

One step closer
Oct 28, 2020
I just don't understand why a person has to be forced to live if they are suffering and no longer want to because they feel their is no dignity left for them or quality of life. It angers me to no end and Philip Nieche is my hero for the work he's done. All of the laws need to be changed in every country on the earth. Voluntary euthanasia should be available to anyone who wants to utilize it. No one should be forced to remain here to continue living an unbearable life full of suffering and misery no matter what their age or reason for wanting out is. That is for an individual to decide. No one has the right to to force life upon another human being. I truly hope this can be achieved though I won't be around to see it. You shouldn't have to be terminal or old or have to meet any criteria other than the fact that you do not wish to live any longer and want to stop. That's my rant and my hope and wish for the world and these horrible laws that deny a person to do with what they wish with their own bodies and lives.
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Mar 21, 2021
Someone has to pay for the ever increasing amount of pensioners, can't have people killing themselves before they've paid their taxes.
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bury me
Nov 1, 2018
imo most people have bought into the notion of "permanent solution to a temporary problem" and completely disregard not all problems are temporary. we're moving in a slightly more sympathetic direction on that front, but for a tiny window of situations. personally i'm not opposed to there being some kind of restrictions/criteria in place, but limiting it exclusively to elderly people with specific physical illnesses is a long way from where we need to be to prevent people suffering with no peaceful way out.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
I wish I lived in Belgium or Holland where people can request euthanasia based on psychological suffering associated with psychiatric disorders...
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Aug 12, 2018
This is a comment from a thread in r/Antinatalism:

I believe in way that you killing yourself invalidates everything about them and what they have struggled to cling onto for so long.

Hear me out (sorry for the jumbled thoughts)

  • I believe that generally speaking the only thing that keeps most people going is some form or other of escapism and acceptance. Each to a varying degree.
*we humans are social animals by nature. Some more social than others, which determines whether or not you seek constant validation or a small bit of acceptance.

  • everyone goes through stuggles. Hell even the most coddled, sheltered and spoilt amongst us suffer in some or another relative to their own life experiences. But the fact that others in their social circle have gone through "similar" experiences and stayed alive thus far creates something similar to peer pressure. (if they got through so can I). It becomes likes a team badge that unites everyone through some comradery. [like it or not even this antinatalism philosophy is a form of comradery that validates our own thoughts - same is happening all around us]
*so what happens when your own social circle starts killing themselves? Suddenly your forced to face the reality that you actually DON'T have to fucking endure through mountains of shit for a worthless pat on the back. Suddenly there is an actual escape from the dread of life. If you're peers could do it why can't you? (very scary thought all of a sudden)

*but if they went through all that only to kill themselves suddenly what was the point struggling all along? And some be may be forced to wonder : what was the point of them struggling all along when they to could have taken the "easier road"

In conclusion that is why I believe (in my opinion) suicide is so vilified to point of it been punishment worth an eternity of hell? (some benevolent God/s). Because your existence in a social group was a form of crutch validate someone else's life/reasons to exist. Your bonds were a form of escapism. And you killing yourself invalidates ALL of their delusion. Because afterall like it or not we are all high on some sort of delusion to keep ourselves going in this mess. It's not love they do it out of. They prevent your suicide for sheer selfishness:

  • they do not want to deal with the discomfort and Agony death brings *they want your existence to give them reason to bother existing
  • prevention of you killing yourself almost practically indebts you to them (like you owe me for saving your life hero complex)
  • you may even provide a benefit that your death would cause an inconvenience ie government needs wage slaves, partners may be freeloaders, parents may want kids to take care of them when their older....
Love quite frankly. And I hate to say this. Solely depends on one's capacity to benefit from the other. You dying terminates that benefit. And strangers saving others. Well the human spirit can't escape its instincts. The survival of the group ensures your own survival.

Thus conducts my thesis. (sorry for the grammar. Too lazy to correct it and typing on mobile is annoying)
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
They need the losers alive to feel and look better in comparison.

Genetic. Drones.
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Feb 23, 2020
Don't forget that people have invested time, energy, and money on you. First your mother who carried you for 9 months, then both of your parents who took care of you for 2 decades (ideally). Society invest in you too in form of security, infrastructure and schooling. etc etc Who would want to lose such investment?!

I am not saying they are right I just want you to see their point of view too.
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Oct 12, 2020
For me it's as simple as don't want to be here so should not have to be. Should not have to resort to difficult, dangerous methods of achieving peace.
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May 5, 2020
Don't forget that people have invested time, energy, and money on you. First your mother who carried you for 9 months, then both of your parents who took care of you for 2 decades (ideally). Society invest in you too in form of security, infrastructure and schooling. etc etc Who would want to lose such investment?!

I am not saying they are right I just want you to see their point of view too.
Definitely. Its all things we considered. Don't think alot of us are not grateful for what our parents did. Especially all the things you have said
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Out of order
Feb 21, 2021
Because "suicide bad" has been ingrained into society so much, people can't fathom another way of thinking. If one dares to try to merely imply suicide could be helpful for some, even as a last resort when all else fails, they're automatically monsters. And yet, it's somehow considered "moral" to force people to live under constant suffering until they die of natural causes.
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Tired of being lonely
Sep 3, 2020
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Religion is the main culprit, if you ask me. Attitudes might change in Scandinavia, Germany & France in the coming decades because of widespread atheism, but there's little hope elsewhere. Maybe in New Zealand & Australia
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
People can use religion and pro life arguments all they want but it seriously is wrong there isn't some form of assisted suicide in the UK. Individual human lives do not matter. Life isn't sacred. We exist just to die. There is unbelievable suffering in this world and yet the only way out is methods that can fail or require a lot of courage. There should be some kind of acceptance towards suicide rather than people being constantly forced to live in horrible conditions.
If someone is just going through just an bad time in their life and are suicidal, then they should get help and it should be discouraged, because they might want to live really. But if someone is suffering every day with no relief then it should be accepted.
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One step closer
Oct 28, 2020
For me it's as simple as don't want to be here so should not have to be. Should not have to resort to difficult, dangerous methods of achieving peace.
Exactly this is what it boils down to. Because easy peaceful methods of Euthanasia are not available to all such as Dignitas and Pegasos people suffer so much more trying to leave their lives then they need to. There's always the risk of failure and being left worse off then you were to begin with and that is truly unacceptable.
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
At least severely mentally and physically ill should be evaluated and if they have tried everything and it all failed then euthanasia is the only option.
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A nobody
Mar 22, 2021
I believe on of the factor is for people to view suicide as bad i on how disturbed individuals who witness it may. With that saying maybe people don't want to realize the system we build pushes certain people to suicide. Admitting we failed as a society for that certain person. With all of that said. I think it's more so people dont want to feel gultiy by pushing a forced live on a person
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Don't Cry for Me, I'm Already Dead
Apr 7, 2021
Because the world and it's big names need us (the slaves) to keep living and working so that they can keep benefiting.
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baby blues
Apr 17, 2021
Its because our lives are too beneficial to the people who are alive. Governments need people to fill their pockets as do businesses. Family/friends want you to stay alive because it makes them happy to see and talk to you once every few months. Random strangers try and give meaning to their lives by making an 'impact' on yours. As long as these groups continue to band together, I don't think assisted suicide for anybody who doesn't meet the criteria already in place will ever be available to us. Suicide awareness day, mental health month etc. was created and promoted by these groups but they aren't actually trying to understand why you would choose suicide in the first place. It shadows the issues we face to make them feel better):
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