
Feb 10, 2020
I realy dont get it.why everything getting worse every dacade.
in the 90s or even 80s i guess you could have one salary for family.
life were without internet but were more logic.
the world is like down the hill.
feelings between pepole and even boss-worker all changed and go not easy
in the 90s you had your beer and sports tody its not working nothing is working
its like only the lucky ppl are barely have normal life and 90% are suffering
i dont say that living in 1920 was easy but today its like living point less you are not getting anyway.

why places like digintas should open branch in every country and ppl just could go there and ctb peacefully.dont get it.
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Feb 2, 2020
I think the higher the population is the less quality of life we live.
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lost among the stars
Jan 26, 2020
That is because capitalism turned into monopoly to some extent.
Everybody can set the price which they want.
Overproduction makes the prices drop so there is no more huge income like it was before, hence no decent wages.
If something has a huge demand, the prices spike. Like with accommodation.
And we are balancing between overproduction/overconsumption and huge demand.
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Sep 26, 2019
I think the higher the population is the less quality of life we live.
That pretty much sums it up. We may have access to good food, clean water, safe spaces, leisure, luxury and abundance; but we lack human connection, we have lost the sense of belonging, the sense of the contribution of our work, we have lost our values (not referring to moral ones --though that is debatable-- but what we consider valuable), nothing is sacred anymore.

When there is that much people in the world, what we do or what we have is not unique anymore, everyone becomes replaceable, everything becomes the norm, and people tend to go beyond what was once considered the extreme in order to stand out.

Humans evolved to live in little communities, where every member knows each other, and each one of them has a role and an identity. Nowadays, we see hundreds of new faces everyday, we walk past them, never talking to them and to never see them again, and we as individuals are also just a face in a sea of faces. We want to be like the rich and talented people that have names and create an impact in society, just to find out later that they have their own dark side, just like any of us.

Curiously enough, we tend to judge others when they don't live up to our moral standards, basically for not being us, ignoring that we all have the same evil lurking within. We chastise people, not actions. We don't want to correct them and we ourselves don't want to be corrected, just ostracize people without any intention to coming to an agreement. We are so judgemental without wanting to know others, without stopping for a minute and truly listen and trying to understand where they are coming from. We just want to live so quickly we just barely even live.
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Existing is not living
Sep 17, 2018
I feel that way too. I think it's got to do with increasing wealth inequality and the modern way of life. The world is becoming very crowded, resources are finite, and competition is more fierce than ever. Soon we will all be competing against AIs and robots. Unless change happens, the trend is that social mobility will be dead. Rich will most likely be rich forever, and poor will most certainly be poor forever.

Then there is the modern life and how fast we have to adapt to this modern life. More big social and technological changes have happened ever the past century or two than all the history before it combined. Is our bodies and minds already adapted to this new reality? I don't think we humans are meant to sit at a desk and stare at a screen all day long. We humans evolved to live in small tight knit communities. For millenniums, humans have lived an certain way of life and followed the same social norms. Now all those things are swept away, and we are now increasingly living in a big faceless society with instant and disposable social connections. Then there are the materialistic stuff. The toxic food we eat, the environments we live in, the daily stresses, the content we consume, the porn we all watch, all these things have an impact on body and mind, and in turn have an impact on our quality of life.

You mentioned that "its like only the lucky ppl are barely have normal life and 90% are suffering ", and i agree. The lucky people will always be lucky people no matter what age we live in, but now more than ever it is important to be lucky. We live in a fast changing unpredictable times, and whatever "lucky" may mean for you, wealth, health, good genes, we need it in order to achieve at least certain degree of normalcy no matter what life throws at us. I don't know where i am trying to go with this, but i feel you. You might say I am just a big loser and a loner at the end of the day, and doesn't matter what age i live in, i would still be a miserable fk, but i disagree. Without glorifying the past and ignore the negatives of the past, i know for a fact that i would have a much higher quality of life if i grew up in my parent's days. At least i wouldn't grow up be so socially awkward, so dependent on the internet, so addicted to instant gratification. Society was a lot more intact back then, so maybe i would grow up in a tight-knit community and have a certain degree of social support. But there is no maybe. I am just a loser of my generation, just like there were losers of past generations.
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Mar 18, 2020
Sometimes I wonder if it's the world that's screwed up, or me. Probably a combination of both...Regardless, I'm miserable and basically dying.
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Mar 4, 2020
I agree with you. Life getting worse and people degradate. I miss that time without internet and smartphones.
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Jan 11, 2019
I think life is inherently pretty shit, even without humans in it. Just look at how nature treats everything. Disease, suffering, rape, nasty parasites and more are common place. Every day without a stop. Baby animals get their throats ripped out and die alone/scared, packs abandon their old and weak to die pathetic and starving in the dirt, weird crawling bugs and worms who want to drink your blood or get into your intestines everywhere. This world is just rotten to its core, with or without humans.
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Useless piece of trash
Dec 5, 2019
I think life is inherently pretty shit, even without humans in it. Just look at how nature treats everything. Disease, suffering, rape, nasty parasites and more are common place. Every day without a stop. Baby animals get their throats ripped out and die alone/scared, packs abandon their old and weak to die pathetic and starving in the dirt, weird crawling bugs and worms who want to drink your blood or get into your intestines everywhere. This world is just rotten to its core, with or without humans.

You're so right. This world is an unfair joke. I cannot believe that so many people think of the world so positively. Sure, there are a lot of good things in life, but there's a lot of bullshit too. Unfortunately, the majority of people are stupid. Society is a joke. Politics drive me nuts. There's so much pain and suffering. There's more potential pain than pleasure. For example: sex, eating delicious food, watching tv, etc are on the positive scale. But the negative scale is much deeper than the positive scale is higher. The most pleasurable thing is not even close to the equal but opposite pain that exists. You could be kidnapped and skinned and burned alive which is way worse than sex feels good(I'm giving this example because obviously most people agree it is one of the best pleasures). The fact that torture happens and that it's even possible is pathetic. My point is that the amount of pain that is possible far outweighs possible pleasures. This is terrifying.

I also love when people say that you "owe" society. I mean come on, how stupid can you be to believe that, right? F this world.

Anyone else agree with what I said?
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Feb 12, 2020
The world is just shit because it is dominated by humans who are shits by nature
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Mar 1, 2020
Because human nature is shit
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Fallen Angel
Apr 9, 2019
I agree with you, I would do anything to go back to the 80's or 90's. I hate this new generation and way of living.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
Population pressure. Natural march to extinction. Homeostasis.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
I realy dont get it.why everything getting worse every dacade.
in the 90s or even 80s i guess you could have one salary for family.
life were without internet but were more logic.
the world is like down the hill.
feelings between pepole and even boss-worker all changed and go not easy
in the 90s you had your beer and sports tody its not working nothing is working
its like only the lucky ppl are barely have normal life and 90% are suffering
i dont say that living in 1920 was easy but today its like living point less you are not getting anyway.

why places like digintas should open branch in every country and ppl just could go there and ctb peacefully.dont get it.
I think everyone can agree the world is shit but the reasons why are going to vary greatly. That's probably why it's shit
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Mar 26, 2020
Population pressure. Natural march to extinction. Homeostasis.

The entropy keeps increasing in the duality matrix. nothing can be done about that.
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