
Aug 18, 2020
I probably kill myself also because of poverty in the future So I know if you don't have money it can be soul-crushing. Not having enough food, a home, basic necessities etc. It is horrible. But one reason why my life is so ruined is the abuse by my mom which triggered several mental illnesses. I think she always envied rich and successful people. She wanted that her kids live a materially well off life. Probably quite the opposite will happen. I think we will rot in poverty this whole family. I thought at least my parents would experience one day how truely damaging and destructive their behavior was. But now I have the feeling they might die prior to that.

I felt bad for the stroke of my mom. We had an argument about not wasting our money in a certain way some weeks ago. I was angry at her because I panic often about poverty. Yesterday I apologized to her and gave her some hope that one day I might will be able to work a normal job. Personally I think this is very unlikely and I absolutely don't believe in it. However there have happened things that I never considered possible. Afterall there are still many many indicators for me that living in hell and finally being forced to ctb sooner or later are the reality.

Maybe this is kind of off-topic but it demonstrates my sorrows about money. However I never was that much interested in getting very rich I rather prefered becoming powerful. I don't have very expensive hobbies. But welfare is a joke and will never sustain my living.

When I hear the stories of other people I wonder why some people are so obsessed by accumulating endless amounts of money, Probably it has to do with status symbols and being goal-oriented. Though there are people who completely ruin their health just for the chase of money. Something I will never understand are extremely rich people who are doing illegal tax evasion. How greedy can one be? They ruin their lives, their reputation for some more millions on the bank account? I mean if you have 250 million in your bankaccount you won't have to cry if you only have 200 million to sustain your living.

However I think many people are not really self-aware about their attitudes and behaviors, For me I became very self-aware after my mental breakdows. I had to learn to observe myself and evaluate my behavior in order to live. Many people never experienced such an existential crisis. They are used to have success. They follow their goals without questioning them whether they really hold their promise of happiness.

Moreover capitalism is probably a brain-worm for many. We are programmed to want more and more. Commercials and the marketing/entertainment industry are trained to create more and more artificial desires for the individuals. The promise to achieve happiness and the wish for being able to express individuality is used by marketing. Ironically this seemingly individualistic behavior is rather like a behavior of sheep. But marketing is obviously smart enough to have a trick also against that. They create lables like fairtrade, bio and other certificates that give the consumers a good feeling. Like a small portion of rebellion. Not all certificates are bad though. Though most of them rather help to perpetuate the system. Instead deep reforms would be necessary.

I think there are studies that when one hits a certain monthly income the happiness often does not increase further. I am too lazy to search it but I had 5000 euros per month in my mind I could be wrong.

Money plays for sure a huge role in being happy for many people. At least when we talk about poor or lower middle class people. People worry so much about inflation and don't know how to go on with their lives. Mayn probably commit suicide. But I had the question in mind for people who are pretty rich. One could say you will never have enough money. But I think this is rather a notion which will make many people unhappy. The endless chase for money won't give life a deep purpose. No deeper meaning of life or the feeling of communion. Though maybe there are probably some shallow people who get enough satisfaction by that. When rich celebrities commit suicide many people wonder why they did it. Me too at least sometimes. But money or fame do no make problems disappear. Often there is huge performance pressure and the people don't want to let their fans down. But I have to admit I cannot fully imagine how it must feel like to be in their position. My life is quite different.

Maybe the whole question is a little bit populistic because I don't define the people in a sufficient way. The topic is probably way more complex than my portrayed thoughts on it.
But I need some sleep so I will end it here.

Why do you think are so many people chasing money seeminly without an end?
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Jan 31, 2022

This answers your question for me.
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Down in a Mirror
Feb 19, 2022
I don't get it myself. I don't have many needs or wants, although maybe I'd feel differently if I actually had that kind of excess wealth to enjoy. It can be funny how the very rich end up using their money. Some of the things they buy seem so stupid and ugly to me. I saw that all the time in Los Angeles.


Dec 10, 2021
It's interesting how easy it is to transfer our concept of pleasure onto little slips of paper.
It's the longest running con in human history. lol

What a grift, eh?
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Sep 16, 2022
I probably kill myself also because of poverty in the future So I know if you don't have money it can be soul-crushing. Not having enough food, a home, basic necessities etc. It is horrible. But one reason why my life is so ruined is the abuse by my mom which triggered several mental illnesses. I think she always envied rich and successful people. She wanted that her kids live a materially well off life. Probably quite the opposite will happen. I think we will rot in poverty this whole family. I thought at least my parents would experience one day how truely damaging and destructive their behavior was. But now I have the feeling they might die prior to that.

I felt bad for the stroke of my mom. We had an argument about not wasting our money in a certain way some weeks ago. I was angry at her because I panic often about poverty. Yesterday I apologized to her and gave her some hope that one day I might will be able to work a normal job. Personally I think this is very unlikely and I absolutely don't believe in it. However there have happened things that I never considered possible. Afterall there are still many many indicators for me that living in hell and finally being forced to ctb sooner or later are the reality.

Maybe this is kind of off-topic but it demonstrates my sorrows about money. However I never was that much interested in getting very rich I rather prefered becoming powerful. I don't have very expensive hobbies. But welfare is a joke and will never sustain my living.

When I hear the stories of other people I wonder why some people are so obsessed by accumulating endless amounts of money, Probably it has to do with status symbols and being goal-oriented. Though there are people who completely ruin their health just for the chase of money. Something I will never understand are extremely rich people who are doing illegal tax evasion. How greedy can one be? They ruin their lives, their reputation for some more millions on the bank account? I mean if you have 250 million in your bankaccount you won't have to cry if you only have 200 million to sustain your living.

However I think many people are not really self-aware about their attitudes and behaviors, For me I became very self-aware after my mental breakdows. I had to learn to observe myself and evaluate my behavior in order to live. Many people never experienced such an existential crisis. They are used to have success. They follow their goals without questioning them whether they really hold their promise of happiness.

Moreover capitalism is probably a brain-worm for many. We are programmed to want more and more. Commercials and the marketing/entertainment industry are trained to create more and more artificial desires for the individuals. The promise to achieve happiness and the wish for being able to express individuality is used by marketing. Ironically this seemingly individualistic behavior is rather like a behavior of sheep. But marketing is obviously smart enough to have a trick also against that. They create lables like fairtrade, bio and other certificates that give the consumers a good feeling. Like a small portion of rebellion. Not all certificates are bad though. Though most of them rather help to perpetuate the system. Instead deep reforms would be necessary.

I think there are studies that when one hits a certain monthly income the happiness often does not increase further. I am too lazy to search it but I had 5000 euros per month in my mind I could be wrong.

Money plays for sure a huge role in being happy for many people. At least when we talk about poor or lower middle class people. People worry so much about inflation and don't know how to go on with their lives. Mayn probably commit suicide. But I had the question in mind for people who are pretty rich. One could say you will never have enough money. But I think this is rather a notion which will make many people unhappy. The endless chase for money won't give life a deep purpose. No deeper meaning of life or the feeling of communion. Though maybe there are probably some shallow people who get enough satisfaction by that. When rich celebrities commit suicide many people wonder why they did it. Me too at least sometimes. But money or fame do no make problems disappear. Often there is huge performance pressure and the people don't want to let their fans down. But I have to admit I cannot fully imagine how it must feel like to be in their position. My life is quite different.

Maybe the whole question is a little bit populistic because I don't define the people in a sufficient way. The topic is probably way more complex than my portrayed thoughts on it.
But I need some sleep so I will end it here.

Why do you think are so many people chasing money seeminly without an end?
With money you can live in a palace, drive and own any car in the world, ride I in a chauffeur driven limousine, have jewellery a king would admire, fly any where in the world in your own 747 aircraft, receive the best medical and dental care in the world, attend any college or university you desired, have a home furnished with priceless antiques, have any dish you want prepared by your chef, and with a little luck hot and cold blonds and red heads on tap. (Ok, I'll stop now, but you get the idea!)