

Jun 20, 2018
Can anyone with a real Xanax OD attempt share an experience?

Things like :

  • the amount of pain although the benzo itself would probably numb the brain
  • How likely it is to actually OD,
  • Any drug/alcohol combo from experience
  • combo with another ctb Method

Thanks in advance,


Apr 11, 2019
Can anyone with a real Xanax OD attempt share an experience?

Things like :

  • the amount of pain although the benzo itself would probably numb the brain
  • How likely it is to actually OD,
  • Any drug/alcohol combo from experience
  • combo with another ctb Method

Thanks in advance,
No pain… No memory of anything after I took the pills… It's very hard to overdose this way because you need an extraordinary amount plus alcohol… unfortunately I was taken to the hospital I think they gave me Narcan in the ambulance… Because I did also take some Oxy.... there's a chance I might have died I had had more time I thought eight hours was going to be enough… If you do try this you need to look to see how much is your lethat dose...Somehow I don't think you're going to be able to take enough although I think Whitney Houston died this way
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Mar 29, 2019
I have OD on 40mg lorazepam mixed with alcohol:
  • no pain at all - I remember shit
  • unlikely that OD will result in death
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Jun 20, 2018
I have OD on 40mg lorazepam mixed with alcohol:
  • no pain at all - I remember shit
  • unlikely that OD will result in death

Even when taken in High doses? Is there a chance maybe 40mg was a small dose? [speaking in terms of lethality] ?
No pain… No memory of anything after I took the pills… It's very hard to overdose this way because you need an extraordinary amount plus alcohol… unfortunately I was taken to the hospital I think they gave me Narcan in the ambulance… Because I did also take some Oxy.... there's a chance I might have died I had had more time I thought eight hours was going to be enough… If you do try this you need to look to see how much is your lethat dose...Somehow I don't think you're going to be able to take enough although I think Whitney Houston died this way

Yeah , I was also reading the Houston "story" ......... How much did you take though?


Apr 11, 2019
Even when taken in High doses? Is there a chance maybe 40mg was a small dose? [speaking in terms of lethality] ?
way too small.....lethal is in the 1000's
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Jun 20, 2018
No pain… No memory of anything after I took the pills… It's very hard to overdose this way because you need an extraordinary amount plus alcohol… unfortunately I was taken to the hospital I think they gave me Narcan in the ambulance… Because I did also take some Oxy.... there's a chance I might have died I had had more time I thought eight hours was going to be enough… If you do try this you need to look to see how much is your lethat dose...Somehow I don't think you're going to be able to take enough although I think Whitney Houston died this way

also, I know you said you don't remember anything ...... but, How long do you think it took for it to start working?


Apr 11, 2019
Even when taken in High doses? Is there a chance maybe 40mg was a small dose? [speaking in terms of lethality] ?

Yeah , I was also reading the Houston "story" ......... How much did you take though?
Not sure I remember but not more than 1000 mg… I know I had about 30 pills but I don't remember the milligram strength
also, I know you said you don't remember anything ...... but, How long do you think it took for it to start working?
I took the pills before I went to bed at night and I have no memory of the next 2 to 3 days
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Memento Mori

Memento Mori

shambling garbage
Jan 24, 2019
i have 900mg prepared to combine with opiates, booze and something else i dont know yet. but i guess it will not be enough. failed od can end in amputations brain damage etc
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Jun 20, 2018
i have 900mg prepared to combine with opiates, booze and something else i dont know yet. but i guess it will not be enough. failed od can end in amputations brain damage etc

amputations sound terrifying, :|


Apr 11, 2019
i have 900mg prepared to combine with opiates, booze and something else i dont know yet. but i guess it will not be enough. failed od can end in amputations brain damage etc
I guess the more toxic items you have the greater your chances… But I couldn't really advise you whether it's going to be 100%
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What Do You See?
Sep 17, 2018
I took a bunch of ativan, and half a bottle of captain and died for about 4 minutes before being revived. I took them all, and was already drunk. I dropped a pill and leaned over to grab it. My dog walked up and my last memories before the void and then flashes of hospital treatment were "oh my Shelby. Youre so soooooooft" and I fell onto her and that was it. Wasnt painful, but it will scramble your brain for a while. Took me nearly 2 weeks to remember things as they happened. You'll recall a lot of white space, thats where your brain shut off. You'll still function though. Kind of an autopilot.
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Dec 30, 2018
I've attempted this with and without opiates & pain isn't a problem. Winding up in ICU.
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Apr 11, 2019
I've attempted this with and without opiates & pain isn't a problem. Winding up in ICU.
This must be a really popular method… I just wish I had done a little more research about how much is actually necessary… Although there's no way I would've ever been able to accumulate the quantity…
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Dec 30, 2018
This must be a really popular method… I just wish I had done a little more research about how much is actually necessary… Although there's no way I would've ever been able to accumulate the quantity…
OMG it is. It's just slow if you live with anyone.
I took it midday with Morphine about 2pm and my boyfriend had no idea until 9am eyes open rolling in the back of my head. Now I suffer not being prescribed any opiates & only a tiny amount of Xanax.
But if you live alone or can get a hotel, from my experience it would have suceeded.
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Apr 11, 2019
OMG it is. It's just slow if you live with anyone.
I took it midday with Morphine about 2pm and my boyfriend had no idea until 9am eyes open rolling in the back of my head. Now I suffer not being prescribed any opiates & only a tiny amount of Xanax.
But if you live alone or can get a hotel, from my experience it would have suceeded.
I can't believe they let you have a Xanax even if it's a limited amount
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Jun 20, 2018
I took a bunch of ativan, and half a bottle of captain and died for about 4 minutes before being revived. I took them all, and was already drunk. I dropped a pill and leaned over to grab it. My dog walked up and my last memories before the void and then flashes of hospital treatment were "oh my Shelby. Youre so soooooooft" and I fell onto her and that was it. Wasnt painful, but it will scramble your brain for a while. Took me nearly 2 weeks to remember things as they happened. You'll recall a lot of white space, thats where your brain shut off. You'll still function though. Kind of an autopilot.

Interesting, I found an article which put: " The central difference between Ativan and Xanax is Ativan leaves a person's system more quickly, reducing the chance of toxicity or side effects. "

So, I guess Ativan is a bit different and might end up differently with Xanax. but how much is "bunch" in your case?

and when you mean scramble, is it in a just "memory" or "thinking" sense?


What Do You See?
Sep 17, 2018
Interesting, I found an article which put: " The central difference between Ativan and Xanax is Ativan leaves a person's system more quickly, reducing the chance of toxicity or side effects. "

So, I guess Ativan is a bit different and might end up differently with Xanax. but how much is "bunch" in your case?

and when you mean scramble, is it in a just "memory" or "thinking" sense?

I stole them from a family member who didnt take them but had 2/3 full bottles. Probably over 100 pills.
The timeline I was given, says I was unresponsive within an hour, I died in the ambulance to the hospital, and was revived within 4 minutes.

Scramble wise, its like being blackout drunk and you have the faintest inkling of it happening. After that goes away, you'll blink and lose hours while being concious. Id go start my car, get to work without knowing I was driving. Then try to leave to go to work without realizing where I am. Memory is impaired for sure, I still have a bad memory to this day. I used to have an idetic memory and thats gone now.
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Dec 30, 2018
I can't believe they let you have a Xanax even if it's a limited amount
The minuscule amount I am still prescribed has me in constant protracted withdrawal & is a large part of my ctb Hellscape. I ve been on it 25+ years. From 8mg/day to 2mg/day.
Its nothing to play with but good for ctb
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
Shittiest method ever,
Didnt kill me, probably wont kill 90% of the people who try.
I just went to sleep for a day or two and woke up in toxicology unit. No pain but useless. I suggest you do this if you want attention not death.
Unless you combine xans with hanging or jumping which I tried but my survival instinct would let me finish
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Jul 31, 2018
I took 40 xanax,40 flexeril,and 20 blood pressure pills, drinking that down with a rum and coke 10 yrs ago,I laid unconscious for 2 days,my brother found me,was taken to the hospital for 2 days of which I have no memory of until I was put in the back of an ambulance and taken to mental facility,after 2 days there I was released ,probably because I had no insurance,and i told them it was an impulsive act.
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Jun 20, 2018
Shittiest method ever,
Didnt kill me, probably wont kill 90% of the people who try.
I just went to sleep for a day or two and woke up in toxicology unit. No pain but useless. I suggest you do this if you want attention not death.
Unless you combine xans with hanging or jumping which I tried but my survival instinct would let me finish

well, It's good to know that it at least works in the "sleep/Unconsciousness part",....... which becomes important when combining with other methods that require it highly.

but just for the sake of compiling data, How much did you take?
I took 40 xanax,40 flexeril,and 20 blood pressure pills, drinking that down with a rum and coke 10 yrs ago,I laid unconscious for 2 days,my brother found me,was taken to the hospital for 2 days of which I have no memory of until I was put in the back of an ambulance and taken to mental facility,after 2 days there I was released ,probably because I had no insurance,and i told them it was an impulsive act.

interesting, which pills were the 40 Xanax, Which mg tabs to be exact?
Last edited:


Jan 7, 2019
Can anyone with a real Xanax OD attempt share an experience?

Things like :

  • the amount of pain although the benzo itself would probably numb the brain
  • How likely it is to actually OD,
  • Any drug/alcohol combo from experience
  • combo with another ctb Method

Thanks in advance,
My brother ODed on Xanax and vodka. He took a whole bottle of pills (they were my mother's and she had just gotten them refilled, although I don't know the exact quantity) and drank almost a whole bottle of vodka and was passed out and not breathing when we found him. If we wouldn't have come home, he would've died.
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
I took somewhere between 15 and 40 mixed with my antipsychotics, not a lot but a friend of mine did 80 and still didnt die
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