

Liberty or Death
Apr 30, 2020
In case you are struggling with SI but have a good method.

"Why You Shouldn't Be Scared of Death"

"Death is a certain aspect of life, and it can't be avoided. While we can try to take control of certain aspects of our lives, death is ultimately something that is outside of your control, and that in most cases, we don't know when, where, or how it will happen.

These thoughts can be uncomfortable to have, but by understanding that it's inevitable and it will happen to every single person that you know at some point too, you'll realize that you're not alone and hopefully, find reassurance that way."

Don't be afraid of death - by LetzteAusfahrt

"From an atheist's point of view

I am asked again and again why I have such a relaxed relationship with death, why I will intentionally take SN without medication in order to remain conscious as long as possible and experience my dying with a clear mind. Why I am not afraid of it and am really looking forward to it.

I see my dying as something beautiful that I can unfortunately only experience once. The thought of it makes me happy, so I want to be able to enjoy the process. The knowledge that my body is poisoned and will soon no longer work, which is commonly described as dead.

I can't remember ever being afraid of death. At the age of 15 it was already clear to me that I would kill myself and not die of old age.

As long as I can remember I have been aware of what life and death are. That life has nothing to do with God or soul or a higher power. That nothing comes after life, including death.

Life ends with the destruction of my brain because that's where my life takes place. As a perfect interplay of biological, electrical and chemical processes.

Like everyone else, I always knew that one day I would die. So I did a lot of it and didn't suppress it. The thought of death has accompanied me all my life, has become a friend to me.

That's how I dealt with life. What it actually is, what the meaning of life is.

Life has no meaning, except for the preservation of the human species, which I am absolutely not interested in. Humans are just one of many biological ways of life that developed by chance.

So life has no meaning for me, no value. The effort to make something like this pointless is not worth the return because there is no return.

I cannot take anything with me, not even the knowledge that I am dead. As with all higher living beings, the parents have fulfilled their task as individuals after the conception and rearing of enough offspring.

That man became so intelligent that he considered himself too valuable for this simple task and looked for important reasons for his existence, was not planned.

It is therefore not surprising that every "normal" person believes he knows very well that life is the most valuable thing he has. But no one can provide a meaningful explanation for what is so valuable in life.

When I die I don't lose anything because life is worthless.

When I die, I gain nothing because nothing more comes, nothing is anymore.

So I don't exchange anything for anything, but I don't have to struggle with the meaningless life anymore.

That's why I have no problem with very young people killing themselves. I have to admit, it hurts me infinitely 5 when a teenager kills himself. But that's just a brief flare-up of instincts in me that are difficult to control.

Once I have realized this instinct and have it under control through rational thinking, I see the happiness that has come to them. That they are not caught and tortured in their meaningless life for years or decades and then die after all."
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Mar 22, 2020
Don't be afraid of death's thread by Dani is amazing.
I read it almost every week lol.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Good to see you're still around StateOfMind!

I'm not afraid of death, been around it too many times and have been desensitized. I'm just more worried about the repercussions of my death on those around me. They do not have the insight of death that I do and may never understand why people die. Talking about death is almost as taboo as talking about suicide.
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Jun 14, 2020
I remember reading that post. I really miss him though and kind of regret not fully talking to him when he was still alive. At least he's at peace.
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Apr 11, 2018
Thank you for this, my survival instinct is all that's standing in my way at this point.


Sep 5, 2020
I liked Dani a lot and he helped me a lot but I think he had one illusion:

He wanted to experience his own death.

If all bodily functions stop you can't experience anymore. If you do after your body stopped, there is some kind of awarness that lives beyond our life in our body. If awarness doesn't rely on the death of our body most likely there is no death.

So no matter if awarness goes on or not - you can't experience death.

If there is anything to fear than it is to have a cruel dying process or living on in some sort of pain or agony.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
He was quite eloquent, wasn't he? A clear-headed, rational man who made up his mind and went his own way. Imo this is admirable: not his suicide as such but the way he valued his autonomy, thought and expressed himself. The ancients were quite right to evaluate every case of suicide on its own merits instead of issuing a blanket condemnation as is the case even today.

If materialism is correct and we are nothing but our body and brain there is indeed nothing to fear: if the very capacity to feel is lost entirely upon death what is there to fear? This idea goes back to Epicurus: "Where death is we are not, where we are death is not". Of course we can't know for sure whether this is actually the case but imo it seems like the most likely outcome.

Another way of looking at it is that death is indeed inevitable so it's really quite unnecessary to be scared about it: fear is only useful if it allows us to escape danger. Whether by CTB or some other way: death will come for us all. In a way this is a mercy. Imagine being immortal with no way of ever dying... That is actually how hell is perceived in various traditions: a place of torture with no escape whatsoever.

It is nice to see the wisdom of those who are no longer with us but were and in a way still are a part of our community being preserved.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I never really understood why people feared death, to me the state of non existence is my ideal state. I see it as setting yourself free of the burden of having to exist. I hope there is no afterlife and we just escape into a void of nothingness.
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Sep 5, 2020
I never really understood why people feared death, to me the state of non existence is my ideal state. I see it as setting yourself free of the burden of having to exist. I hope there is no afterlife and we just escape into a void of nothingness.
He wanted to experience the process of dying not death.

Yeah, you're right.


Jan 22, 2021
I don't know whats happening to me but I've started getting scared of it. I never used to. I don't know why it's happening now. I've always known I wouldn't die of old age but the older I'm getting the fear is setting in. I'll have to keep reading til it sinks in
I think that maybe my fear comes from the amount of fails I've had and the permanent damage I've done to my body. What if I mess it up
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Liberty or Death
Apr 30, 2020
I'm just more worried about the repercussions of my death on those around me.
Count yourself lucky you have people where such considerations are appropriate.
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