I have given this scene some thought, and in my mind, I would pour my N into the cup, and before drinking it I would put the bottle, and medication wrappers, cartons, everything in a plastic grocery sack, tie it closed, and walk down the hotel sidewalk to find one of the outside trash cans, throw it in there. Then I would have a coca cola or some dark drink in the bottle or can, and immediately after drinking N, I would fill the cup with the dark liquid, as if that was the last thing I drank. That is about the most control I would have, and not leave anything there in the room to make it easy. And, sorry to say, or maybe glad to say, the public servants that respond, don't get that into a scene, if they can just wrap it up with their own judgment, like hmmm, undetermined cause of death, case closed. Of course I am assuming you are not going to leave a note saying it is suicide and you were the only person involved in it, right?