

Oct 1, 2020
The real reasons why people are fanatical to a religion are purely psychological. Those who invented religions built these institutions with ideas / beliefs that are FULLY COMPATIBLE with the way humans think and feel


1. The human is by nature a very interested being that NEVER WORKS IN A BUCKET. Whenever he does anything, he hopes that his action will be rewarded in some way to feel that his effort was not in vain; If he knows there is no reward / incentive involved, then he is unlikely to act. Now, the religion invented the belief that if one does good deeds in life, then he has to earn rewards from God, and in his death he will receive the eternal reward. Here is clear the real reason why fans do "good" acts: they do not do it for a really honest and disinterested service thinking of the happiness and / or well-being of their fellow man, but they do it only for the selfish interest of personal salvation, hoping to receive rewards that will only benefit them. As a result, we see that the human mind and religion become compatible, since the religious belief of the prizes satisfies the human desire to obtain them.

RESULT: the religious fanatic is "good" ONLY FOR INTEREST, not for the practice of true goodness, which must be TOTALLY FREE AND DISINTERESTED

2. It is natural for humans to fear any kind of suffering. Whenever he is threatened by some kind of illness, he begins to feel a lot of fear, and in a desperate way he does everything possible to avoid it at whatever cost. At the same time, the religion invented the belief that if people do not do good deeds, and if they cause evil, then God will be enraged, and will send them all kinds of punishments and sufferings (a complete blackmail in every rule). Given this, it is more than evident to know why religious fanatics avoid doing evil: they do not do it for the awakening of consciousness or for the practice of true gratuitous and disinterested goodness, but they really do it OUT OF FEAR, because they are obsessed with wanting avoid all kinds of suffering and misfortune. As a result we see that the human mind and religion become compatible because the false belief in punishments that religions sell satisfies the human desire to want to avoid them.

RESULT: the religious fanatic avoids doing evil ONLY OUT OF FEAR of the supposed divine punishments, not because he heartily wants to practice goodness

3. The human is very spiteful, judgmental and vindictive by nature. This can be easily demonstrated when the news is made public that a criminal robbed and murdered his victim. Immediately everyone's reaction is more than predictable: there is general indignation, and people are filled with resentment and a desire for revenge, and in their hearts they begin to wish that the full weight of the law falls on the criminal, and they want him to suffer. all kinds of punishments "so that he pays it." In turn, religion invented that God is enraged with sinners, and that he sends them all kinds of misfortunes, and that on the day of his death he sends them to a place of eternal punishment. It becomes clear why people become so attached to religion: They do not do it to find God or true spirituality, but do it only to JUDGE AND SATISFY THEIR YEARS FOR JUSTICE / VENGEANCE by focusing their desires on them " bad "be punished by God. As a result we see that the human mind and religion become compatible, as the religious belief in divine justice / revenge satisfies the human desire that the "bad guys" pay and suffer.
RESULT: the religious fanatic believes in God JUST TO SATISFY HIS RENEWAL of him through the supposed "divine wrath", not because he wants God to have love and forgiveness for all without exception

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Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
reproductive rights waiting GIF
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I can tie a noose with my eyes closed
Nov 21, 2020
I think it's mostly coping, religion is an easy way to coax oneself into thinking the world is fair when it's clearly not.

Example: Many people get the short end of the stick but it's okay because there's an invisible world that they go to when they die where justice will be served.
Because of this, "just world" type beliefs have always been pushed by those in power because they can control people with a sense of hope that way. Even in today's secular world you see this same worldview repeated by everyone across the political spectrum. "don't fight for your rights, it's all your fault, accept the pain, your beliefs are why your life sucks, you implicity consented to this, etc."
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Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
People need their illusions & delusions... Reality is horrifying & it's much harder or even impossible to live if you're aware of that fact
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Mar 9, 2021
I used to be a really harsh atheist but to be fair there is a lot that we don't know about our universe and assuming it was born for chance and that this phisycal world and humans with all their complex emotions and souls just popped up in existence is just too much of a stretch for me.
I don't think most religions are right, just look at the Bible, just by reading that you can tell that in no way a God like that can exist, he's evil, tortures people, inflicts nothing but pain and desires nothing but offerings and praises.
From the Exodus:
"Thou shalt not have other Gods outside of me, for I am very jealous"
"The men that lay with other men as you lay with a woman are impure, they are both sinners and guilty, they shall be killed and may their blood befall upon them, if you do not abide these laws I shall smithe thy people and the land will vomit you and kill you"
Just tell me how that is a loving God.
I think the only religion that kinda scratches the problem of human excistence and pain is Buddhism, but again it is really influenced by historical beliefs (surprise surprise they hate women and homosexuals).
As to why people are religious the answer is simple, as Jung also confirms, there is no advantage in not being religious or spiritual, if you believe you have a purpose you live better, happier (kinda) and it also impacts your health more positively compared to believing there is complete void and nothingness.

I don't think all religious people are fanatics, a few percentage of them are kind and true to their faith and preaches, I've met a few and even tho they surely don't outnumber the bad ones it's still worth mentioning.
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Nothing compares to the bliss of death.
Aug 8, 2018
It's not necessarily the supernatural beliefs that bother me. It's the arrogance to think that they are better than other people because of their beliefs.
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Похорони меня возле МКАДа
Jul 4, 2020
Idk. but religion is for me somewhat of an century old propaganda that has manipulated people into doing crazy things like burning "witches" or throwing rocks at people who are not straight or say certain things in certain countries.

That's why I just don't really care about this crap. You want to pray to Buddha, Allah or whatever, do it.. but don't try to involve me into your BS
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Nov 4, 2020
Religious fanatics do commit acts of Evil, 9/11, 7/7(London bus bombing) and the Manchester Arena Bombing are just 3 examples!
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Jun 14, 2021
hello, I agree with LostSoul. Im an ATHEIST FANATIC, but have found certain wisdom in religion. For me "religions" are compendiums of knowledge that can address a wide variety of subjects. They are attempts at explaining ourselves, the world and the relationship between the two. Many religions seem to be mistaken in most of what they preach hahaha. but most are also very old, from a time when it was harder to explain things.

because knowledge builds upon itself, science would not have been possible without religion and maybe someday, science will be found wanting in its answers too.

one thing I greatly envy from the religious is FAITH.


kristallene Bergluft über verfallener Gruft
Aug 20, 2019
I choose to be religious because if I succumb to the nihilist mindvirus like so many people sadly have, I'll off myself for good. Nihilism will be the end of humanity if it wins out.
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