
Aug 18, 2020
I know this question probably depends on the context and has to be described more accurately. I don't know that much about comas. How much of them are still conscious? I think due to the risk of being conscious while that coma many people would reject it.

Let's say you are not conscious during that coma. Many here have suicidal ideation or the desire to stop existing. Would it make for you a difference whether you are really dead or just in an eternal sleep (till you die)? Also here I should specify it. Our loved ones would probably worry about us and hope that we would wake up one day. Moreover they would not have the information whether we still can perceive our environment. I think vigilant coma is for many people an horror scenario.

Holy shit I just skimmed through an article about vigilant coma. That sounds like extreme torture. But one has to differentiate with the locked-in syndrome

It seems like it is likely that most people in vigilant coma are not conscious. However people with locked-in syndrome are.

"Locked-in syndrome (LIS), also known as pseudocoma, is a condition in which a patient is aware but cannot move or communicate verbally due to complete paralysis of nearly all voluntary muscles in the body except for vertical eye movements and blinking. The individual is conscious and sufficiently intact cognitively to be able to communicate with eye movements"

Here is the difference:

Persistent vegetative state: (I called it vigilant coma)

"A persistent vegetative state (PVS) or post-coma unresponsiveness[1] (PCU) is a disorder of consciousness in which patients with severe brain damage are in a state of partial arousal rather than true awareness. After four weeks in a vegetative state (VS), the patient is classified as being in a persistent vegetative state. This diagnosis is classified as a permanent vegetative state some months (three in the US and six in the UK) after a non-traumatic brain injury or one year after a traumatic injury. The term unresponsive wakefulness syndrome may be alternatively used,[2] as "vegetative state" has some negative connotations among the public."

Both quotes from wikipedia

That thread was educational for me. But the latter one scares that shit out of me. I often think I hate my life and that my life tortures me. But when I read stories of some people in this forum I think in some instances I am still privileged. (for the moment).

But to know that are thousands of people locked inside their body without being able to communicate is pretty nightmarish. It must be hell on earth.

I can at least vent about my pain. But not even scratching my body would make me go insane. I mean they torture people with sensational deprivation. Sounds similar to the locked-in syndrome.

However I have to say I am a complete layman and take my words with a grain of salt. I just searched some online articles that is even less than half-knowledge.

I might accept eternal sleep under certain conditions.
1. No risk of being conscious
2. My family and friends knew I would not suffer
3. Nothing that could turn the sleep into a severe agonizing condition

Edit: One probably had to differentiate between sleeping and coma but the thread is already way too long.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
God no- I don't like half measures. It's death or life and no in between. I think that's kinder on me and my family.

If the question is more- would you choose to abandon your sentience? So- be alive- eat, drink, work, sleep, relax, feel SOME emotions but maybe not be so quite aware of everything- that's more tempting. I think consciousness and self awareness and memory has a lot to do with why we're all here (suicidal.)

Yes- it would mean losing our character to the greater extent I expect. Maybe we wouldn't even be aware of that though. I'd love to worry less. Still- maybe we wouldn't be capable of developing the depth of relationships that we do. It's hard to say isn't it? I'm imagining it would be more like living as animals do- just accepting stuff more. Still- animals have characters of their own and form deep bonds with one another.

CTB probably STILL seems more appealing to be honest! Sorry for going off-topic!


unfortunate geometry (Toby)
Jan 23, 2023
My view's definitely skewed since I've been in a coma and recovered before, but it's a hard no from me whether my consciousness remains in some capacity or not. It's not even really about loved ones or medical bills or the risk of being trapped perpetually in my own head.
I just don't want anyone violating my body unless I'm decidedly not in it at all, unless it's not my body but a body, y'know? Don't mean anything particularly bad either, just any touching is violation to be honest. The thought of nurses taking measures to prevent muscle wasting or someone holding my hand bedside makes it nonviable.

Kinda funny and overly dramatic but quite literally TLDR: I'd die before having another catheter put in, whether I know it's happening or not.
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Jan 14, 2023
I'm not sure.. at first I thought 'yes' because it's very close to death, I'm not conscious or anything. But.. I'm still alive. And like boxtobs said I would hate the idea of my body being violated in any way. But if I just happened to fall into a permanent coma I would take it. It would mean all my problems solved, after all. But if I had the option of a coma or death, I would always choose death.


Jan 25, 2023
The very definition of Hell would be aware but unable to even blink one's eyes, anything. I'm pretty sure that even blinking eyes is impossible in cases of puffer fish poisoning, for example. I've read it's customary in Japan to lay the body on a table outside the casket for abt 48-72 hours to see if person suddenly wakes up bodily. There were cases of people put in graves while fully conscious, buried alive. Some were still able to breathe somehow and dug themselves out, hence, zombie myths. Total, unmitigated Hell.
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irl comic relief
Feb 11, 2023

What's the point of being alive if you're in a permanent, unsolvable coma?


ready to go, just waiting for the right time!
Dec 31, 2022
if there was no risk of being conscious then yeah. it wouldnt be any different than death for me. i dont really like the idea of people touching my body but i dont think thatd matter since there would just be nothingness for me anyway

if i were to have any amount of consciousness though then fuck no. being alive but not being able to move or speak or do anything is my biggest nightmare


May 9, 2023
I think some of us just get to a point where it's a risk we're willing to take. Even shotgun to head, which from my understanding is the most efficient way has risk of living without a face. I'm slowly yet surely getting to a point where I'm seriously questioning whether I care about the risks anymore.

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