have children but just insufferable twats. I swear to god, I'm sick and tired of people having children just because. That is a human being you are choosing to bring into the world, not just a "thing".
People mostly have kids not because they want to be be lazy scumbag parents, but because they were lazy scumbags towards their sex lives because most children are here by accident. So they were just lazy scumbags to begin with. Some turn around given that they have another human being to be responsible for, and some only so-so, and some not at all...


BARIZON 1st of His Name
Nov 13, 2020
That fucking breaks my heart and I know people will think I'm too "pro-life" but that is a fucking failure of our society. Children have not had the capacity to commit any evil, and I hate when we don't or can't protect them. Healthy ten year olds should not be in so much pain that they even consider suicide.

Then again, I started being suicidal at 12.
Everybody should pro life, those who aren't and just encourage people to commit suicide without taking a very deep and careful look on their situation before are monstruously irresponsible.

Being pro choice means that we accept that some people would in fact have a better time being dead, but there's no fucking way we think this is a good thing. So I don't mind being that annoyingly positive person on goodbye threads, if somehow i can save someone one day it would be worth it. I try not to be to pushy and invalidade their suffering, but i would never be the one to say " hope you find peace" without being absolutely sure about their circumstances.


Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
Suicide is always tragic, more so when it's kids.

Luckily it is quite rare. Hopefully the school and parents don't let it be in vain and review their Suicide prevention.


May 27, 2024
however he learned about the idea of suicide, it's good that he left. no matter what age a person is at, once they become aware of that choice, it's better that they make that decision. that might already be a traumatizing experience for him which will affect the rest of his life. the chances of him getting any sort of proper help against bullying is little to none. if help does arrive, it'll most likely be half-assed -- the bullying then continues anyway.
this way he can now be at peace.

and a single image of a 'happy looking person' does not equal them being happy everyday. i could smile in a picture right now but that doesn't stop me from still needing and planning to kill myself.
You're statements are just as ignorant and potentially harmful as toxic positivity and those that are completely against and don't understand suicide. You projecting you're own experience in not being able to recover from trauma or mental illness does not mean others won't. It's the same way that those with toxic positivity saying baseless statements like "it will get better" and "suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem" are equally ignorant. You're taking your biased and negatively warped experience of life, which is perfectly valid btw, and projecting it as this universal truth to the point where you express that a 10 year old is "better off" for ending his life. You may hate to hear this, but many people recover from trauma, even severe traumatic events, and go on to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. Just because our issues may be deeper and there may be things that prevent us from being able to do so, does not mean it's the same for everyone else - especially a 10 year old who was robbed of the chance to experience life and potentially lead a happy one. If someone makes the decision to ctb in their 20's and up, ok, they've experienced a decent amount of life to make an informed decision based on their level of chronic suffering (assuming they've tried to recover). But a 10 year old or anyone imo who hasn't fully grown, does not have the conscious awareness, nor understanding of what they are doing.

I know you didn't intend it to be, but your comment can come across as disturbing, and this "life is hell" attitude as a truth for everyone is what contributes to giving these forums the outside perspective of being cringey cesspools of nihilistic circle jerking. Which, btw, I don't think is true. However these polarizing and ignorant beliefs don't help the cause. I also don't think you meant it that way, I think you are suffering, as we all are. I am by no means blaming you, and this goes to all of those that hold similar opinions; I just encourage you to be a little bit more open-minded and avoid absolute truths and assumptions based on your experience, and appreciate that a tremendous amount of nuance and variability exists outside of our own confines. Often, the beliefs we hold tightest are subject to having their validity demolished when experienced from a different lens.

On another note, I wish you peace and I share relation with you through you're suffering. I hope you can find comfort whether that be in life or in death, just as I wish that for myself.
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I use a translator
May 24, 2024
Poor kid. He didn't deserve a fate like that. Now even children are so cruel to each other that it is hard to imagine. The heartless people who brought him to that situation should be punished, but the laws will not allow it, and it is a terrible thing. Nothing can comfort that family. This makes me angry. Bullying is one of the first things that should be focused on so that society can grow healthier and better. In no school do they teach you to understand your emotions, to cope with them or seek help, you have to wait for something to happen that forces you to take the step of seeking "professional" help and in most cases they will not solve the problem, which is already there. entrenched in your being for years.

Like many here, I also suffered bullying, at the same age as Sammy, and even today I hold a grudge against those so-called friends who did it to me. I know it's not good to maintain that hatred, but I can't help but think about what my life would have been like if that had ended. If I had the chance, I would take revenge on them today. They say a lot about "they are children, they don't know what they are doing." No, ma'am, they may be children, but they know well that they are hurting another person, and they like it, if they didn't know what they were doing, they wouldn't do it again and again and again. time. Little psychopaths, that's what society is breeding.

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