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Nov 21, 2018
You'll see people say not to get change something (plastic surgery) or get rid of something (family) because "God made you like that for a reason". So they admit that God made you a minority so you would experience struggles.

What I don't understand is why if they can admit a physical attribute was "destined", why can't they also admit that about mental attributes? Perhaps Ted Bundy was born crazy and meant to be a serial killer? Even if he resisted, he'd always have that impulse.. Perhaps the 9/11 hijackers were destined to murder 3,000 people?

But they always sing a different tune..Isn't that hypocrisy? If you believe that certain characteristics about your birth were chosen, why not believe the same about mental disorders/syndromes/illnesses? Perhaps some people were meant to be killers.

And I also say then perhaps some people are meant to be suicidal?? Where is the line drawn?
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Jul 20, 2018
Nothing matters, embrace nihilism.
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Jul 9, 2018
It's a stacked deck, genetics and circumstances, born to be good great go with that, it's your nature, born to be bad and it will take hurculean resistance to be good and you always know it's a lie just below the surface.

Sheep from the goats, name being written down before the foundations of the world and all that. Sounds like predestination.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
This is actually a good point, and it forms the basis of how and why I realized all that new age reincarnation nonsense was a crock. We're supposed to develop and grow with each incarnation but we can't do that if we kill people, for instance. But by the same token, there are those who are supposedly "meant" to be murdered. So that would mean the perpetrator(s) were predestined to sabotage their own spiritual development. It makes no sense.
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Oct 23, 2018
Because belief tells them what to believe and not to think beyond it or even question it. You do also get plenty of those that do attribute horrible negative things as predestined. As some sort of test. So if you are mentally ill that is a test or a lesson or maybe you just deserve it. If a child is bombed by phosphorous based weaponry and killed, due to living in a Geo politically unstable region. That is god working in mysterious ways. Or if you want to listen to those that believe in the law of attraction you are the one inviting your own suffering. So it is actually your fault you are miserable and got raped... Hurricane Katrina was apparently god's punishment in some fundamentalists eyes. Same as 9/11. They blamed everything from abortion to gays. But if things are predestined then what is the point of god given free will in the first place?

Personally I am against beliefs that view atrocity and suffering as a meaningful part of life's curriculum for the soul. I am also against slavery of thought. I am all for indifferent causality. To me it is the only thing that makes any sense and doesn't leave me horrified at the implications.
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