
Mar 22, 2020
Or maybe we did? What do you think?

To my way of seeing, most of us were "happy" (in case we were able to feel anything) in the eternal nothingness but for some reason (our parents' selfishness) we were forced to exist in this world.

I wonder how we managed to kick millions of spermatozoons' asses and be born. Perhaps we wanted to live at the beginning? lol. What an irony!
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Jan 22, 2021
My son always tells me he picked me to come here. When he was really little he used to talk about my dead uncle and people being born out of the spirits of the dead. It used to creep me out the stuff he used to say when he was 3 and up
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Nov 11, 2020
Consciousness is very hard for me to understand, like am I real? or is this a simulation? wtf am I? Is anything in this world "real"? If this was real, then I believe we are here purely by chance. That or it is just a simulation of a greater thing and we won't know it in this lifetime.

Regardless, our parents were very selfish indeed. I don't understand why someone would bring a kid into this world for them to have to grow up in a ridiculous economy working 50 hours a week hardly being able to afford to have a stable shelter on top of your head. and afford food and enough to enjoy life. I have a good income and rent alone is at least 30-40% of my income. On top of that, if i do want to buy a house (people: "omg you are so spoiled". Yes, wishing to have own fucking shelter is very spoiled apparently) banks will never give me a loan even with good credit score. Then have to work so many hours a year, for a job that will be replaced by machines very soon. It makes you feel so damn useless and there is no stopping technology. It will take over, whether it should or it shouldn't it doesn't matter. The economy is a fucking disaster and it will not get better. Why bring children into this fucking nightmare? I love my parents, but it makes me truly hate them when I think why they brought me here. Specially when their economic situation, mental health and country situation was not ideal to raise a child.
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Life is just waiting for death
Mar 26, 2021
There is no reason why we should live, if we are still going to die in the end. Even though if we were immortal, there still wouldn't be any meaning of life. Once we were born we are convicted to death. Life is just waiting for death. Life is so pointless.

As for me I was born at the third attempt. I wish it worked at the first or the second, so I would never been born at all. I'm the only child, so just one child is enough for my mum. She would be happy with other child and I would be happy in eternal nothingness.
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Dec 16, 2020
This question is tricky because it assumes that there was another life before this lifem=, which opens way to the spiritual concept

So for me, I prefer to believe that there wasn't a before and there will be no after life....we came from a sophisticated mecanism of life which ends with death
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Dec 20, 2020
sometimes i think on a soul level we ask to come here, sometimes i curse my parents for getting bringin me into being without a second thought to how shit and laborious life is

sounds like i shud be welcoming you into antinatalism my friend :)
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Life is too difficult for me
Oct 11, 2019
I hear you. It's just hard to exist when you don't want to for some reason.

It makes you think about the void.

Like you think about how humans have existed for thousands of years before you were born and how they will exist for millions more.

But it will not make any difference to those who are unborn or those who are dead.
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Dec 4, 2020
I wonder how we managed to kick millions of spermatozoons' asses and be born. Perhaps we wanted to live at the beginning?
Of course we wanted to live. There's no such thing as a kamikaze sperm.

I do wander...how the hell did I win the race? Did I creep out every other sperm on my way? Maybe I left the party earlier, like I usually do.

However, nothing of this would have happened without those nerve endings. It's all a dirty trick!

Life: Join the play!!! Or masturbate in the backstage. I don't care.
That's some devious propaganda.
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Sep 16, 2020
According to Qanon we asked to be here and we are whiners if we say the universe and all the dragons and big foot in it is a bastard even after glorious victory is achieved crushing all the unimaginably evil elite.
My Cosmic face needs aslapif I was scummy enough to want to put myself through this.
And see what others go through.
These scum call me mentally ill because I don't see any good in such an evil existence. Patronising cu ts pretend they suffered or understand the pain of those who have genuinely been abused.
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Jan 24, 2019
I am a mistake in a literal way, thinking my parents didn't worry about protection and then there's me, lmao , not wanted and not wanting to live, if by some way i chose this, i would kill the part of me that did
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Mar 14, 2021
Or maybe we did? What do you think?

To my way of seeing, most of us were "happy" (in case we were able to feel anything) in the eternal nothingness but for some reason (our parents' selfishness) we were forced to exist in this world.

I wonder how we managed to kick millions of spermatozoons' asses and be born. Perhaps we wanted to live at the beginning? lol. What an irony!
Our parents selfishness? Have you ever had a few beers with a lady and one thing lead to another? I dont call that selfishness i call it youthful lustful normality
Selfishness comes when your about 15 when you realize your parents are selfish scum


Mar 22, 2020
Our parents selfishness? Have you ever had a few beers with a lady and one thing lead to another? I dont call that selfishness i call it youthful lustful normality
Selfishness comes when your about 15 when you realize your parents are selfish scum

Yeah, plenty of times.
It seems you didn't get what I meant by "selfishness".
I was referring to people who actually wanna bring individuals into this world, not "accidents".

I would never decide to have children voluntarily. The world is a very cruel place to live in.

Anyway, that's my opinion.

See ya around.
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Nov 11, 2020
Our parents selfishness? Have you ever had a few beers with a lady and one thing lead to another? I dont call that selfishness i call it youthful lustful normality
Selfishness comes when your about 15 when you realize your parents are selfish scum
"having a few beers with a lady and one thing lead to another" that is literally the definition of selfish...

Selfish: Lacking consideration for other people; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure.

We can say whatever about having a few beers with a lady and one thing leading to another and lust taking over, but let's call it for what it is! Selfishness! On the part of the woman or the guy or both. They wanted to fuck, without any thought about the consequences of that. They were only thinking of themselves and their lust and emotions, and fucked without considering anything else (protection, creating a life, diseases, financials, mental health). So yes, this circumstance is completely selfish, more so than parents who put a lot of thought into having a kid...

But if we bring down the selfishness bar and the parents decided to have him after careful consideration, this is still selfish!

THEY wanted to have a kid and bring someone to this hell. Maybe it is in their DNA to replicate? or cultural or whatever, it doesn't matter. The kid never asked to be born, but the parents made the conscious decision of bringing him/her into this world. So in my opinion, whatever the circumstance is, the act of bringing a kid into this world is selfish, specially knowing full-well that there really isn't much of an exit plan in a painless way...
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Aug 18, 2020
Or maybe we did? What do you think?

To my way of seeing, most of us were "happy" (in case we were able to feel anything) in the eternal nothingness but for some reason (our parents' selfishness) we were forced to exist in this world.

I wonder how we managed to kick millions of spermatozoons' asses and be born. Perhaps we wanted to live at the beginning? lol. What an irony!
I think we all can understand this logic. Also not only do our parents seem selfish but for far too many of us they were assholes after the fact either on purpose or through simple neglect.

I think sadly we did choose this life to "learn lessons", AKA fucking bullshit, and for many of us these "lessons" are just too hard on the soul. Life can really kick us right in the "feelers", heart, groin, head, stomach. I also think its possible that sperm has nothing to do with it. Perhaps we inhabit the body after the fetus grows a tiny heart and a tiny brain and tiny nervous system. Perhaps it our parents energy field that attracts us to that certain body? Perhaps the soul enters within the first month or 2. For instance in a sonogram we can barely see that tiny heart beat no bigger than a large blood vein and mommy's fist "kicks" that she can feel come soon after that. Maybe this is when we "enter" and has nothing to do with millions of sperm. Maybe "science" will figure this out one day if we ever evolve minds and tech to test for soul. When a body dies there is a weight that leaves the body. Many doctors have tested this over and over. I dont mean just "pooping" the pants but an actual weight leaves the adult body at death. Perhaps this small fraction of mass is in fact the soul? Look it up "weight loss at death". Its continued to be tested because it is so profound to many doctors/ scientists.

21 grams seems to be the magic quote for the souls "weight" leaving the body.

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