

Aug 20, 2024
I don't think really think it's conducive to productive discussions for people do be constantly primed to make assumptions about us without us.
how often do you hear things like "suicidal people think nobody loves them" or "suicidal people think everyone would be better off without them"
wouldn't it be useful even for the people trying to force us to stay alive to treat us as nuanced individuals ? Perhaps even help them force us to live more effectively ? rather than forcing us into these archetypes of what they expect a suicidal person to be.

What are your experiences with this kind of behavior ?
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Sep 6, 2024
I think that the idea of death is simply off limits for a lot of people. The idea of consiously moving towards death because of incurable suffering is disturbing to them. For some reason they can't just sympathize or empathize. I hope that suicidal people advocate more. I feel like in my life I've been percieved falsely and stereotypically because of my wish to ctb and my mental illness. Wish there were more people like Adam Meier Clayton to advocate dying. I try to do it in my own life, even if people don't wanna hear it. IMO most of society is anti death.
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Aug 20, 2024
I think that the idea of death is simply off limits for a lot of people. The idea of consiously moving towards death because of incurable suffering is disturbing to them. For some reason they can't just sympathize or empathize. I hope that suicidal people advocate more. I feel like in my life I've been percieved falsely and stereotypically because of my wish to ctb and my mental illness. Wish there were more people like Adam Meier Clayton to advocate dying. I try to do it in my own life, even if people don't wanna hear it. IMO most of society is anti death.
even if this suffering is curable, people aren't entitled to use others to pursue whatever savior fantasies they have
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Sep 12, 2024
To the average joe we are selfish, weak mentally unstable people who just want to throw it all because of "temporary problems".

It's because they don't care about us, they only care about themselves and society as a whole, never the individual. It's always about what you can bring to the table. I think It's why some religions condemn suicide but encourage "martyrdom".

"If you're gonna die then die for us, not for yourself."

They'll do and say whatever makes them feel comfortable.
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Aug 20, 2024
To the average joe we are selfish, weak mentally unstable people who just want to throw it all because of "temporary problems".

It's because they don't care about us, they only care about themselves and society as a whole, never the individual. It's always about what you can bring to the table. I think It's why some religions condemn suicide but encourage "martyrdom".

"If you're gonna die then die for us, not for yourself."

They'll do and say whatever makes them feel comfortable.
That's pretty well put yea


Don’t try to offer me help, I’ve tried everything
Mar 10, 2020
I hate when people say things like "suicidal people aren't thinking about those that hurt them" or "believe everyone is better off without them". Do some suicidal people think that? Sure. But that discounts those of us who spend years fighting to stay alive for others and who are eaten alive by the guilt of the knowledge that they are going to be hurting those who love them beyond belief. It makes us all seem illogical and completely clouded by irrational beliefs. I'm not stupid. I know that there are people who love me. I know that I matter to people. I know I have good qualities and bring things to this world, even if it's small. And I'm also over a decade into a battle with agonizing treatment resistant mental illness. Someone can be aware and logical and mentally ill at the same time. I wish we were not boxed up and infantilized.
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Jan 1, 2024
The cold harsh truth is most people dont care about anothers mental health issues only that it would make them sad if you commited suicide.
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Careless Soul « MtF »
Nov 13, 2023
I don't like when people make abrupt generalisation about what a "suicidal person" is. I've found a "guide" online that talks about it and it was so weird. It made me feel as if it was alienating suicidal people more than anything, making them appear as if they weren't human and needed to be taken care as such. Still people, and everyone has widely different experiences too... It hurts to see statements written as "absolute".
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