

I remember...death in the afternoon...
Nov 7, 2020
I've been thinking about how if suicide was accepted and tolerated by society, it would probably make the world a better place to live in, not a worse one.

For example, let's take bullying into account. A lot of folks will tell you to "just grow up and deal with it" when you are bullied; most people do, even if they feel extremely depressed and suicidal due to habitual mistreatment by others. However, if suicide was accepted and supported by our society, some people who had too much lingering trauma from being bullied would take their own lives instead. Society, not wanting to see more of its members offing themselves, would be forced to seriously combat bullying to prevent future deaths. Therefore, bullying's problem in society could be reduced to irrelevance, all because suicide was legal. This applies to many other issues I see frequently brought up on these boards, like poverty, bigotry, etc.

Am I insane for believing this, or does it actually make sense?
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"Everything is meaningless" ~King Solomon
Apr 10, 2021
I'm not sure but I know freedom of choice, proper support, understanding and help would.
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Похорони меня возле МКАДа
Jul 4, 2020
I would say, the world would be a better place if there generally would be more acceptance and understanding for anything (except Necrophilia, Child P***, Pedop**, Cannibalism, Rape, Torture and other inhumane things)..
For example, imagine being gay or transgender and just walking around in the public "like this". In my city, it's just impossible and you would get beaten up or shoot.

I even heard that Poland has something called "No-LGBT Zones". So, you tell me that if someone is bi or asexual, he can't go into those zones?
I'm actually straight but I don't think that this is something that should be called "normal".
I actually think that it's something like a "general preference" that people choose to be together with people of the other gender and/or people with different preferences. In other words, something like being "normal" by being straight, doesn't really exist.

The same thing goes for the whole suicide thing.
I personally think that it doesn't really matter if you choose to take matters into your own hands or let the fate choose the ending for you, you will die anyway unless Mr. Musk develops some immortality technology by digitizing yourself to an virtual world or some superior being adopts you as their pet and injects you with something that stops you from dying or aging.
So, what's the matter with suicide? Is it really that bad? I don't think so.
It doesn't really matter if you take your own life or let it happen naturally, the end of our lives will always be the same... death..
the eternal darkness
the afterlife
the void
the rebirth / the isekai / the reincarnation
the heaven or the hell..

Choose whatever pleases you and hope it's real and think it's real. Maybe it's real. Maybe there are some other explanations to this. Who knows.
Since I'm giving a fck about religion and the holy writings on those toilet papers, I don't really thing there's something like heaven or hell.
I personally think that maybe there is an afterlife/rebirth or the void which slowly drives you insane till you begin to talk with yourself but I don't have any proof that any of those really exists

In other words.. nope. I don't think it would be a better place but it would be more tolerated and you won't be sent to psych ward unless you really want to recover or something like that
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Not Really Here
Apr 28, 2021
I got on the topic of this recently with my mother.
She insists that the government wants to kill down our population but didn't have a real answer to why suicide isn't accepted or assisted here when I asked. But I think the world would likely end up filled with mostly uncaring people since the people who suffer are usually the ones who express care more often because they understand. But on the other hand maybe the world would be a happier place with most people being content with life.


Mar 22, 2020
Yeah, it would be quite nice they did that and also that they stopped forcing every single human to live no matter what!
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Yes, I get exactly the point you mean. I am an believer of pro choice and I strongly believe that it is a basic human right to have an peaceful death, we never asked to be alive in the first place. I think it would greatly reduce the amount of suffering that human beings are forced to go through. It would be beneficial in terms of curing illnesses, as many more people with physical health problems would ctb because of their conditions if it was accepted. This would lead to more research into cures.

I just think at least there should be an general acceptance of suicide in the case persistent suffering with no end (assisted dying legal everywhere) Maybe it shouldn't be normalised in every case as it might not be what someone truly wants and they are doing it in response to momentary pain. It might throw into chaos the order of society (i.e working class people ctb because of their position, and these people are needed for capitalist society to function.
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Mar 24, 2021
Suicide should be accepted because no one should be forced to live. We are all going to die some day so why force people to suffer until we are 100 years old. In Japan, Aokigahara Jukai, there is a suicide forest, people go here to kill themselves. Two journalists went there and in the train on their way to the forest they talked about suicide:

Emil: "If you kill yourself, then you are not normal."
Magnus: "I do not agree."
Emil: "If you commit suicide, you are not at your senses, you are not normal."
Magnus: "Yes, you are normal, you have decided to die, you do not want to live for various reasons, you are not crazy."
Emil: "No, you do not have to be crazy."
Magnus: "There is nothing wrong, you just do not want to live."
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Aug 19, 2019
I'm not sure if it would make the world a better place but I feel like it would give people like us a huge sense of relief instead of feeling pressured, anxious and obligated to stay because society says we should.
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Maybe for some people but the majority of people would probably end up feeling sad or whatever at all the people lost.


Apr 5, 2020
Yes, I do think it would make the world a better place. It's like affording trans rights to transgender people. It would benefit a small fraction of humans while not harming others. People will commit suicide whether or not you make it easy for them. Making it easier for them simply reduces their suffering on their way out.


Jan 23, 2021
That would make only psychopathic self indulgent non caring people be left in the end since they very rarely commit suicide.


Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
I think it would.

one of my close friends died a few weeks ago and iv tried to have the conversation with other friends who knew him that he's no longer in pain, he's where he wants to be. To accept his decision. But it's not accepted, it's still like they just wish he was here, even though he was in pain.


the stars will aid my escape
Dec 18, 2019
Obviously yes. What negatives does suicide have?

1) It makes the living feel bad.

2) Some methods may take a while or hurt because most people don't have access to painless euthanasia.

If suicide was accepted:

1) The living wouldn't be as upset about it. They would understand that suicide is a valid choice and be happy that those who have passed on wouldn't have to suffer anymore. (Losing someone you love would still be sad, but when you accept it, you can move on and be less selfish.)

2) Suicidal people wouldn't have to result to fringe methods. They could get the care they need.
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Mar 28, 2021
I don't believe acceptance of suicide would necessarily force society to repair the difficulties that often lead to it.

Call me cynical, but if anything, our deaths are considered advantageous in some situations to preserve the present paradigm and resist change. Although this will never be admitted by those who prescribe to society's modus operandi.

For example, health services knowing that we have euthanasia as an option may have even less of an incentive to help people in pain. The current health service and welfare system in my country already routinely - and in many cases knowingly - push people to suicide without being held to account.

However, I do think acceptance of suicide and the provision of peaceful options is far more humane than the current status quo. If life is a human right, then death ought to be as well.

It would stop people from resorting to painful, public, terrifying or unreliable methods out of desperation. It would stop people from scrambling for sources out of fear that these means will be further restricted or even removed, which can result in some people accelerating their suicide in case they lose the opportunity in future. It would stop people from suffering for years solely because the accepted norm is to preserve all life, regardless of the quality of it or the individual's wishes. It would stop people from being left with permanent brain or bodily damage as a consequence of unsuccessful attempts, causing further unnecessary suffering.

Suicide needs to stop being seen as irrational and due to a lack of mental capacity. Wanting to live for the maximum time possible no matter what is not the only valid view in existence.

Some people want to live for as long as they can, some people want the polar opposite. I understand both perspectives. We all deserve autonomy, respect and to have a choice.
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I predict...
Apr 28, 2021
If suicide was accepted:

1) The living wouldn't be as upset about it. They would understand that suicide is a valid choice and be happy that those who have passed on wouldn't have to suffer anymore. (Losing someone you love would still be sad, but when you accept it, you can move on and be less selfish.)
...and if the living are still upset and unable to move on, they can simply kill themselves as well.
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
I think it would for starters no one would have to find a dead body of a loved one, children may delay CTB knowing they can wait until the legal age, and by that time circumstances may have changed. You can discuss it with family and friends so there not shocked by your sudden departure, you can discuss funeral arrangements and friends and family have no choice but to accept your decision so the grieving process will be over sooner and they get on with their lives. I hope I would have the option to donate my organs so I am actually saving lives.

I'm afraid we will have to wait a long time for the UK to accept anything near to assisted suicide.


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Dec 26, 2020
This makes sense to me. Trauma of many kind has pushed me to suicidality. From child abuse, bullying, sexual assaults/harrassment, etc. The trauma is life long and some days and I am just convincing myself to die. But it isn't very simple.

I believe that if the shame around suicide was alleviated and it was recognized as a valid choice I feel people would feel more at ease. Instead of fearing shame for talking about suicidality, and creating a safe place to talk about the option of euthanasia, people may feel more inclined to seek out other options. All while knowing that an option to escape is always there. The reality is that life is harsh. Not everything about life is bad, however, many horrible thigns occur to innocent people and children. So much abuse, corruption, and misery. Everyone tries their best. Some people even go through the mental health system for help and recovery. Some people are able to find a sense of peace despite all their troubles. Some people just cannot handle the trauma of what they have experienced. And sometimes suicide may be the right option. Some mental pain, I believe, is chronic. And therapy and medication may not always be enough. As for what that limit is, it'd subjective as pain is subjective.

Having the conversation and breaking the stigma is what's important. And like you said @it's_all_a_game I feel if many children/teens started killing themselves then people would be forced to make a change. Sadly, people only care when peoples lives are dropping quickly. It's a sad world.
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Feb 15, 2021
Perhaps it would be a better place. I imagine for some people, hating their life makes them unkind to others. I know it is the case for me, if I'm not in a good mindset, I can't be nice, I don't find energy to do good things, I annoy people who ask what's wrong and I don't answer etc.

That person who's not smiling while scanning the products you bought cause they hate their lif, guess if that one would disappear (if there would be a easy choice to), they'd be replaced with someone smiling, who chooses to stay here and enjoys it.

I think we can see even in that scenario how it'd improve the world. We all like to see welcoming people.

I don't know...
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New Member
May 28, 2021
I think it would be a better place. If it would be accepted there would be help fo somone who wants to die and it probably reduce the suicide attempts who go wrong or even hurt others.
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