

Jun 25, 2019
Some people don't have good families, some people have no families at all, no support, are homeless etc... Yet people still think its selfish.

I wonder is something rooted in evolution that the vast majority of people in society think that we shouldn't have the right to end our lives? Why does it matter what loved ones will feel? If people can accept assisted suicide for terminal illness, why not mental illness?
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Feb 8, 2019
Because they like medical persons are under the same train of thought which is to allow and prolong ones suffering, its all about what they think is best for you.


May 31, 2019
It's easy to be against assisted suicide when you're not the one dying slowly and painfully in a hospital bed.

For many it's moral posturing.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
I don't think most people know why and that's what makes them uncomfortable. That or it hits too close to home.
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Jun 28, 2019
It's because it scares them that suicide is an option, that they too don't have to endure their shitty lives. It's much easier to get up every morning and keep slaving away if you believe that you simply have no other choice.
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No alarms, and no surprises...
Jul 21, 2019
I don't want the people I love to die. At the same time I am pro-choice.
I think part of the reason people are against the option is cultural. Even though a lot of people nowadays is nonreligious we're still Judeo-Christian societies (at least the vast majority in this forum), and under Judeo-Christianity suicide is a sin.
I wonder if some people fear society might break down if it became more accepted. But in such case a counter-example would be Japan. In Japan there's much more tolerance to suicide, it can even be considered morally responsible action. And despite that their society has not broken down, and the number of suicides is not very high.
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Jun 13, 2019
Why don't most people agree with the right to die?
I do not know where came from this statement, guess any poll.

Because nobody wants a loved person, family member, good friend.........die. is a shame that a girl/guy in the prime of live who have any kind of problems or concerned which can to be solved ended up your life any which way. Awful.

I think it should not confusing with decisions taked by adults men or women who want to end your life for their own and privates reasons and them can to apply their rights freely. Right to die, indeed.

A plate is a plate and a glass is a glass.

And there will be more reasons.
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May 21, 2019
It's just not politically correct to agree with anyone to ctb.
I think if it was acceptable one day you would see the numbers of people who ctb rise dramatically.
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Jun 12, 2018
People are stupid, plain and simple.
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Nov 18, 2018
They old saying 'ignorance is bliss' could comes to mind.
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Deep Breaths
Aug 25, 2018
Some segments of the population are slower to evolve than others.
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Apr 19, 2018
yes way don't we have the right to die


Jul 29, 2019
ordinary people dont feel guilty if you die from a disease or you are killed.. but when you commit suicide they feel like they could have helped but didnt see what is wrong. so they dont want to feel guilty and ruin their lives because of you. So they would probably make you suffer from inner pain than let themselves suffer after your death. and yet they say suicidal people are selfish... for the governement it is not good as if anyone could kill themselves it would make the society so unstable that the country would lose active people that can work and pour some money. it is more profitable if you are paying money to get treated from depression or suicidal thoughts. So yeah... why would anyone agree with suicide being a way out...?
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Jul 29, 2019
Actually, I want to dig a little bit deeper into this topic and spread some awareness about the facts of assisted suicide. Take this survey for example. 20% of people think suicide is morally acceptable while 53% of people think assisted suicide is morally acceptable. So in other words: add a doctor to the whole process and it's fine for the majority. So a large percentage of the population is actually in favor of the right to die, look at this survey from Switzerland. People want autonomy over their exit. But the problem is: nobody is pushing for any legislation. Nobody cares.

We could legalize assisted suicide in many countries and improve the already existing situation in countries like Switzerland, Belgium and Netherlands - because right now only people who are already dying are allowed to leave with assisted suicide in these countries. That's the current situation. The myth of it being super accessible and liberal in Switzerland, for example, is simply wrong. You need to be old as fuck, experience unbearable pain or have a terminal illness that is gonna kill you soon anyway. So in other words: you basically can't leave if you're not gonna die very soon, as tragic as this sounds. We need to change that system but the politicians and doctors block it. Over and over again. Just recently in 2018, the Swiss Academy of Medical Science (a scientific organization) tried to do that in Switzerland and basically open up assisted suicide to everyone who is simply 'suffering', in simple terms. But we failed because the Association of Swiss Doctors voted against it. Look here, the whole case is explained in this article. Because it would be "irresponsible" to grant access to assisted suicide to young people who aren't necessary suffering from a terminal disease, according to these doctors. It's really stupid and I am so disappointed by these people who think they have the authority over life but that's just how it is, right now. People think they can take away that autonomy over peoples life. As a Swiss person who would love to go with the support and approval of doctors, so I can leave in an 'official way' and maybe even surrounded by some people - who knows, it's simply frustrating.

Let's talk about the current alternative: if people ever decide to leave, it has to happen in secret and in many cases they have to go with a very risky method that has a serious potential of failing and leave them with permanent (brain) damage. Nobody wants to put themselves at such a risk. I am lucky enough to have a very decent method so this risk is basically 0 for me, but for others it isn't. But even I have to leave secretly and 'alone' in a hotel room. Does that sound like a decent way to go? No, I don't think so. And we didn't even talk about the aspect of dignity. I think people deserve to leave in peace and dignity. That can't happen if someone has to hang themselves in the closet and maybe even put their family or friends through a very traumatizing experience. If people could leave with the approval of doctors and maybe with Nembutal, as most assisted suicide organizations are handling it right now, that would definitely come a lot closer to a dignified death. People could leave while being surrounded by family and friends and with zero risk of surviving with some serious consequences.

And I'm not even talking about the fact that we commit a crime if we import certain drugs that could guarantee a peaceful death. The whole legal aspect that basically criminalized people who simply want to leave with a decent method and I'm not just talking about Nembutal but also Fentanyl and Heroin - and it's really sad but these are the options people are pushed into. Because they are comparable to Nembutal when it comes to painless and peaceful options. So there are very serious legal implications nobody is talking about.

Another issue: the suicide rate is rising in many developed countries. So making it "illegal" (in the sense that you get thrown into a mental hospital which is basically a prison for mentally ill people) or creating a stigma around it in an attempt to scare the shit out of people who want to commit suicide doesn't help either. It doesn't reduce suicide. It doesn't make people seek help more frequently because of the fear to end up in a mental hospital if they open up to a doctor or psychiatrist. All it does is making people commit suicide with less safe, less sane and less reliable methods. If society wants to decrease suicide and harm, well - congrats. You achieved the opposite of your goals. You played yourself really well.

That's my approach to suicide and my criticism of the current system. Here is a visualization of the survey I've mentioned above to highlight the hypocrisy of people:

View attachment 14225

Brilliant! I couldn't have said more! But I will add that if they fear that people will commit assisted suicide just because they will feel alone or because of something unimportant so I can say that there can be a process period so you can rethink your choice and sometimes even this thinking makes you appreciate what you have if you intended to end your life because of something not that painful. So this could actually help people and there will be more people seeking for help and not deepening their pain inside. That could help to eliminate those who commit suicidal gestures ( suicide for attention only) and we will be left only with those who really want to die and are in pain actually. I cannot understand why legalising suicide is a bad thing...
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