

Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Of course the worst is when people hold disgusting pro-life views and force them onto everyone but I also cannot stand it when people try and gatekeep suicide, saying who shouldn't be allowed to ctb because of their own personal preferences.

Despite what insensitive people say suicide is a human right and nobody is obligated to continue enduring this existence they were so cruelly burdened with in the first place, why should anyone have to stay here if they don't wish to, it isn't as if existence is something so beneficial and valuable, instead existence is meaningless, futile and just causes harm, it should always be a personal decision deciding whether to exist in this world where there's unlimited potential to be tormented endlessly.

And it's literally absurd when people act like suicide needs to be justified with valid reasons, like people should be able to die if they want to and we are all going to die anyway whether there's a reason behind it or not, so why should someone leaving on their own terms need a reason.
Just because some people worship life doesn't mean that other people should have to suffer, I see existence itself as being enough of a reason to make me wish to die, it's tiring just being conscious and aware.

But for me the most insensitive is when people gatekeep because of age, having awareness that existing is just pointless suffering isn't limited to elderly people, I was aware of this reality from a very young age and I've never wished to exist, suicide isn't a privilege that needs to be earned by meeting a suffering criteria, it's replusive to suggest that someone hasn't suffered enough for their wish to die to be valid.

But overall when to die solves all problems, suicide could never be "wrong" as one cannot be harmed by not-existing, all the suffering started when this involuntary existence did.

Without the option of suicide existence would be no different to slavery and imprisonment, it would be inhumane expecting people to be slaves when they wish to be free, the right to die is compassionate, I certainly believe that all humans deserve the option to instantly escape from this existence permanently in peace.
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Rational man

Rational man

Oct 19, 2021
Such a sad and painful reading..Your pain sounds immense.!? Society and the elite are keen to control us with paradoxical ideology.That killing people in war is cheaper than saving them. That we preach the sanctity of life whilst allowing the needless deaths of people who want to live, through appalling health care, poverty and and hungar. It is hyprocacy at the highest level.
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🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
Yeah, they're prolifer-lite. Combine a few, you've got one general purpose prolifer
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Suffering will end when the existence does.
Jul 6, 2023
That's what I'm saying. We have the right to leave on our own terms. Everybody does.

We didn't choose to exist, especially in such a cruel world where there is more harm than the opposite and unlimited potential of suffering and pain.

The pro-lifers, the ones with stockholm syndrome, can't choose for us. You want to live? Great. But don't need to decide it for us.

So sad how we're being tortured in a world we're trapped in. Sadism at its best, shows the true nature.
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Feb 22, 2023
I vote for Right To Die
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
In terms of sentiment- I do agree with what you're saying. Practicality wise though- I think there would need to be some gate keeping if assisted suicide was to be legalised and more accesible. Put it this way- I once ran a poll asking how many people thought their families would support them if they were able to apply for assisted suicide. It was a tiny fraction. I believe you didn't think your family would support you. So- if you got your wish and everyone was able to access Nembutal- no questions asked- just how long do you think it would last? Do you think families would just say nothing as their children topped themselves without them knowing? I reckon there would be uproar!

I think the best we can hope for is a highly regulated system where adults of sound mind are allowed to apply. If I'm honest- I doubt we'll even get that far. I can't ever see them helping a relatively healthy person to die. I think severe physical or mental illness would need to be present for them to consider it. Maybe I'm wrong though. If MAID starts to become available for homeless people, maybe more countries will follow suit. Still- I still reckon you'd need to be able to prove your life was shit for them to concede.

In terms of individual choice though- the DIY approach, I do feel more sympathy with you. For a person's life to become SO bad that they consider suicide- they are suffering. It doesn't really matter what age or what it is that's upsetting them. Of course- the ideal would be that they get the choice to receive support to get through it but- not everyone does. Yes- their life could have gotten better. It so easily could have gotten worse though! Surely people with strong ideation/ trauma/ depression/ anhedonia are already starting out with a disadvantage to everyone else. They already have an enormous burden to carry with them- which they may well never shake off. It's not to say they should CTB. Still- I don't think it's right to belittle and blame them if they do. How in the hell are they supposed to have hope about their life when they are already in such despair?
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Aug 9, 2023
I agree so much, I don't understand why people are obsessed with trying to force someone to live when they absolutely do not want to. We didn't ask to be born, you wouldn't keep suffering animal alive would you? So why would you do that to a human. I'm not saying that people should CTB, but it is their personal choice to do so if they are really suffering.
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Rational man

Rational man

Oct 19, 2021
I agree so much, I don't understand why people are obsessed with trying to force someone to live when they absolutely do not want to. We didn't ask to be born, you wouldn't keep suffering animal alive would you? So why would you do that to a human. I'm not saying that people should CTB, but it is their personal choice to do so if they are really suffering.
I think part of the story fits between the religious sanctity of life, the medics ethical understanding of saving life and the perception that governments really care. The latter is about winning votes and keeping power, control and wealth. Otherwise why do governments spend trillions on wars and useless projects instead of helping people who want to live!?.
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If my name is crossed out, hopefully I'm dead.
May 28, 2023
You are right, FuneralCry. There should be no gate keeping of any kind whatsoever. Children, teenagers, young adults, seniors and the elderly should all have unconditional access to assisted suicide whenever they wish. There should be no waiting periods, no need for a doctor's permission, or anything of the sort, as no one should have a say in the matter, except the person requesting the service.

Still, many people - even on this forum - will argue against such a proposal, even though it is based on nothing more than pure compassion. They will claim, for example, that minors are not mature enough to understand the implications of death. However, what consequences are we talking about exactly? I ask this because, as far as I know, non-existence is 100% harmless, so it's 100% guaranteed that nothing bad will happen to infants who choose to die.

On the other hand, if the concern is for the loved ones left behind, well, yeah, it sucks for them, but that is not the minors' business or fault. In fact, it's often the other way round, since those who suffer the loss are frequently the progenitors who gave birth to the suicidal children in the first place, so if anything, the parents are to blame.
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