
New Member
Aug 2, 2019
I plan on hanging myself very soon but I'm just so nervous. I heard from another source that sleep aids would help me relax and make it easier to pass out. Is this true? Or is it a bad idea to add large amounts of medication to hanging? Any other ideas or tips?


Aug 4, 2019
Over the counter drugs would include:

Diphenhydramine (Nytol) - this will just make you tired and in high doses, delirious
Dextromethorphan/DXM - this will make you feel sick, racing heart, but does have fairly strong painkilling effects. Doses above 400mg are generally very pukey and unpleasant
Some form of codeine - proper cold water extraction procedure could get enough out of a few boxes to give a dose which is strong opioid effects and painkiller, also lots of nausea and itching
Metoclopramide - may help nausea but will cause apathy and sleepiness, but not relaxation

The only thing available legally which has the kind of effects you're looking for is alcohol. Lots of it. But even that will not dull your senses enough to not notice that you're hanging by your neck and can't breathe. It will lower your inhibitions, may make you unconscious if you manage to consume a large amount without vomiting. But few things will make you sleep through a hanging, not even prescribed sleeping pills.


Jul 7, 2019
it is really easy to get benzos with psychiatrists, you can say that you have terrible anxiety and sleep issues and you are looking for something that helps at least short term. they will prescribe you some other medications with your benzos, probably SSRIs but you don't need to take them of course. and if you don't like benzodiazepines there are some alternatives like pregabalin which I've heard is available over the counter in some countries, at least it is in the one i live in but that may not be your case.

as far as i know, most OTC sleep aid has either negative or no effect in mood improvement, a very common side effect in most of them is actually depression so you will end up worse than you were before and they don't give you any courage like alcohol or benzos will do.


Aug 6, 2019
Taking drugs before attempting suicide is a mixed bag. On the one hand, they might blunt the survival instinct and make it easier to go through with. On the other hand, they might make you just happy or just numb enough to convince you to limp on another day, or dull your motor skills and mental faculties enough to result in a failed attempt.

I would suggest that "large" amounts are going to be more likely to result in a failure than a success, but I am planning on using a Valium and a bit of fine liquor when I go. May as well go out relaxed and almost happy...ish.

So perhaps it's like most things in life, where finding the right balance is what makes all the difference.

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