

Jun 25, 2019
You've probably heard someone say, "suicide is the ultimate/highest act of selfishness". Why the highest? Do the corporate elites not want wage slaves to suicide so they condemn it as being extremely selfish?

I wonder why society doesn't consider bringing a kid into a life they didn't ask for as the ultimate act of selfishness. Especially into a horrible environment.
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Jun 25, 2019
Because the people defining it as the "ultimate act of selfishness" are not the people suiciding. It's the people who don't feel like suicide..... the ones whose definition of suicide as selfishness counts because they are around after the act to pontificate about suicide. The people who can't handle death. The people who would have you exist in a world they created and define as "normal". Normies as I call them have no clue because they have no real soul's. Just my opinion.
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Aug 27, 2018
Having kids is the most selfish act anyone can do they are only having children because THEY want to try that experience because it´s the next step in their life. I bet parents don´t think about what if my child developes mental problem later in life and can´t work and have to suffer even more because they have no money. When people have kids they should make sure they are multi millionaires so they can support their child forever, having the child will still be an extreme selfish act but at least they would remove the financial burden of their child a burden the child has never had any say in the matter about.

People think suicide is selfish because they are so egocentric their arguments is always that it will ruin family and/or friends life so they make it about other people to guilt trip people who are suffering to kill themselves when they never consented to being brought into this horrible world.
The people who can't handle death. The people who would have you exist in a world they created and define as "normal". Normies as I call them have no clue because they have no real soul's. Just my opinion.
Also most people never experienced real pain and real problems they say they do but they don´t have mental illnesses and/or physical problems so their worst day in life is just a mild breeze compared to the storm we are facing.

Of course it makes perfect sense they feel that they have had it hard because when they have always had a good and easy life and finally facing some problems in life these problems will feel like a huge battle compared to their easy lives.

It reminds of me a scene from Game of Thrones where Allisor Thorne says to Jon Snow "you think you know cold" but to Jon Snow it is extremely cold compared to what he used to know but Allisor Thorne knows how bad the cold really can be. I don´t know if I am just rambling now but I hope you get it. Basically for a person who has beat the game difficulty on level 1 is nothing but a breeze when you are stuck on level 100
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Jun 18, 2019
Having a child is, by definition, doing something against someone else's will. That truly is the definition of selfishness. Suicide is taking action and making things even.
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May 26, 2019
I wonder whether or not it's not selfishness which drives people to have children, compared to social norms and societal pressures (especially in a more rural environment). I've known people who've gone to school down in the south and they'd already plan their wedding immediately afterwards (with a child coming 7-8 months after that).

Fucking morons.
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existence is futile
Jul 10, 2019
Having a child is, by definition, doing something against someone else's will. That truly is the definition of selfishness. Suicide is taking action and making things even.

No my children didn't ask to be born, how can society continue if this selfish act isn't done? It was expected of me and if I could change it, knowing what I know now, I would. But its done, I loathe being a parent at times, its a struggle and I wish I wasn't, its one very small in a few dozen other reasons why I am done with life.

People say suicide is selfish as they are worried what they will miss when we are gone, they won't get to celebrate the next birthday or xmas, they don't get to see us grow old, they call it selfish so they can get away with being selfish themselves


“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
only way i can say suicide is a selfish act is if you are just doing it for attention and not really serious about it. some people go so far as to kill their own babies for the attention it brings.
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Jul 29, 2019
only way i can say suicide is a selfish act is if you are just doing it for attention and not really serious about it. some people go so far as to kill their own babies for the attention it brings.
well.. I was always thinking that why people who are seeking for attention on this level (so they try to kill themselves or someone else) are considered normal and JUST seeking for attention. I would rather think that they really have some mental issues or are feeling so lonely that the only way to get attention they see in suicide or murder. For me it is an indicator of a real mental problem. not an act of attention matter. So, for me all suicides are the same: you need help, but you don't get it so the only way is 1. to bring the attention for help in this extreme way or 2. just leave this world as you know that there is no help.
Because there a lot of ways to bring attention to your personality without killing yourself. You can walk naked through the whole city or use a dead chicken as your pet and so on. I mean there are a lot of crazy ways for attention, but killing oneself requires a mindset that is a real problem, in my opinion.
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May 26, 2019
I think I understand why some people (others) think suicide is selfish: By ctb'ing, you are taking something (you and your personality) away from others, with them not having any control over it.

But, that's their problem. No one who suffers from Depression/chronic pain/ etc. Who wants to ctb should feel the least bit guilty over other people's feelings. They can deal with it realistically, or choose not to. I know of a friend who tears up and almost breaks down whenever the state of Utah is brought up because her old boyfriend died in an avalanche 25 FRIGGING years ago. At what point is enough, enough? And, on top of it, she's an Evangelical Christian. Shouldn't she be HAPPY her old boyfriend is in heaven, and not dealing with the shit on our Earth??!

My point is you can only be responsible for your own behavior and feelings. Life is a series of tragedies: deal with loss or stay trapped in a fantasy world.

(Sorry about the venting)


“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
well.. I was always thinking that why people who are seeking for attention on this level (so they try to kill themselves or someone else) are considered normal and JUST seeking for attention. I would rather think that they really have some mental issues or are feeling so lonely that the only way to get attention they see in suicide or murder. For me it is an indicator of a real mental problem. not an act of attention matter. So, for me all suicides are the same: you need help, but you don't get it so the only way is 1. to bring the attention for help in this extreme way or 2. just leave this world as you know that there is no help.
Because there a lot of ways to bring attention to your personality without killing yourself. You can walk naked through the whole city or use a dead chicken as your pet and so on. I mean there are a lot of crazy ways for attention, but killing oneself requires a mindset that is a real problem, in my opinion.
hmmm i agree with your point. you put it in a different perspective for me.


Jul 2, 2019
Killing yourself is selfish; but there's nothing that isn't selfish. Most of the time people try to find a "non-egoistic" excuse for doing something.
It maybe very very simple or infinitely complex: people may try to convince others that their intentions don't include their own well-being ("I always work harder than I should so our company can thrive" when In fact it simply means "I want a promotion") or they may even try to convince themselves that they are not selfish (a person regularly feeds homeless people, without telling anyone about it; he or she feels a rush of relief: "Now I know, I am a good person.")
Anything you do is done in order to either feel good (between "comfortable" and "orgasmic") or to stop feeling bad (between "slightly unpleasant" and "agony"). You will never do something just because you can do it. And if you do something "just because you can", then it simply brings you joy knowing that you have an ability to do something, no matter how helpful, harmful or silly this action is.
Still: why suicide is the most selfish act?
I have a few versions.
1) With suicide, there's little to no direct impact on the outer world: YOU just did something to YOURSELF and that's it. Of course, lots of different things follow the same formula, but after suicide no one can call you out because there's no you. No one can say "hey, why did you kill yourself, %username%? why don't you go and do something more productive?".
2) Glorification of "heroic" suicide (when people sacrifice themselves to save others) makes other cases of suicide look like a waste.
3) My favorite: people are afraid of death and calling suicide "selfish" is a coping mechanism. No one wants to think about actual reasoning behind such an act. Maybe it's because someone doesn't want to accept that death is a way out; maybe because thinking about death in general is very scary, and inevitability of death is a pure nightmare fuel. So instead of trying to understand why could someone commit suicide, it's much easier to label it as something unpleasant like "weakness" or an "easy way out" or, well, "selfish act", and call it a day. And you aren't a weak egocentric pussy, right?
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Mar 21, 2019
You've probably heard someone say, "suicide is the ultimate/highest act of selfishness". Why the highest? Do the corporate elites not want wage slaves to suicide so they condemn it as being extremely selfish?

I wonder why society doesn't consider bringing a kid into a life they didn't ask for as the ultimate act of selfishness. Especially into a horrible environment.
If you do something to inconvenience or sadden others, they will view it as a selfish act. Ironic...isn't it!


Jan 28, 2019
i have watched videos of people living in slums, underground sewers, and other shitty conditions and some of them have young kids. i don't understand why they felt the need to bring more suffering into that. how selfish can you be when you are living in a slum and you think its a good idea to procreate.
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Jul 29, 2019
i have watched videos of people living in slums, underground sewers, and other shitty conditions and some of them have young kids. i don't understand why they felt the need to bring more suffering into that. how selfish can you be when you are living in a slum and you think its a good idea to procreate.
May be because the women had no strength to say no to men who cared only about their desire at that moment and the women had no way to protect themselves? And just giving the birth is the only option for them? And they dont want to talk about sexual abuse cause they are scared and ashamed?


Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I believe that society and it's people think that they come first and that individuals (who of course never asked to be here in the first place, well nobody chose to be born) should just accept their role in life, whether it is being lucky, being a wageslave, or a consumer, or whatever role the person ends up taking in society. Furthermore, the government losing it's taxpayers, consumers, and more, is true. Religion and indoctrination is also to blame for skewing people's view on suicide, making it seem like a always negative rather than a neutral act.
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Professional Suicide Attempter
Jul 23, 2019
Not allowing suicide is the real most selfish act. When people are clearly suffering, you are not allowing them to leave such pain just because you miss them? Those selfish government policy makers are making laws preventing suicide because they need lower class workers aka slaves to sustain their outlandish spendings. If those people suicide due to their suffering, then those selfish policy makers will be the next to suffer.
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Apr 8, 2018
You've probably heard someone say, "suicide is the ultimate/highest act of selfishness". Why the highest? Do the corporate elites not want wage slaves to suicide so they condemn it as being extremely selfish?

I wonder why society doesn't consider bringing a kid into a life they didn't ask for as the ultimate act of selfishness. Especially into a horrible environment.

Suicide is seen as a strong group rejection; it doesn't have anything to do with logic really. Views on life and suicide are generally full of contradictions and poorly thought out on so many absurd assumptions they don't even make sense unless you think about it from the context of a group mentality.
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Crystal Labeija

Crystal Labeija

Jun 3, 2019
> Why the highest? Do the corporate elites not want wage slaves to suicide so they condemn it as being extremely selfish?

You answered your own question. Corporate elites wish they can eliminate the 13th amendment and restore slavery.

There is absolutely nothing selfish about suicide. Suicide is man's method of salvation. It is the last resort of those who have no power. Suicide gives the poorest of men the absolute power. That's why elites will forever demonize it.

Suicide would give the poorest of men the ultimate power. Suicide is the absolute control over man's fate. No one would hate that than those who want you to become a slave for them.
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existence is futile
Jul 10, 2019
Going back to the attention seeking, when it boils down using suicide as a way of attention seeking is pretty damn extreme, what if someone doesn't actually want to die, but ends up on that path for said attention seeking, yet it goes too far and they actually end up dead.


  • suicide-suicidal-considered-considered-a-attention-seeking-tragedy-everyone-tries-55759468.png
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Nov 27, 2018
You've probably heard someone say, "suicide is the ultimate/highest act of selfishness". Why the highest? Do the corporate elites not want wage slaves to suicide so they condemn it as being extremely selfish?

I wonder why society doesn't consider bringing a kid into a life they didn't ask for as the ultimate act of selfishness. Especially into a horrible environment.

Double standard. If theyre the one doing it its fine. If someone doing it to them its bad and selfish. Fucking cunt that cant see their own cuntiness.


May 22, 2019
Because people think only God has the right to end lives.


Apr 5, 2018
This doesn't seem to add up for me. Accepting the selfishness of suicide means also accepting it is done with concern for personal benefit, and so it denies life as something inherently worthwhile. Unless it's some sort of cheap manipulative tactic. "Suicide is selfish. You don't want to be selfish? Then live for another fifty years." There has to be a fancy term for this line of tricks but I don't know about it, other than a slang word in Russian for which I wasn't being able to find any notable translations.
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Jul 29, 2019
There has to be a fancy term for this line of tricks but I don't know about it, other than a slang word in Russian for which I wasn't being able to find any notable translations.
you intrigued me... what is that word? :D


May 22, 2019
The idea that people have a duty to live because their deaths will make other people sad seems extremely selfish to me. Basically it's like the opinions of family members who aren't suffering themselves is all that matters. The opinion of the person who's actually suffering is completely irrelevant.
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