

Liberty or Death
Apr 30, 2020
Just went out to buy a pack of fags from the machine in the hood and got assaulted by the local chav and his dog (late evening).
I went out the door and there he was standing with his rottweiler around the corner. Said Hi returned Hi.
When I came back he was still there and said "You are back again", and I said "Yeah that's obvious", given the relatively short proximity to the cigarette machine.
The young man roughly in his early twenties dressed like proper townie commenced to verbally and physically abuse me.
It doesn't sound like much, but that mofo pushed and kicked me in the leg causing some small cuts and bruises.
I decided not to smash his face in and am now left thinking if I should have called the police..

Given my relationship to the authorities and potential secret police involvement makes this situation ever more precarious.
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May 8, 2021
I don't know, but acab. I don't think calling the cops is ever a good idea unless you're genuinely in danger.
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May 29, 2021
I think you should have beat his ass
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Become Dust With Me, My Love.
Dec 17, 2019
I don't have an answer but I hope you're okay and I'm sorry that happened.

I mean yeah, you should call the cops but I understand not wanting to be involved. I think I probably would be healed from my sexual assault if the police had never been called (not by me) it just made everything worse and tbh they traumatized me as much
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Not Really Here
Apr 28, 2021
I probably wouldn't have if it ended after just a few scratches cause I'd assume he's got issues.
But if there was a decent amount of blood/cuts like enough to make me feel I need stitches then yea cops are being called.
In my case if it got that bad and I went to the ER without a witness to how it happened i could be sent back to the ward smh
Last December I cut most the top of my finger pad off cutting an avocado and they wouldn't give up on trying to get me to 'confess' to doing it on purpose. So yea be careful. But if its justa few scratches might just be better to let it go and avoid him if you ever catch his face again.
motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Calling the cops would just make the situation worse
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Jan 22, 2021
I think you should've kicked his head and taken care of the dog
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Liberty or Death
Apr 30, 2020
Problem is, I see this idiot all the time and I suspect hes part of the stasi program.
If there is no accountability for this piece of trash (at least overtly) he might think he can get away with attacking me again..
Maybe its time to get some pepper spray or something lol
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BLOOD COUNTESS. ashes ashes, we all fall down
Jun 2, 2021
Just went out to buy a pack of fags from the machine in the hood and got assaulted by the local chav and his dog (late evening).
I went out the door and there he was standing with his rottweiler around the corner. Said Hi returned Hi.
When I came back he was still there and said "You are back again", and I said "Yeah that's obvious", given the relatively short proximity to the cigarette machine.
The young man roughly in his early twenties dressed like proper townie commenced to verbally and physically abuse me.
It doesn't sound like much, but that mofo pushed and kicked me in the leg causing some small cuts and bruises.
I decided not to smash his face in and am now left thinking if I should have called the police..

Given my relationship to the authorities and potential secret police involvement makes this situation ever more precarious.
as a gutterpunk, id never call the fuzz for any reason other than to set em up for a genocide. but if i was you, i woulda followed that fuck home, without anyone around, knifed him fast, and be gone. just sayin,,,, trains are always runnin and you can always catch one.


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Sep 16, 2020
Well in an ideal world you could go the shop without worrying about getting your head caved in or simply teased. But we don't live in an ideal world, I think you know this.
Talking cocky to them is asking for the situation,
I think with hindsight you may have just said 'yes' again to the idiotic question.
But big words like 'obvious' appear obnoxious to these sort.

If you ring the police you will no doubt get called a grass, snitch,
The sad thing is most of these goons are informing to the police themselves or claim they hate the police then when another gang is about to hurt them they run crying dropping names.

If I was in that situation I'd put it down to live and learn my mistake and just be prepared to stand up for myself if they try anything again.

If you ring the police making statements it's cementing a situation now and if they are like people round here you could be looking forward to being accused of all sorts, rumors made up about you to defame your character.

I've had alot of experience with chav type from the estates because when I was an angry teenager It took me years to realise I was not suffering because of these people but because the people who influence them are evil scum. I'm now middle aged and get on with them pass time of day.
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May 27, 2020
Yes. I had a similar experience to this with a chav and I called the police, but the scumbag got away with it anyway. Where I live acting rough and tough is seen as a badge of honour by some people; punching others for no reason is considered okay.
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Mar 22, 2020
We have some kind of chavs here called "turros".
They're really annoying and almost got assaulted once. I really hated myself because I just got frozen and couldn't do anything that time but fortunately, nothing happened to me.

As for the cops, yeah, maybe that would've been the best but I wouldn't have probably called them either.


Life is temporary, death is permanent
Sep 26, 2019
Problem is, I see this idiot all the time and I suspect hes part of the stasi program.
If there is no accountability for this piece of trash (at least overtly) he might think he can get away with attacking me again..
Maybe its time to get some pepper spray or something lol
If you see them all the time, then maybe I would. But you need to first check if anything will actually happen. Like will it be a slap on the wrist type of thing or will it be something more.

I'm in the USA and had something similar. I ended up having the cops go after the person and while they didn't do much. Afterwards the person found out I have no problem getting the law involved and they ended up having some level of respect for me. Even watching out for me a few times.
Keep in mind, I'm in a place where if I really wanted to push it the person could get jail time. Like they don't put up with that stuff here. So for me it makes way more sense to call them.

So it depends on your area, if you trust the cops, if anything would realistically happen, and how you feel the person will act afterwards. Like if he is a nut and you called the cops. It's possible he might knife you later at some point. Keep in mind, there is a pretty good chance this won't kill you, but it will cause you to have major medical bills or pain for the rest of your life.
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I want to Insert something profound here
May 30, 2021
I guess if it got really violent (which you could say it did, depends how you view it) I may have called the police or certainly phoned and made a record about what happened. But considering they caused you actual physical damage that's a criminal charge there.

but as you said before with your involvement and situation currently ongoing with the police I can see why you might be hesitant to talk to them

I guess I normally act as friendly and polite to everyone as I can possibly be and normally people leave me alone because of this realising I pose no real threat. So I've never really been physically attacked. I've always attempted to deescalate tense situations too by just being as calm and collected as possible. I really can't be doing with petty and pathetic arguments because some scum bag feels it necessary to act tough and not actually use their common sense. Its Just best to give people like this no reason at all to respond aggressively as they will take a rise out of anything and try to avoid them or if you can't you just have to be really non hostile

There was this one time though that made me laugh, I was probably around 18 at the time and I was getting chips lobbed at me by some proper scummy youths, around 3 of them and maybe no older than 13/14 at a kfc. I actually picked the chips up they had thrown and went over to them and told them these are for eating, you're not a chimp at a teaparty and then They started mouthing off at me and wanted to fight me. Proper aggressively too like I had walked into some gangland dispute. Maybe they thought I was with the King of burgers BK, or the Ron the Don Macdonald I was laughing so hard at how friggen absurd the whole thing was. In all fairness this was before they improved the way they cooked the chips so personally I think throwing them away was a better option.

some people just like looking for a fight and a problem no matter what. maybe they feel they have something to prove
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Soulless Angel

Soulless Angel

Did someone say Rum?
Jul 6, 2020
Pointless calling the police, I got assaulted a few months back, called the police pushed to press charges, yet the *punishment* she got meant she literally got away with forcing her way into my home and laying her hands on me
IF she ever does it again, I won't hold myself responsible to my retaliation and will just claim mental health diminished responsibility to any damage that may come to her.

As someone up there said, using the word obviously may have come across as obnoxious, and could have triggered him, but fuck him, you aren't to know how someones going to react to potential sarcasm!


May 28, 2021
No, I wouldn't call the cops but I think I would've defended myself if that had happened to me


BLOOD COUNTESS. ashes ashes, we all fall down
Jun 2, 2021
No, I wouldn't call the cops but I think I would've defended myself if that had happened to me
yeah fuck the pigs. theyre as much an enemy to me as the chavs. the only time id call them fux is to make a fake call and have my gutterpunx waitin at the "scene' with ar 15s to gun em down when they arrive. fuck the police. protect yerself. the pigs might come and fuck you up too. theyre insane. remember - dunkin donuts isnt a store. its a precinct


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Feb 9, 2021
I have no love for cops personally; if someone hits you you've definitely got the right to call but I guess the question is how likely they would be to do something useful or whether they would even get there in time to do something useful.

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