

Jan 30, 2021
I had a fairly good day. Travelled for 2 hours to finally visit my grandma with Alzheimer's again after 7 months (she got vaccinated recently). She recognised me and kept repeating how happy she was to see me. It was heartwarming. She and my mum are the main reasons I'm still here.

Just now, on the way back, my train got delayed and I missed my connection. It completely ruined my mood. I just want to cry and sleep and cry more and then die. But I only need to wait for 30mins for the next train? This is literally the tiniest inconvenience ever? Wtf is wrong with me???
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
The more advanced parts of the brain run out of juice. It needs a lot of energy to hold back the constant pain. It happening in the later parts of the day substantiate this assooomption.
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Into The Void

Into The Void

Mar 10, 2021
I had a fairly good day. Travelled for 2 hours to finally visit my grandma with Alzheimer's again after 7 months (she got vaccinated recently). She recognised me and kept repeating how happy she was to see me. It was heartwarming. She and my mum are the main reasons I'm still here.

Just now, on the way back, my train got delayed and I missed my connection. It completely ruined my mood. I just want to cry and sleep and cry more and then die. But I only need to wait for 30mins for the next train? This is literally the tiniest inconvenience ever? Wtf is wrong with me???
Brain chemistry is off. Perhaps your genetics are off too. Medication can help.


Mar 22, 2020
I can relate.
No matter how happy I am, the smallest "bad" things that happen to me ruin my day.
For example, I used to be a youtuber and it didn't matter how many positive comments I received, only one negative comment was enough to make me depressed and angry.

Now, I'm doing quite good at working for instance, but if for some reason my lessons are cancelled, I end up with a terrible mood.

What's going on with us?
I guess we just want every detail of our lives to go the way we want them to. We don't want perfection. We just don't want unexpected stuff to happen lol.
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Mar 21, 2019
Life is a "contact" sport. Some of us take those bruises better than others. It might be something to check out. If those small inconveniences stop ruining your day, a better life might be attainable.
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Narcissist Gay NEET-cel
Mar 4, 2020
Happens to me all the time. It sucks.
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Jan 30, 2021
Thanks for your replies guys. I made it home and am ready to go to bed (at 9.30pm lol, what is my life). Looking back I'm a bit embarrassed my intense overreaction, but I figured it was just the combination of an emotionally draining day, work/study stress, bad brain chemistry (and definitely also genetics) and everything else that's always going on in the back of my mind. Another day tomorrow, chin down and towards new disappointments!
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Nov 30, 2020
It's the little things that push you over the edge. Just like that garden gnome. You get up in the morning, go downstairs only to find the ugly little cunt staring back at you through the window. Next thing you know you've murdered your entire family and half the neighborhood.
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Oct 3, 2020
This can happen easily for me if I've planned or thought through the day enough in advance, maybe you're the same. If one thing doesn't go the way it was meant to I can spend hours internally fuming, even if it's not really a big deal. The train thing you mentioned would make me want to explode but I'd just sit there bottling it.

It happened at work recently where I wrote out a list of stuff I've done well and prepped myself before a call with my boss. She threw me off with one little question I didn't expect before I could talk properly and I just wanted to end the call and throw my screen out the window.

I think people like us need to have some security of what's happening and when, so when it goes awry we don't have it in us to just adapt like others.
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Of all the things I lost, I miss my mind the most.
Nov 19, 2020
Anything and everything can shift my mood in an instant now, it's not like I'm running around happy, which is never. I think it comes down to the point where your brain just gives up. I am the definition of an angry drunk even if I'm not drunk. All the time.
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Apr 3, 2019
Fuck yeah, my day can be ruined by a loud, unexpected noise. Some days I can battle my way out mentally if something were to come up, but others... There are a lot of words and topics that send me off into loops. Messing things up or something not working out will make me hysterical, it's embarrassing.

I just think some of us are always near the red, and when something depletes even a tiny bit of that mental energy, we're fucking done.
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