
Oct 16, 2018
This world is over populated with humans so why can't useless good for nothing depressives like myself just have an easy way to end it and leave more space for the people who actually want to be Here. Hanging myself is so hard to muster up the courage for
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your pathologist

your pathologist

Sep 5, 2018
Im im favor

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A Nihilist
Oct 25, 2018
Yep. You're right.
I feel sorry more for this world than for myself.
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Oct 6, 2018
Because the government benefits from you while you are still alive.
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Oct 6, 2018
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Sep 19, 2018
No matter what the human population is, the right to die should be universal and absolute.
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Oct 6, 2018
Yep. You're right.
I feel sorry more for this world than for myself.
I feel sorry for the people who think this world is great and they keep having kids in it. More like angry actually
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your pathologist

your pathologist

Sep 5, 2018
I feel sorry for the people who think this world is great and they keep having kids in it. More like angry actually

I used to get on a bus in middle school with this family that had 10 biological children attending the school, ages 6-18.
They appatently had older siblings too.
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A Nihilist
Oct 25, 2018
I feel sorry for the people who think this world is great and they keep having kids in it. More like angry actually
Yes. It is a world where this rule rules - Survival of the fittest.
Herbivores have eyes on the sides of their faces so that they can cover a wider region in their field of view. Carnivores have eyes in the front so that they can pin-point their prey. Its a cruel world. Nature has endowed every living creature with something to fight with. Look around yourself. Everywhere you look, its a fight going on. A fight to survive. Those of us who have plenty of resources to keep our bellies full are busy chasing temporary happiness. When we are in high school we want to pass with flying colors and have a beautiful girlfriend. When we are in college we want a job when we graduate and marry that girl whom we met in highschool. In most cases, she has already dumped you. Then we marry. Then have kids. Its just a meaningless stupid chase of one temporary happiness after the other. When the kids grow, we want them to support us. Then we want to have a peaceful and fun retirement. Then we want to be healthy. Then we want a peaceful death after having adorable grandchildren. We set up a target of achieving a "temporary happiness" in every 3-4 years. Sometimes we achieve it. Sometimes we don't. We keep fighting and fighting and fighting until the day we go pufffff. And this stupid body requires constant maintenance.
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A Nihilist
Oct 25, 2018
Some chase permanent happiness which can be achieved, theoretically, by indulging in these things - charity, religion and spirituality, science, human development et cetera. What is the point of doing anything when the final destination of you and of the people you do things for is non-existence. People talk of public welfare and charity and human development and feedin the poor and whatnot. If you see a homeless child, you feel sorry for him. But if you see a homeless stray dog, you don't feel anything. People say there is pain an suffering in human lives. Yes there is. But go and look how much pain there is in forests and in wildlife. Animals battle all the seconds they live to survive. We eat other animals while no one wants to be eaten by an animal higher than us in the food chain. Its all life. Then why are we so partial in "welfare". It all sucks
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A Nihilist
Oct 25, 2018
Is our species the only species which requires "welfare"? Only the strong and intelligent have the right to be happy? I don't think so. I can write dozens of books criticizing how stupid human beings are when they talk positively for life.
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Gene pool mistake
Oct 21, 2018
It's because government (of any country) wants us to be alive to do some job : working, joining army, participating in elections e.t.c. They will always try to make benefit from every single person who still breaths. There may be some additional reasons which depends on the country. For example, my country today is a big religious swamp. People know nothing about things like euthanasia, cause ... you know, Jesus does not allow suicide. Just suffer and enjoy your "life".
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
Some chase permanent happiness which can be achieved, theoretically, by indulging in these things - charity, religion and spirituality, science, human development et cetera. What is the point of doing anything when the final destination of you and of the people you do things for is non-existence. People talk of public welfare and charity and human development and feedin the poor and whatnot. If you see a homeless child, you feel sorry for him. But if you see a homeless stray dog, you don't feel anything. People say there is pain an suffering in human lives. Yes there is. But go and look how much pain there is in forests and in wildlife. Animals battle all the seconds they live to survive. We eat other animals while no one wants to be eaten by an animal higher than us in the food chain. Its all life. Then why are we so partial in "welfare". It all sucks

Because if everyone acted like there was no point then there would be no point if anyone suffered or not since it's all destined to disappear one day.
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A Nihilist
Oct 25, 2018
It's because government (of any country) wants us to be alive to do some job : working, joining army, participating in elections e.t.c. They will always try to make benefit from every single person who still breaths. There may be some additional reasons which depends on the country. For example, my country today is a big religious swamp. People know nothing about things like euthanasia, cause ... you know, Jesus does not allow suicide. Just suffer and enjoy your "life".
They brainwash us with the idea that Jesus doesn't like suicide because they want to use us. Everyone. Even our parents use us. Not intentionally but they do. Our parents want us to live and be "happy" because if we don't then they will suffer pain. Its a very different kind of selfishness. Its the selfishness in love. Our parents want us to be happy and working because this makes them happy. Why bring new lives into this world for such selfishness? Parents don't want to give lives to us. No thats not why they bring us here. They bring us here because they will feel happy to have kids. Its so selfish if you think deeply about it. Some parents don't do it for even this reason. Some just like having sex and boom we are here to suffer. I have never seen any newly married couple say that they want a child to give somone(who doesn't even exist now) a life. No. They want kids for their own happiness.
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A Nihilist
Oct 25, 2018
Parents want a cute little thing to love. Not thinking that that cute little thing will grow up one day and will have to face this stupid cruel world.
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Gene pool mistake
Oct 21, 2018
They brainwash us with the idea that Jesus doesn't like suicide because they want to use us. Everyone. Even our parents use us. Not intentionally but they do. Our parents want us to live and be "happy" because if we don't then they will suffer pain. Its a very different kind of selfishness. Its the selfishness in love. Our parents want us to be happy and working because this makes them happy. Why bring new lives into this world for such selfishness? Parents don't want to give lives to us. No thats not why they bring us here. They bring us here because they will feel happy to have kids. Its so selfish if you think deeply about it. Some parents don't do it for even this reason. Some just like having sex and boom we are here to suffer. I have never seen any newly married couple say that they want a child to give somone(who doesn't even exist now) a life. No. They want kids for their own happiness.

Your words forced me to think deeply about it. And it's like ... It's true. Moreover, I am one of those people who want to start family because this will make me happy (probably). And I'll have meaning in my so-called "life". But you're right, I am not thinking about future of my unborn and not existing child. You're goddamn right. I am selfish too. I know this world, I know how awful it is, but still I wish I had a family..
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A Nihilist
Oct 25, 2018
Your words forced me to think deeply about it. And it's like ... It's true. Moreover, I am one of those people who want to start family because this will make me happy (probably). And I'll have meaning in my so-called "life". But you're right, I am not thinking about future of my unborn and not existing child. You're goddamn right. I am selfish too. I know this world, I know how awful it is, but still I wish I had a family..
I am surprised to read such a response. If I say things like this among "normal" people, I am seen with eyes full of hate and disgust and am called psychopath. I am happy to see that you understand.
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Gene pool mistake
Oct 21, 2018
I am surprised to read such a response. If I say things like this among "normal" people, I am seen with eyes full of hate and disgust and am called psychopath. I am happy to see that you understand.

Well, probably it's because I am not normal person. Like I said before, you're right. Your thoughts made me feel those strange goosebumps on my shoulders again, when I learn something new about this world. I want to share some thoughts with you as well. My gf has got a lot of friends who got married, and ofc they always post dozens of stuff connected with their children on Instagram. And of course this makes everyone smile, and my gf is not an exception. She finds it very cute. As for me, I always feel something inside me while watching all this stuff. I know something's up ! I just don't quite know what exactly is up. All these girls just flaunt their children for everyone. Like it's an exhibition, not real life. They probably do it for their own happiness (and for their Instagram followers of course). And you know what ? I can't talk on such serious topics with her and other normal people... I just can't


Oct 3, 2018
Because we live in a hypocritical society that can't deal with death, and actual freedom of choice and self-determination. You're allowed to choose whichever flavor of soda you want, but not whether to use hard drugs, or simply die.
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A Nihilist
Oct 25, 2018
And you know what ? I can't talk on such serious topics with her and other normal people... I just can't

I think that the people who created this website did something really powerful in doing so. Things that people don't talk about in "normal" life can be discussed extensively here among people who are complete strangers to each other.
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Aug 31, 2018
And the population will continue to keep growing. I think it's because of religion teaching people ending your life is wrong. This also even carries onto non-religious people. But I think eventually we'll get to that point of physician assisted suicide for even non-terminal illnesses and other reasons. One day, people will look back on the this time and think it's cruel that people either had to suffer for a long time or resort to suicide methods which aren't always peaceful and die alone. One day people will wonder why we didn't just offer N to people who want to die.
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Sep 8, 2018
Your words forced me to think deeply about it. And it's like ... It's true. Moreover, I am one of those people who want to start family because this will make me happy (probably). And I'll have meaning in my so-called "life". But you're right, I am not thinking about future of my unborn and not existing child. You're goddamn right. I am selfish too. I know this world, I know how awful it is, but still I wish I had a family..

Recently came across antinatalism which has a lot of similarities with Prime's post.
The main points in it are, a child cannot consent to being born.
Not bringing a kid into this world does not deprive it of any pleasures, because he never existed in the first place, but it does prevent any suffering from happening to him.
If you do have a kid it is very likely that the suffering will outweigh the pleasures he would experience.

I am not trying to sway you one way or another, but in my opinion these points should be considered by all people who plan on having kids.
You might even consider adoption, as you can then make a really big difference to a child's life who has already been born, and don't have to decide on bringing new life into the world.
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Oct 6, 2018

I used to get on a bus in middle school with this family that had 10 biological children attending the school, ages 6-18.
They appatently had older siblings too.
My mom is one of 19 children, my dad one of 7. Where I'm from they breed like rabbits it's disgusting