

May 12, 2020
There was a guy who I had known online since 4 years.He was the one who hit me up and showed interest in me for a relationship.I thought he really loved me and I believed in him. But after a year he found someone new and left me.Even if he left me for someone else I never blamed him or said anything harsh to him. I dealt with all the pain alone. We only met in real life once but all I was able to do was hold his hand for a little time since my family didn't allow to meet him alone. He said that he wanted to kiss me and he would meet me again but I guess he changed his mind? He doesn't chat or pick up phone when I tried to call or message him. I stopped messaging him since a month ago when I realized that he wasn't interested to reply to my messages but today I wanted to wish him since it's his birthday.Am I ugly and so unlikable that he simply blocked me when all I wanted to do was wish him a happy birthday? I feel so devastated and this is just one of the many reasons which proves that being dead is better for me than living in this pain. In my whole life people only liked me if they can get some help from me. Everybody mistreated me and ignored me. I'm so unlucky and unlikable. I want to escape from this life and this pain. Tears are in my eyes as I'm typing this because I can't believe that a person whom I loved from whole my heart once simply blocked my contact when I wished him a happy birthday.
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Dec 26, 2020
I relate to your pain hun. I've been treated horribly by others a well and discarded. What this dirt bag did is a reflection of how he feel about himself and has nothing to do with you. You deserve to be treated with love *hugs*
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
There was a guy who I had known online since 4 years.He was the one who hit me up and showed interest in me for a relationship.I thought he really loved me and I believed in him. But after a year he found someone new and left me.Even if he left me for someone else I never blamed him or said anything harsh to him. I dealt with all the pain alone. We only met in real life once but all I was able to do was hold his hand for a little time since my family didn't allow to meet him alone. He said that he wanted to kiss me and he would meet me again but I guess he changed his mind? He doesn't chat or pick up phone when I tried to call or message him. I stopped messaging him since a month ago when I realized that he wasn't interested to reply to my messages but today I wanted to wish him since it's his birthday.Am I ugly and so unlikable that he simply blocked me when all I wanted to do was wish him a happy birthday? I feel so devastated and this is just one of the many reasons which proves that being dead is better for me than living in this pain. In my whole life people only liked me if they can get some help from me. Everybody mistreated me and ignored me. I'm so unlucky and unlikable. I want to escape from this life and this pain. Tears are in my eyes as I'm typing this because I can't believe that a person whom I loved from whole my heart once simply blocked my contact when I wished him a happy birthday.
That was very cruel of him. Now that you see he is capable of this kind of behavior, behavior which you would never do yourself, it is time to take off the rose colored glasses about that guy. He is not the wonderful person you always thought he was. He's not kind.
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Dec 26, 2020
People always show their true colors when shit hits the fan. When they reveal who they are in those moments, thats who they really are.
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Jun 26, 2020
I am 65 years young, not smart at all BUT I do have life experience and I have along time ago, had gals who did stuff like that to me and I learned to move on, forget them and always felt that what comes around go around. You are a warm hearted person and I am sending you all the love and caring that I have to help you through this and onto a brighter future!! Walter
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Feb 20, 2020
That is so extremely mean!!
I don't know what else to say.
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May 12, 2020
I relate to your pain hun. I've been treated horribly by others a well and discarded. What this dirt bag did is a reflection of how he feel about himself and has nothing to do with you. You deserve to be treated with love *hugs*
Thank you for your kind words :hug: in this cruel world, it's genuinely nice people who always get mistreated.He is from a rich and upper class family. Maybe that's why he thinks so highly of himself because I don't have the same social status as him.He's a doctor too and he may think that he's a God or something because of how privileged he is. I wish I never met him in the first place cause he made my suffering worse.
That was very cruel of him. Now that you see he is capable of this kind of behavior, behavior which you would never do yourself, it is time to take off the rose colored glasses about that guy. He is not the wonderful person you always thought he was. He's not kind.
Yes I never thought that he would do something like this to me. I would never block someone who wanted to wish me a happy birthday without thanking them, even if it's my worst enemy.
People always show their true colors when shit hits the fan. When they reveal who they are in those moments, thats who they really are.
It's absolutely true. I can't believe how arrogant and rude he is. No matter how educated and high class he is, he is not a decent human being.
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Mar 22, 2020
Well, that guy is an immature coward heartless bastard.
Nobody who hurts you like this deserves your love.
I've been broken-hearted more than once (and broken hearts from to time but in a sensible and mature way lol).

I know you probably still love him and miss him but remember the sea is big and there are plenty of fish out there.

Hope you can feel bettee soon.

Hugs and love,

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Dec 11, 2018
He was harsh in the way he handled it but maybe he didn't feel comfortable talking with another girl while already having a girlfriend.
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May 12, 2020
I am 65 years young, not smart at all BUT I do have life experience and I have along time ago, had gals who did stuff like that to me and I learned to move on, forget them and always felt that what comes around go around. You are a warm hearted person and I am sending you all the love and caring that I have to help you through this and onto a brighter future!! Walter
Thank you for your kind words :hug: Some people are so mean to warm hearted people like us.I hope that the karma will do the justice someday.
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Jun 26, 2020
Thank you for your kind words :hug: Some people are so mean to warm hearted people like us.I hope that the karma will do the justice someday.
HI and thank you for the nice response. Being 65 I can say for 99% fact that what goes around, comes around (karma). I have seen and heard people in personal and/or business life do wrong to another person, business..etc and BANG! down the road of life it comes back and bites them. One thing that I always laughed at was sometimes the reaction when they got it back was along the lines of "why me?". Ya right, look in their past and they could see why. Yes you are a kind and gentle soul and your time in the sun, (good times for you) will be well deserved. Thank you for being a part of my family here. This site is all the family that I have. Walter


Melon Master
Aug 19, 2019
Blocking someone after being wished a happy bday is a shitty thing to do, if my worst enemy wished me one I'd still thank them. Sorry that happened, you didn't deserve that.
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Jan 24, 2019
That was really mean and heartless...
I'm sorry to hear that someone you loved so much did that to you, you don't deserve it and that action of him proves the type of person he is...
If you want someone to talk I'll be here

Stay safe and take care , i really hope you can feel better.
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A Nameless Monster
Mar 7, 2021
Well it takes a minute to explain that he's not interested in anything and feels awkward talking to you. So he doesn't give a damn, dislikes you, has poor social skills or personal problems.

Print his picture out, spit on it and toss it in the rubbish. I've done it in person and it felt good but I was seven and ran fast after. If I recall correctly it was because an older kid tried to slap me.
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Aug 17, 2020
We only met in real life once...
The thing is.... sometimes people can be cruel, and will use/talk to someone as a cure for their boredom, or even just to bring a little excitement into their otherwise dull lives. They will lie and tell whatever story they need, to retain that on-demand communication, until they find some other medium and then they'll forget all about you (it happened to me a long time ago).

The fact that he found someone new, and (I'm assuming) stopped talking to you as much soon after, makes me think that he never cared about your thoughts/feelings/needs.

I really hope this isn't the case, because you obviously sound like a wonderful person and don't deserve to be used in such a hurtful way, and he definitely didn't deserve the love that you offered him. I wish I had the words to take your pain away, because I know you feel hurt and betrayed, but I hope a virtual hug brings you some comfort instead :hug:
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Dec 15, 2020
Well I feel your pain; I've had women block me just when I've sent a nice message. I thought they were nice too but apparently not! Like someone said earlier, what goes around comes around.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I've recently had someone I fancied delete their entire Discord account which I assume was just to prevent me from messaging her again because doing so cut off our only form of contact so I can imagine just how much this must hurt from you. It's probably because they don't want whoever they moved on with to find out about you which sucks because not only are they discarding your feelings, but they get the double benefit of maintaining their own happiness by doing so...life's too cruel.
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May 12, 2020
That is so extremely mean!!
I don't know what else to say.
It hurts me because I could not imagine a life without him as a friend in it :'( I wanted to have him as a friend even if he found another girl. I guess it's because I loved him. I always felt a lot of happiness whenever I got a text message notification from him but I will never get one again since he blocked me :'( I never said anything harsh to him even if he lied to me many times and broke my heart.
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Mar 14, 2021
Sounds like a lucky escape for you.....that loser ass don't deserve your time or love and I'm a big believer in if its for you it won't pass you by. So if that moto is true then you have some real gent waiting to sweep you off your lovely feet watch this space he is a coming

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