

Nothing compares to the bliss of death.
Aug 8, 2018
1. No one chose to be born, therefore they have no obligation to life, except maybe in cases of parents with dependant children.

2. A persons consent and bodily autonomy should be respected, especially in cases of euthanasia. For the same reasons why it's wrong to murder someone, it's also wrong to force someone to stay alive. It is a violation of bodily consent and forces someone to suffer in life.

3.Life is not a gift. Unfairness and Suffering are fundamental to all mammals. Evolution is a predatory natural system. Therefore it is false to claim that life is inherently good or benevolent in any objective or universal sense. Happiness and Good Health are notoriously difficult, if not impossible, to achieve and maintain. It is not reasonable to say happiness is a choice. The vast majority of all people would be miserable without external factors that make them feel happy, like family, friends, pets, material possessions,etc,etc. If someone had nothing in life, it would be virtually impossible for them to "choose" to be happy. Also people don't have control over everything that happens in their lives. Considering the harshness of life, it is a cruelty to deny people the right to a humane death when we have the means to easily provide such deaths.
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Apr 1, 2021
This! I have said and these exact thoughts in my head since I was little. Thank you for putting it so perfectly. There is zero reason that humane suicide shouldn't be legal.
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Mar 22, 2020
Great reasons.

We only need to make understand this to the majority of the world; people who believe that a smiling bearded God is taking care of them and created this world in 7 days.

Fortunately, as years go by, the world is becoming more open-minded and less religious.

I think assisted suicidal might be legal in more countries in a few decades.
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