To me life is not worth living for reasons on top of reasons . But that love or relationship garbage has no meaning for me . i saw past that bs. i have no need to have a romantic relationship, love or even any kind of relationship with a human . it's not like i 've conquered every addiction though. most of my brain still thinks that it needs to wants to do other addictions like youtube garbage , news other crap while everything burns around me. the addiction to youtube distraction social media TV thousands of different things distraction adhd. i did get over that love addiction, friends addiction, and sports addiction, alcohol addiction, smoking addiction, but those are only 5 of which they infected me with.
when i think about it logically rationally , part of my brain realizes that nothing matters except avoiding extreme suffering and extreme pain and that to me then suicide asap would be the only rational act for me .
There are also biological prisons like hunger for food , thirst for water, need for sleep , the avoidance of pain , boredom, that i don't see a way for me to overcome especially not rapidly. so we are all slaves to the body needs, these are instincts that even human babies have. the only way to overcome these prisons slavery is for me to kill this brain asap.
No one can give me a reason for why i have to get a gf or "find love" . no one can say an objective reason for why i have to live another minute or to do anything.
The only real things are extreme suffering , unending constant unbearable pain and extreme torture. any human or other sentient animal can fall into an inescapable trap of long lasting extreme torture any day. non-existence forever is the only way to be safe from these hells nightmares beyond comprehension. non-existence forever is the only perfection. 1 nano second after this brain dies is non-existence forever i will cease to exist and never exist again.
nothing matters except me avoiding extreme suffering and extreme pain. what will matter in 150 years? 10,000 years? a trillion years? nothing . but i can't and won't go through extreme pain. i can skip over a youtube video or a "pleasurable experience" or a relationship as that garbage will be forgotten after Death and certainly after a trillion years. after Death is non-existence forever.
imo all these addictions including the biological ones are sub addictions to the main addiction the addiction to me if i think about it rationally if i love anything in life/ existence / consciousness or this world then i'm loving life /existence/ consciousness / this world . so for me i need to steer myself towards loving only the escape from this world / life / existence /consciousness and to non-existence forever, to love only the escape and non-existence forever
This love or relationship garbage is a scam like life is also. i've seen many many on this site wanting to kill themselves because someone broke up with in them in a romantic relationship. so the breakup causes extreme suffering. that's only one reason why that is a scam but there are more. and this love scam is a sub scam of the bigger scam life. "i want to live to find love" . both are totally unecessary.
only non-existence forever can guarantee never any excruciating pain, extreme suffering , unbearable pain ,bad problems nor bad memories . life and relationships cause pain and problems there was never a need for