

🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
Apr 17, 2023
Silencing ideas that aren't mainstream seems awfully dangerous. The line of acceptability can shift. For instance, in the 2000s it was acceptable to say, "I don't see color," but now that's seen as unacceptable. "Mentally retarded" was okay until it wasn't. New words are then used that later become wrong-speak.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
In some ways I think it's symptomatic of a bored society with nothing better to do than nitpick trivial (social) issues. That's not to say all current social issues are unimportant, but it's clear we've evolved beyond basic survival needs and are looking for stimulation. Our standard of living is rising, so now we have the psychological real estate to bark up any tree we feel like. I've never really understood it. Someone like me has very real daily problems relating to functioning and survival, so being outraged on Twitter all day for example would be very low on my list of priorities.

It's also becoming more difficult for people to stand out or get attention in an overpopulated world, but one effective way is through moral one-upmanship. That part is particularly important what with everyone being so interconnected now. You can no longer get away with being a bit of a dick (which oftentimes translates to simply being a bit human).

But broadly speaking I do find this kind of binary, all or nothing black and white thinking a bit scary. It's pretty disappointing to see that people can't entertain other ideas or realize that life is complicated. A person isn't necessarily bad just because you don't like what they have to say.
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Ready to sleep
May 16, 2023
Social ideals created by people who preach free speech until its something they don't agree with
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Why 'No'? It seemed like a fair point to me. With regards to talk about suicide- I think the powers that be do probably believe (wrongly in my opinion) that talk about suicide and the acknowledgement that it might be a viable option in some circumstances- may lead to people feeling ligitamized to do it. So hence- the slippery slope...

Talk of corruption in governments is usually discouraged and potentially damaging information is usually covered up. In general- authorities probably only want SO much talked about- beyond that and they likely fear societal unrest and uprisings. Hence- also the slippery slope when it comes to questioning and even talking about our 'rulers'- obviously, some countries are more strict than others on this.

When it comes to particular phrases that move in and out of approval- I guess they accompany what is considered acceptable. Usually phrases that are now considered offensive are because they perhaps were being used offensively! Calling someone a 'retard' for example usually isn't done in a neutral way.

In some cases though, I suppose I do find that things have become very extreme because we are all so afraid of offending someone. I think the problem sometimes lies in people not really being able to read one another.

Take for example: misogyny. I've worked in many scenarios in which, groups of women have been refered to as 'girls'. It's a funny thing- because- even women will sometimes refer to their group as 'girls'. It CAN be meant as a term of endearment. However, I've also worked with men who were clearly misogynists- and- coming from them- it just feels more belittling. I doubt they'd enjoy it if we called him a boy- he's a man.

I think- especially if we don't know the person- it can be easy to misconstrue what people mean- so I think some phrases, people try to avoid. On the other hand- people can sometimes reveal their true feelings by what they say. If they say something mildly offensive- what are the chances that what they are actually thinking/feeling is even worse?!!