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they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023
Whether it's health, career, friendships or academics, you fail at everything no matter what.

Why are some people unlucky? Why am I unlucky? What's wrong with my genetics? My parents are not ugly
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Dec 24, 2023
it's not necessarily all down to luck. as sad as it is, the place and people which we are born from decide whether our life ends up being a shithole or a blessing. it is unfair, but the thing is, it's not meant to be fair. those which prosper, prosper because of those which are suffering.
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Accentuate the Positive
Sep 19, 2023
Whether it's health, career, friendships or academics, you fail at everything no matter what.

Why are some people unlucky? Why am I unlucky? What's wrong with my genetics? My parents are not ugly
One thing I say is that certain people "create" luck by taking more chances and putting themselves in better positions.

Why do you think you're unlucky? You say you're pretty and smart, and you grew up in a rich family. By your worldview it seems you've been very lucky.
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they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023
One thing I say is that certain people "create" luck by taking more chances and putting themselves in better positions.

Why do you think you're unlucky? You say you're pretty and smart, and you grew up in a rich family. By your worldview it seems you've been very lucky.
How do people determine which chances to take? How do they know which chances are worth taking? How do they put themselves in better positions?

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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
The first question is easy enough to answer. You can't have luck without unluckiness. There can't be randomness if there's only one outcome. Humans seem to get bored when the odds are too in their favor. The thrill of gambling arises when the odds seem so low and you beat them anyway.

Why do some people happily take constant Ls? Maybe it builds character or something, idk. I think the better question is how are they able to do that, not why. I wouldn't know how since I can't imagine it either.

Existence is chaos because chaos is what led to existence in the first place. People tend to like chaos more than order anyway because on average true chaos is actually better for individuals, or at least it's more interesting. I'm sure there's some eastern wisdom about how there needs to be a meta-balance between balance and chaos but to me that always feels like balance is still favored thus creating an imbalance of balance.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
While sometimes the lack of luck we have in life is self-inflicted, in a lot of cases its just by random chance. You being here today, given birth to by those people you refer to as your parents, was all by chance. Your entire existence was just something that happened. Some people are unlucky and are born into shitty situations and have no choice but to learn to cope with them. That's why the idea of people being able to gain luck in life just through hard work alone is pure bullshit. You need to be lucky to some degree for that hardwork to payoff. You need the random chaotic mess that is the universe to somehow work in your favour.

Of course, this isn't to say that the L's we recieve in life can't be our own faults. There are cases where people repeatedly sabotage themselves or just don't want to even try to do better despite having lucked out and having all of the available resources to do so and end up fucking themselves over as a result. There are cases where the L's we recieve are our own fault, but there are also many instances where it isn't.
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Accentuate the Positive
Sep 19, 2023
How do people determine which chances to take? How do they know which chances are worth taking? How do they put themselves in better positions?

Here's a recent example. I know someone who's very happy she was able to purchase a house in a high-demand area. She'll say "oh, I'm so lucky that I was able to get this house!" But here's the thing, I know she was refreshing market websites all day, and took a tour of the place late at night as soon as it went on the market on a Friday, then put an offer in the next day. Plenty of other people would have noticed the next morning, or said "eh I'll take a visit tomorrow," but by being so proactive, she made her luck.

Determining chances is a matter of WIS, not INT. You gain instincts over time. Until you get that, the easiest way to catch fish is with a wide net, so you'd focus on taking many chances.

To put yourself in better positions, you have to be available and ready to act. I get more fun assignments at work in part because I say yes and get right to it if it's important to the partner who was looking for help. Then, they're more likely to ask me in the future. Most people don't get lucky sitting at home.

A joke I've heard (it mentions god but that's not the point):

A very pious man was devoted to god his whole life. He prayed and prayed, day in and day out. At some point, the man came upon money problems. He asked god "please, lord, I always pray for other people and never for myself, but I need help, please let me win the lottery." It didn't happen. He kept praying every week to win the lottery, but he never won. Eventually, the man started losing faith. He started to curse god, saying "you don't care about me! I've always been loyal and you won't give me this one thing!" Then the lord spoke to him, and hearing god's voice so clearly scared the shit out of him. God said . . . "come on, man, could you at least go buy a ticket?"

I'm sorry you have Asperger's, and I know it does make things hard for you. You know I'm rooting for you to learn to manage it. I believe in you.
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they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023
Here's a recent example. I know someone who's very happy she was able to purchase a house in a high-demand area. She'll say "oh, I'm so lucky that I was able to get this house!" But here's the thing, I know she was refreshing market websites all day, and took a tour of the place late at night as soon as it went on the market on a Friday, then put an offer in the next day. Plenty of other people would have noticed the next morning, or said "eh I'll take a visit tomorrow," but by being so proactive, she made her luck.

Determining chances is a matter of WIS, not INT. You gain instincts over time. Until you get that, the easiest way to catch fish is with a wide net, so you'd focus on taking many chances.

To put yourself in better positions, you have to be available and ready to act. I get more fun assignments at work in part because I say yes and get right to it if it's important to the partner who was looking for help. Then, they're more likely to ask me in the future. Most people don't get lucky sitting at home.

A joke I've heard (it mentions god but that's not the point):

A very pious man was devoted to god his whole life. He prayed and prayed, day in and day out. At some point, the man came upon money problems. He asked god "please, lord, I always pray for other people and never for myself, but I need help, please let me win the lottery." It didn't happen. He kept praying every week to win the lottery, but he never won. Eventually, the man started losing faith. He started to curse god, saying "you don't care about me! I've always been loyal and you won't give me this one thing!" Then the lord spoke to him, and hearing god's voice so clearly scared the shit out of him. God said . . . "come on, man, could you at least go buy a ticket?"

I'm sorry you have Asperger's, and I know it does make things hard for you. You know I'm rooting for you to learn to manage it. I believe in you.
I guess luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity
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Accentuate the Positive
Sep 19, 2023
I guess that luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity
Basically. I think about life and choices from a statistical standpoint. If you can make it so your odds of success are 1/2 instead of 2/5, you're going to get "lucky" more often than others.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I guess luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity
Basically. I think about life and choices from a statistical standpoint. If you can make it so your odds of success are 1/2 instead of 2/5, you're going to get "lucky" more often than others.
In Pokémon terms, this is like how there are many tournaments right now getting devastated by teams that are so tanky that they have the opportunity to constantly spam OHKO moves like Sheer Cold and Fissure even though these only have 30% hit rates.
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Accentuate the Positive
Sep 19, 2023
In Pokémon terms, this is like how there are many tournaments right now getting devastated by teams that are so tanky that they have the opportunity to constantly spam OHKO moves like Sheer Cold and Fissure even though these only have 30% hit rates.
lol I could never keep up with changes to the pokemon meta.
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Use common sense!
Apr 14, 2024
Short answer is family money, politics of location, and the emotional maturity of said family.

I don't think your genetics are bad. Autism just happens sometimes, honestly. And it's not a bad or hurtful thing until society makes it so- example your unsupportive parents.
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annihilation anxiety
Apr 19, 2024
How do people determine which chances to take? How do they know which chances are worth taking? How do they put themselves in better positions?

They don't do what autists do where every option is carefully examined and the most logical one is chosen. They simply do what they feel like doing. A lot of it's based on emotion. They use other people and relationships to get jobs, etc. It's very status based as well.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
lol I could never keep up with changes to the pokemon meta.
The same with any meta, powercreep. In this case it's been forcing people to rely on OHKO moves just to have a chance at taking out certain threats. It has forced people to look back and find some truly unusual picks. Regulation G allows certain restricted Pokémon and yet people are currently getting terrorized by Gloom and Dewgong. 😅
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Goku Black

Goku Black

Global Mod
Jun 5, 2023
That's why the idea of people being able to gain luck in life just through hard work alone is pure bullshit. You need to be lucky to some degree for that hardwork to payoff
And it's always annoying to see that people can't grasp that the two go hand in hand, they aren't separable. You either get lucky enough for your circumstances to change which in turn, means you get what you want out of it or you don't, it's that simple.
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I'd like to shut down
Mar 13, 2024
Circumstances are random. Most people are competitive and we live in a competitive world, even far left wing ideas and concepts are competitive, they just try to mobilise people in different ways to capitalism which just reinforces the idea of the individual. People have advantages and disadvantages, some are static and some can be developed, same thing with stereotypes and life experiences, ultimately if life becomes a fatal combination it will play out that way.
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Mar 11, 2019
Like I said before we are all good people, and don't wish to harm others. But the collapse of the wave function doesn't like us
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head in the clouds
Apr 5, 2024
Because others have to win. When there are winners, they will always be standing on the back of the "losers"
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Mar 17, 2024
I honestly wonder if consciousness was just another freak mutation that didn't need to evolve; that our sentience is a "mistake" or a property that isn't likely to emerge on other planets.

Basically that it "shouldn't" be, and as a result we're now aware of this crazy chaos called life.

Maybe reality was just supposed to be planets and stars swirling about and exploding, with nothing biological to observe it all?

As Carl Sagan once said: "This is a universe not made for us."
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Apr 2, 2024
I don't know
why do I have depression?
why after everything I tried... nothing budges my depression?
why I have developed insomnia on top of it?

again... why nothing seems to affect my insomnia?

why did I end up developing PSSD?

why did I end up developing unending benzo withdrawal from short term use?

is life testing me? well I'm fucking sorry, because I failed.
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Anti humanist
Mar 31, 2024
Basically. I think about life and choices from a statistical standpoint. If you can make it so your odds of success are 1/2 instead of 2/5, you're going to get "lucky" more often than others.
Your are capitalist propaganda machine, you don't need luck to succeed, it is bad strategy, you just set a goal work towards it and then achieve it. Easy

Slough Walker

Apr 22, 2024
I guess luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity
Opportunity is what happens when preparation meets luck. Before landing my current job, I went through several frustrating interview loops at different companies. Each rejection compounded my discouragement. In retrospect, it was luck to get those rejections since I wouldn't have applied for my current job. I don't believe that my luck had anything intrinsically to do with me. The arc of the universe didn't bend toward me to do me a favor. I didn't "make my luck" or any other such wishful thinking. Instead, I happened to be lucky at a moment in time that I also happened to be prepared. Luck is the label that we assign to all the factors that are outside of our control. If we could "make" luck - if we had control over those factors - then it wouldn't be luck at all. Besides, I've been unlucky enough times that it would be delusional to call myself lucky, and there's enough suffering in the world that it would be narcissistic to regard myself as luckier than anyone else.
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Accentuate the Positive
Sep 19, 2023
Opportunity is what happens when preparation meets luck. Before landing my current job, I went through several frustrating interview loops at different companies. Each rejection compounded my discouragement. In retrospect, it was luck to get those rejections since I wouldn't have applied for my current job. I don't believe that my luck had anything intrinsically to do with me. The arc of the universe didn't bend toward me to do me a favor. I didn't "make my luck" or any other such wishful thinking. Instead, I happened to be lucky at a moment in time that I also happened to be prepared. Luck is the label that we assign to all the factors that are outside of our control. If we could "make" luck - if we had control over those factors - then it wouldn't be luck at all. Besides, I've been unlucky enough times that it would be delusional to call myself lucky, and there's enough suffering in the world that it would be narcissistic to regard myself as luckier than anyone else.
I like this take, and I want to make clear that when I say "make luck" the undertone is that luck isn't really a thing. There's percent chance, although that's apparently capitalist propaganda, and we can influence the odds of a certain outcome. My point was that what people call "luck" is not really a supernatural phenomenon.

Slough Walker

Apr 22, 2024
I like this take, and I want to make clear that when I say "make luck" the undertone is that luck isn't really a thing. There's percent chance, although that's apparently capitalist propaganda, and we can influence the odds of a certain outcome. My point was that what people call "luck" is not really a supernatural phenomenon.
We agree. I would just shift the framing a bit. It's not about influencing luck. It's about reducing the necessity for luck. The more control you have over the outcome, the less you have to play the odds in the first place. If you have complete control, then the odds are 100% and luck isn't a factor.
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