
Aug 18, 2020
Do you think that? I think some people have the idea we could ruin earth and then search for a new planet. I think this is very shortsighted. There are barely planets near our planet where we had similar life quality.
We rather should invest our money and ressources on saving this planet.

When I read about space tourism I get kind of desperate. Which great ideas do this billionaires and millionaires have next? There is like this cyncial joke. People say when you see the planet earth from space you get way more aware how vulnerable this planet is. I think a millionaire who was in space emphasized on that. Yeah maybe we should spend more of our ressources to really save the planet instead of your expensive enjoyment. I mean people say we should restrict flying with planes. I suppose flying with rockets is not that sustainable either.

I think one person once told me on here that this hobby has real value. But I am still very critical about it. I have the feeling some people are that rich that they don't know on what they shall spend all their money on. And instead of contributing something valuable to society they invent new ways how to waste their money.

I mean this hobby is so detrimental to the health of our planet. It is a sick joke when everyone talks about climate change to do something decadent like that.

I think we won't inhabit another planet at the end of this century. At least not many humans. Maybe some tests. But never on a large scale of people. I think this is way too expensive.

The thing is I think inhabiting new planets is an idea the elites love. It is their plan B in case we ruin earth. But in case this earth had to be evacuated only rich or powerful people had the opportunity for that. At least this is what I assume.
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Nov 20, 2021
I find the idea of losing our basic freedoms to travel, own a car, yeah even to get out of the house, in the name of combating [Climate Change|Corona|Tomorrow's bad news] tantalizing but not truly convincing.

Right now they're preparing a return to the moon, the very same moment they decided to tank the world's economy over some NATO BS, boycott China's IT industry and "motivate" the Russians to leave the ISS.

Someone might some day fly to some planet. But it sure won't be "humanity" as a whole. The Joe & Jane Schmos of Earth are stuck - and will remain so - on this piece of rock in empty space.
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Life is a cruel joke
Oct 24, 2021
I hope not
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Jul 11, 2021
Science fiction and techno fantasies have brought the dream of space travel to many people. The idea of living in a completely different world or being a pioneer can also sound appealing. The vast majority of us have no idea how big and how many alien-looking places are there in earth, but we still seek other planets for a reason. It's not just about traveling or going to new places, but about proving a point, sending a message to humanity itself.

However, we are bounded to this place and, if long distance space travel is possible, there's a great barrier preventing us from developing it, because we would be able to go only to near places while we advance the technology and these places have no resources, requiring us to spend much more earth resources to do so, depleting them even more and making life here harder and harder.

As you said, it has become a millionaire's game and, at this point, even space travel enthusiasts can turn away from it in disgust.


Nov 20, 2021

As you said, it has become a millionaire's game and, at this point, even space travel enthusiasts can turn away from it in disgust.
I have environmentalists tell me that I am not even allowed to drive a car in the near future. But we are supposed to waste Trilliions of $, £ and € on travell to Mars and beyond for a select few?

Doesn't sound right to me. :O


Jan 22, 2020
Yes, i think so. It's a matter of time. Not in short but in long term. we will have first research bases first (probably this century), then little colonies & ultra-rare mineral mining outposts and finaly, planets and satelites "fully" inhabited.

I think that's even necessary for the survival of the earth. If we could encourage large amounts of people to move to other planets, the resource demand would move to other planets.

Of course this all of this is a very long time thing. But will happen if humanity don't fucks itself before.
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Yes. It's actually very simple and you may have thought about it more than once. Just send frozen samples of human DNA into space before we kick off, in the hope that an advanced civilization will pick them up and bring humans back to life.

This is much easier (if you really care about the survival of the human species) than sending adult humans that you have to feed and keep alive during the journey.

We can simplify it even more, you don't need to send real DNA samples, just the digital information of different human genomes and maybe other animal or plant species together with a representative collection of all human culture. This is how we save our fridges, we only need to send information that allows us to rebuild the human species to a civilization with the right knowledge (by the way we avoid a barbaric civilization that wants to eat us).


Si. De fet és molt senzill i potser ho han pensat més d'una vegada. Només cal enviar mostres congelades d'ADN humans a l'espai abans de que petem, amb l'esperança de que una civilització avançada les recolli i pugui donar vida altre cop a éssers humans.

És molt més fàcil això (si realment t'interesa la supervivéncia de l'espècie humana) que no pas enviar humans adults als que has d'alimentar y mantenir en vida durant tot el trajecte.

Encara ho podem simplificar més, no cal enviar mostres d'ADN reals, només la informació en digital de diferents genómes humans i potser d'altres espécies animals o vegetals junt amb un recull representatiu de tota la cultura humana. Així ens estalviem les neveres, només cal enviar informació que permeti reconstruïr l'espécie humana a una civilització amb els coneixements adeqüats (de pas evitem que ens crii una civilització bárbara que s'ens vulgui menjar).


Jul 11, 2021
I have environmentalists tell me that I am not even allowed to drive a car in the near future. But we are supposed to waste Trilliions of $, £ and € on travell to Mars and beyond for a select few?

Doesn't sound right to me. :O
It mkes me remember a text from jacques fresco saying that he, as a kid, didn't understand how during the 1929 crisis the people were starving while the factories were closed and soon after, they spent enough resources in the war that could have simply solved the crisis if well distributed.

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