• Hey Guest,

    As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.

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Feb 3, 2025
So they banned SN when its easy to get, or helium ...why people just keep wanna make It difficult and leave us With less alternative. Life is just one sigth and i thougth its more easy if you know that whanever you wanna go you can go peaceful.
I just cant stand
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Trapped in this Suffering
Sep 21, 2024
Cus they don't care about us at all and just want to force us to go through this suffering. They don't understand that others should be allowed to quit life early if they want to.
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Sep 11, 2024
It's interesting, I was just thinking about it today. Something's in the air, huh? Makes me angry to think that barbiturates and N were a viable option not too long ago, and now it's like living in a sick dystopia with pro-lifers constricting their grip on us harder and harder.
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Dec 14, 2021
It's hard to make money off of dead people.
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Dec 5, 2024
I don't understand it either. The person who wants to leave this world will always find a way to do so.

They will never "stop" suicide. It will continue to happen, but with more brutal, painful or traumatic methods.

They don't care about the suffering of others. They have no empathy or humanity. Only their own beliefs of what they think is right or wrong.

Being able to choose when to 'leave' peacefully and painlessly should be a right. We did not choose to come into this world, there should be a dignified exit. Without justifications or anything like that.
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Dec 7, 2024
SN has been banned?
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Jan 1, 2024
They assume all suicidal people arent in their "right" minds and so they must be protected and the government wants to keep their wage slaves
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Feb 3, 2025
Because they're hypocrites. And if you're reading this as someone who is "pro-life", just browsing this forum looking for ways to attack it, let me tell you this: I'm smarter than you, I've got a BA in philosophy from my country's top college and an MA from a prestigious institution abroad. I'm not a child needing you to save me, I'm a human being with a human mind and a human heart that has been hurt so profoundly that I don't see any other way out.

Therapy didn't help, drugs didn't help, "just relax and be happy and keep going because life js beautiful" didn't help. I'm not a moron, I know there's help available, but nothing can solve the hole in my heart, the hopelessness that fills every instant of my being nowadays.

You think DDoSing this forum or banning SN or putting barriers on a bridge will make me suddenly realize life is wonderful and forget all the pain inside me? You think my friends haven't tried? That other mental health professionals haven't tried? YOU THINK MY OWN MOTHER WHO LOVES ME MORE THAN ANYTHING HASN'T TRIED?

And you still have the absolute audacity to think you're saving me? By restricting access to a community of kind and open-minded people who finally understand? By banning the methods by which I could achieve a peaceful and dignified death on my terms and forcing me to look into more extreme and inefficient methods? You want me to traumatize a train driver or to be the reason why a thousand commuters arrived late? You want me to end up on a fucking wheelchair after I find out five floors aren't enough?

If you're reading this and you think you're doing good by attacking this community or banning SN or Helium or whatever, trust me: you're a hypocrite.
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Aug 18, 2024
I, too, have something to say to the pro-lifers reading this. Yes, you—the self-appointed guardians of existence, the noble saviors who believe that barring every exit somehow transforms a prison into a paradise. How reassuring it must be to wake up each morning with the unwavering certainty that you are on the right side of history. That simply by removing a key, you have erased the existence of the door. It's almost touching. Almost.
You think you are saving people. But tell me, have you ever wondered why no one thanks you? Why those you 'rescue' don't shower you with gratitude? Why, instead of reverence, you are met with quiet contempt, with exasperation, with outright disdain? It should give you pause. But of course, it won't. Because you don't listen. You don't care. You don't save people—you curate a narrative. And your masterpiece is this: ensuring that every suicide is an exhibition, a spectacle, a grotesque tableau for the world to see. A suicide must never be rational. It must never be considered. It must never be quiet. It must always be desperate, chaotic, deranged. Only then can you point and say, 'See? They were ill. They needed help, not an exit.' How convenient for you.
And so, you strip away every dignified departure, erase every peaceful alternative, ensure that those who wish to leave must do so in the most violent and public way possible. You don't stop anyone. You merely force them into a corner where the only options left are ones that confirm your beliefs. You drive them under trains, off rooftops, into nooses, splattered across the pavement in full view of an unwilling audience. And then, with solemn nods, you declare: 'They were not in their right mind.' Because, of course, no rational person would choose such a method. No sane individual would take such a path. And thus, by your design, every suicide becomes an act of madness—because you have made it impossible for it to be anything else.
This is your game. This is your masterpiece. Not the prevention of death, but its rebranding. Not the preservation of life, but the destruction of choice. You don't wish to save anyone—you wish to redefine them. To reduce them to nothing more than a cautionary tale, a tragic statistic, an anecdote used to reinforce your dogma. Every method you ban, every exit you seal, every alternative you strip away, ensures that the only suicides that remain are ones so chaotic, so public, so disturbing, that the mere sight of them justifies your entire ideology. The rational suicide must not exist. The quiet exit must be erased. The only way to go must be an act of horror, a proof of pathology, an indisputable confirmation that those who wish to leave are nothing more than broken minds in need of saving.
And as you congratulate yourselves on another victory, another life 'saved' through sheer force of denial, someone, somewhere, is doing exactly what you have made inevitable. Someone is choosing the only option you have left them. But it doesn't matter, does it? Because in the end, your goal is achieved: another lunatic in the headlines, another story that reinforces your point. And so you will continue to build your walls, tighten your restrictions, pat yourselves on the back for having 'prevented' another tragedy—when all you have done is delayed it, amplified it, and ensured it happens in the most brutal way possible.
This is your triumph: a world where suffering is allowed, but dignity is forbidden. A world where one cannot leave quietly, only in chaos and destruction. A world where those who wish to go are not permitted a rational farewell but are instead herded into grotesque performances that confirm everything you want to believe. And in this grand theater you have built, you will take your rightful place—not as heroes, not as saviors, but as the delighted audience watching the show you designed. Congratulations. You've earned a front-row seat.
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Ready to go to bed
Feb 1, 2025
I'm not planning to kill myself any time soon but I want to buy SN just in case it becomes harder to get in the future. Politicians who pass these bullshit laws and regulations don't know a thing about how suicidal thoughts work. "Oops they banned SN! Guess I'm not killing myself!" said no one ever.
Because they're hypocrites. And if you're reading this as someone who is "pro-life", just browsing this forum looking for ways to attack it, let me tell you this: I'm smarter than you, I've got a BA in philosophy from my country's top college and an MA from a prestigious institution abroad. I'm not a child needing you to save me, I'm a human being with a human mind and a human heart that has been hurt so profoundly that I don't see any other way out.

Therapy didn't help, drugs didn't help, "just relax and be happy and keep going because life js beautiful" didn't help. I'm not a moron, I know there's help available, but nothing can solve the hole in my heart, the hopelessness that fills every instant of my being nowadays.

You think DDoSing this forum or banning SN or putting barriers on a bridge will make me suddenly realize life is wonderful and forget all the pain inside me? You think my friends haven't tried? That other mental health professionals haven't tried? YOU THINK MY OWN MOTHER WHO LOVES ME MORE THAN ANYTHING HASN'T TRIED?

And you still have the absolute audacity to think you're saving me? By restricting access to a community of kind and open-minded people who finally understand? By banning the methods by which I could achieve a peaceful and dignified death on my terms and forcing me to look into more extreme and inefficient methods? You want me to traumatize a train driver or to be the reason why a thousand commuters arrived late? You want me to end up on a fucking wheelchair after I find out five floors aren't enough?

If you're reading this and you think you're doing good by attacking this community or banning SN or Helium or whatever, trust me: you're a hypocrite.
Also, thank you for putting my thoughts into words which I couldn't do before. <333
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Nervous young man

Nervous young man

WARNING: Books may cause unseemly outbursts
Feb 3, 2025
It's really a losing battle when the other side can claim to be "pro-life" what does that even mean really? In reality they are pro-absence of life or all the markers that make life an actual experience beyond sensory stimulation and when you degrade existence to sensory stimulation it becomes the bare minimum and this itself can be used to justify working a dead end job until you collapse from exhaustion at your 97 year long Walmart career. It's such a rhetorically loaded term because who is going to go "no actually I'm on the side of anti-life" and so clearly only exists to demean us and our choices further. How can we except to win the political front when our society is so ingrained with values like these.
  • Aww..
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Hay heridas que te dejan jodido y punto.
Feb 2, 2025
Entonces prohibieron SN cuando era fácil conseguirlo, o el helio... ¿por qué la gente sigue queriendo complicarlo todo y dejarnos con menos alternativas? La vida es solo una vista y creo que es más fácil si sabes que a donde quieras ir puedes ir en paz.
Simplemente no lo soporto
A veces pienso que vivimos en un sistema tan frío y consumista que a algunas personas poderosas les es igual que estemos jodidos, zombies o muertos en vida. A veces me desespero pensando que interesa más mantener a la gente potencialmente consumista viva aunque este realmente jodida que muerta. A veces me vuelvo loco pensando que estoy retenido encontrando de mi voluntad en este mundo para que otros tengan un coche mejor. Solo quiero morir sin dolor.....
Yo también tengo algo que decir a los pro-vida que leen esto. Sí, a ustedes, los autoproclamados guardianes de la existencia, los nobles salvadores que creen que cerrar todas las salidas transforma de algún modo una prisión en un paraíso. Qué reconfortante debe ser despertarse cada mañana con la certeza inquebrantable de que uno está del lado correcto de la historia, de que simplemente con quitar una llave se ha borrado la existencia de la puerta. Es casi conmovedor. Casi.
Crees que estás salvando a la gente, pero diez centavos, ¿te has preguntado alguna vez por qué nadie te da las gracias? ¿Por qué aquellos a quienes "rescatas" no te colman de gratitud? ¿Por qué, en lugar de reverencia, te recibes con un desprecio silencioso, con exasperación, con un desdén absoluto? Debería darte qué pensar, pero, por supuesto, no lo hará. Porque no escuchas. No te importa. No salvas a la gente, crea una narrativa. Y tu obra maestra es ésta: asegurar que cada suicidio sea una exhibición, un espectáculo, un cuadro grotesco para que el mundo lo vea. Un suicidio nunca debe ser racional. Nunca debe ser considerado. Nunca debe ser silencioso. Siempre debe ser desesperado, caótico, perturbado. Solo entonces puedes señalar y decir: "¿Ves? Estaban enfermos. Necesitaban ayuda, no una salida". Qué conveniente para ti.
Y así, elimina toda salida digna, borras toda alternativa pacífica, te aseguras de que quienes desean irse lo hagan de la manera más violenta y pública posible. No detengas a nadie. Simplemente los obliga a acorralarse en un rincón donde las únicas opciones que quedan son las que confirman tus creencias. Los arrojan bajo trenes, desde los tejados, hacia sogas, los arrojan por el pavimento a la vista de un público reticente. Y luego, con solemnes gestos de aprobación, declara: "No estaban en su sano juicio". Porque, por supuesto, ninguna persona racional elegiría ese método. Ningún individuo cuerdo tomaría ese camino. Y así, por tu diseño, cada suicidio se convierte en un acto de locura, porque ha hecho imposible que sea otra cosa.
Éste es vuestro juego. Ésta es vuestra obra maestra. No la prevención de la muerte, sino su renovación. No la preservación de la vida, sino la destrucción de la elección. No queréis salvar a nadie; Deseamos redefinir a las personas, reducirlas a nada más que una historia con moraleja, una estadística trágica, una anécdota utilizada para reforzar nuestro dogma. Cada método que prohibáis, cada salida que selláis, cada alternativa que elimináis, asegura que los únicos suicidios que quedan tan caóticos, tan públicos, tan perturbadores, que su mera visión justifica toda vuestra ideología. El suicidio racional no debe existir. La salida silenciosa debe ser borrada. La única forma de irse debe ser un acto de horror, una prueba de patología, una confirmación indiscutible de que quienes desean irse no son más que mentes rotas que necesitan ser salvadas.
Y mientras os felices por otra victoria, otra vida "salvada" gracias a la pura fuerza de la negación, alguien, en algún lugar, está haciendo exactamente lo que vosotros habéis hecho inevitable. Alguien está eligiendo la única opción que le habéis dejado. Pero no importa, ¿verdad? Porque al final, tu objetivo se ha logrado: otro lunático en los titulares, otra historia que refuerza tu argumento. Y así seguiréis construyendo vuestros muros, soportando vuestras restricciones, dándoos palmaditas en la espalda por haber "prevenido" otra tragedia, cuando lo único que habéis hecho es retrasarla, amplificarla y asegurar que ocurra de la forma más brutal posible.
Éste es vuestro triunfo: un mundo donde el sufrimiento está permitido, pero la dignidad está prohibida. Un mundo del que no se puede partir tranquilamente, sino en medio del caos y la destrucción. Un mundo donde a quienes desean irse no se les permite una despedida racional, sino que se les conduce a espectáculos grotescos que confirman todo lo que queréis creer. Y en este gran teatro que habéis construido, ocuparéis el lugar que os corresponde, no como héroes, ni como salvadores, sino como el público encantado que contempla el espectáculo que habéis diseñado. Enhorabuena. Os habéis ganado un asiento en primera fila.
Me impresiona la energía que pones para dedicar un solo gramo de esfuerzo a este tipo de pensamiento. Yo estoy tan hecho polvo que no tengo fuerzas para discutir casi nada. Gracias por tu esfuerzo. De veras. Hay foros donde he llegado a leer como la gente se mofa y se ríe de la gente que tiene ideas suicidas. Hace tiempo que dejé de poner energía donde no puedo ponerla. Yo me centro solo en la gente que no me juzga y me respeta independiente de su opinión. Por eso estoy prácticamente solo ja ja.....La muerte, el suicidio, la enfermedad mental, los abusos sexuales....son temas que está sociedad está muy lejos de mirar de frente y lo que no se mira y no se acepta se le tiene miedo, se le teme. Por eso prohíben y juzgan sin piedad.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It's all just so cruel and horrible to me, I'd never wish to exist in this horrific world where humans wish to force others to suffer no matter what and enslave them in this existence even know death is all that's inevitable anyway and this existence was imposed in the first place, I wish I could just choose to simply cease existing in peace to escape from the torturous, futile burden of human existence. I see so much cruelty in how the option to die painlessly with no risks of trying to die going wrong and leading to way worse suffering is denied with suffering seen as to prolong instead, all I wish for is to never exist ever again, I'd always prefer to not exist than suffer all for the sake of it in this existence I always saw as so deeply undesirable in the first place.


homesick ⭒
Apr 14, 2023
Because they only care about keeping us alive for more profit, how they gonna achieve it and how it will make us feel is not important at all. "Rich doesn't exist without poor" after all, poor population can contribute to the wealth of the rich through low-wage labor or unequal access to resources, so why let us go ☠

And why is this even considered normal in our society, for almost whole human populations have no right to die if and when we want it, but some people can call themselves "pro-life" and bam, now only they can decide what you can and should do with your life? because they know better ???
The world truly feels like a dystopia sometimes
Ashes of a Dreamer

Ashes of a Dreamer

Looking for freedom out of this hell
Dec 29, 2024
There are studies that recommend the banishment of suicidal methods from general population in order to decrease the number of people ending their lives. Liking it or not, worldwide nations go in the direction of maintaining life no matter the circumstances, with rare and limited exceptions. So, the right to die is still defended by a minority of people, so-called sick minds.
SN has been banned?
In Brazil, it's very accessible. Recommend it, if anyone is looking for the substance outside their countries