everything and nothing at once
- Jun 28, 2024
- 53
Seen often in movies and TV shows, I now wonder if this method could be it. I have heard all of the comments about how dumb this would be and how unreliable that method is buut I really want to see more information on it and wonder if theres any megathred for it or anything. Lethality rates, how and where and how deep to cut yourself, difference between in a bathtub and not (arteries for this one, bathtub for bleeding out). I'm wondering about when blood clotting happens, how likely it is to happen and how to prevent it. Lastly, if you could choose, would a paracetamol od be better or wrist cutting. If your answer is neither drop ur fav methods (without prescription drugs or hanging or jumping or shooting or setting fire). Thanks for anyone whos respondin to this!