Would you do CTB if you reached poverty?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 82.1%
  • No

    Votes: 5 17.9%

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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
I know several people who did CTB before falling into poverty or jail. From a prestigious notary to people with long-term unemployment or evictions. I meet people on the street who survive on the basis of soup kitchens and solidarity aid. I could not. That's why I'm about to CTB. I don't see myself living off charity. I met the father of a friend who hanged himself just before his business went out of business. The debts went with him.
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life is evil
Nov 6, 2020
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
If I didn't have good nutrition and shelter, yes. Hell, I'm close to suicide without facing poverty or homelessness. :pfff:
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Mar 22, 2020
Yes, absolutely!
I just admire those who keep on living in spite of being homeless. How can they be so strong and determined to face life?

Jamas podria hacerlo!!

Being extremely poor would certainly make me ctb instantly with any method. No SI at all.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Yes, there are people who seem to take it all. I do not. I am far from being on the street but I am part of the so-called "precariat"
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
I'm pretty sure 90% of the world is in some form of poverty. Remember if you're not part of the corporate elite, you're in poverty. When you're one medical emergency or car emergency away from being homeless, then you're in poverty. You can make 100k/yr in SF and be considered poor.

Would you CTB if you lost everything financially and ended up homeless? Yeah I would.
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Maybe there is a hope!
Aug 14, 2020
I'm already there, I'm afraid.
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bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
I'm pretty sure 90% of the world is in some form of poverty. Remember if you're not part of the corporate elite, you're in poverty. When you're one medical emergency or car emergency away from being homeless, then you're in poverty. You can make 100k/yr in SF and be considered poor.

Would you CTB if you lost everything financially and ended up homeless? Yeah I would.
Excuse me, but how is it possible? 100,000 euros a year is what a partner in a law firm or a good professional here in Spain charges a year


Mar 17, 2020
I'm close to being poor, I Am currently a neet, my partner supports me, but I Don't Know until When he Will, before that, I want to die
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Excuse me, but how is it possible? 100,000 euros a year is what a partner in a law firm or a good professional here in Spain charges a year

The cost of living in San Francisco is so high that software engineers making 100-120k USD/ a year end up having to live in their cars. Rental for a small 1/1 closet is about 3500/mo. Getting a house in a good neighborhood will be about 2 million. California in general is expensive to live because of taxes, gasoline expenses, and that the state refuses to adjust cost of living increases for people who can't afford it. Most people end up having to bunk or share living spaces to make ends meet.
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Nov 25, 2019
About a year ago I came scarily close to being totally broke and homeless. I was scared but I also felt like I NEEDED to be in a really dire situation to be able to go through with CTB. Maybe if I lost everything then I would be able to do it.

I lost my nerve though, and people helped me. Plus I got a lucky break at the last minute!
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Dec 15, 2020
Broke and in state-funded supported accommodation. Still here. For now.
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bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
The cost of living in San Francisco is so high that software engineers making 100-120k USD/ a year end up having to live in their cars. Rental for a small 1/1 closet is about 3500/mo. Getting a house in a good neighborhood will be about 2 million. California in general is expensive to live because of taxes, gasoline expenses, and that the state refuses to adjust cost of living increases for people who can't afford it. Most people end up having to bunk or share living spaces to make ends meet.
Amazing . He knew poverty in some areas of the US from a documentary, but what he has told me is incredible. 3500 a closet ... really expensive
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Aug 18, 2020
I will fall into poverty in some years. This makes me very suicidal and is likely to kill me. So my answer is yes.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Amazing . He knew poverty in some areas of the US from a documentary, but what he has told me is incredible. 3500 a closet ... really expensive

According to their research, after paying basic bills you lose over 2k dollars every year if you make 100k in San Fran. Also SF has a huge homeless issue, there's so many homeless people in SF and no one really doing much to relieve the problem.

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Mar 22, 2020
Could be worse. Still got a roof and a bit of cheap lager. Kicked out if caught drinking though!

Gonna get wasted in 4 hours and 15 min!
Hope you can join me! lol
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Dec 15, 2020
Gonna get wasted in 4 hours and 15 min!
Hope you can join me! lol
Already started my friend. Might be a bit worse for wear by then but we'll see!
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Mar 20, 2021
Absolutely. I'm still a dependent living with my parents after graduation. The income is just too high for me to find even a studio apartment after graduation even if I were able to find a decent entry-level job that paid 40k or higher. I commend people who are on the streets and hustling everyday. I've spoken to army vets, doctors, lawyers, professors, that were laid off after one bad day/taken off government assistance and forced to beg at gas stations and intersections for money. It's awful, these politicians live in their fancy homes with a nice view, nice spouse, and a few kids and say they are aspiring to establish policies that'll help us improve quality of life. These policies make life easier for the rich and harder for the working-class and or poor. I can't even begin to imagine how much worse it is for people in other countries with much more political corruption, poverty, disease, etc.

I'm not cut out for homelessness or begging. I'd rope on the first day of being homeless
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Mar 17, 2020
El costo de vida en San Francisco es tan alto que los ingenieros de software que ganan entre 100 y 120 mil dólares al año terminan teniendo que vivir en sus autos. El alquiler de un pequeño armario de 1/1 cuesta aproximadamente 3500 / mes. Conseguir una casa en un buen barrio costará unos 2 millones. California, en general, es caro para vivir debido a los impuestos, los gastos de gasolina y porque el estado se niega a ajustar los aumentos del costo de vida para las personas que no pueden pagarlo. La mayoría de las personas terminan teniendo que dormir en literas o compartir espacios de vida para llegar a fin de mes.

Absolutamente. Sigo siendo un dependiente que vive con mis padres después de graduarme. Los ingresos son demasiado altos para que pueda encontrar incluso un apartamento tipo estudio después de graduarme, incluso si pudiera encontrar un trabajo de nivel de entrada decente que pagara 40k o más. Felicito a las personas que están en las calles y se esfuerzan todos los días. He hablado con veteranos del ejército, médicos, abogados, profesores, que fueron despedidos después de un mal día / sin asistencia del gobierno y obligados a mendigar en estaciones de servicio e intersecciones por dinero. Es horrible, estos políticos viven en sus lujosas casas con una linda vista, una buena esposa y algunos hijos y dicen que aspiran a establecer políticas que nos ayuden a mejorar la calidad de vida. Estas políticas hacen la vida más fácil para los ricos y más difícil para la clase trabajadora o los pobres. Puedo'

No estoy hecho para la indigencia o la mendicidad. Me ataría el primer día de estar sin hogar
Capitalism kills
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Here in Spain there is a lot of hidden poverty. Low wages, young people living with their parents after graduation and even working. Exorbitant rents and house prices compared to the median salary. And unemployment.
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Jan 22, 2020
being homeless would be my death sentence. if i couldn't CTB before, i would go to a mountain and let starve did the work. Or cold. I hope not reach that limit.
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Mar 17, 2020
Aquí en España hay mucha pobreza oculta. Salarios bajos, jóvenes que viven con sus padres después de graduarse e incluso trabajan. Rentas y precios de la vivienda exorbitantes en comparación con el salario medio. Y desempleo
During ten years that I have been working, the Last jobs were very precarious, with part-time hours, so, I had to live with the help of others like now
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One step closer
Oct 28, 2020
That is part of my problem right now. Financial issues on top of being chronically Ill and disabled and in terrible pain.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
During ten years that I have been working, the Last jobs were very precarious, with part-time hours, so, I had to live with the help of others like now
I understand you. I have contributed 5 more years but since 2010 I have not had full-time jobs. Even with titles. It's very frustrating
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Nov 4, 2020
I already am living in poverty, l have no cooker,no microwave, no fridge washing machine or dryer! Most of my food comes from food parcels, most evenings l eat a cup a soup and 2 slices of bread! But my dog gets a proper meal so that's a blessing! I wash my clothes in the bathtub. Oh l do have a 20 year old kettle! I hate the flat l exist in and would rather live on the streets! My TV is a 2003 model. I keep looking at my way out and twitching with desire,l could do it right Now but if l did my dog would be trapped in the flat and would suffer a painful death by starvation and l just can't do that to him! I am Close to being a Broken man!
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Reactions: voyager, Isisnefert and bad luck
bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
I already am living in poverty, l have no cooker,no microwave, no fridge washing machine or dryer! Most of my food comes from food parcels, most evenings l eat a cup a soup and 2 slices of bread! But my dog gets a proper meal so that's a blessing! I wash my clothes in the bathtub. Oh l do have a 20 year old kettle! I hate the flat l exist in and would rather live on the streets! My TV is a 2003 model. I keep looking at my way out and twitching with desire,l could do it right Now but if l did my dog would be trapped in the flat and would suffer a painful death by starvation and l just can't do that to him! I am Close to being a Broken man!
I'm really sorry. I do not have a dog but I would be happy with one by my side but the landlady does not allow animals and I know that I could not spend all day with him. I live in an apartment in the city. There is hardly any space. I am very sorry about your circumstances, no one should go hungry or eat cheap always. I had a time when I fasted 5 days a month to save.
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