

Autistic Dumbass
Sep 20, 2020
what makes a good writer for me is if they're versatile and if their writing translates well to other mediums of media. that's why i really like Neil Gaiman rn, i recently read the graphic novel of coraline and it nearly made me cry. it's a simple story but it's still so terrifying because it's about the conflict of trusting your parents and adults as a kid and questioning what is real healthy love and that some adults are just there to exploit you. the way i'm describing it doesn't give it justice so you should really read it for yourself.

The Sandman is such a lovely change compared to other shows on netflix. it gets to the point but even if there's a slow pace you don't feel bored. the world also doesn't centre on the main character which is nice to see.

but I honestly don't read many books just from sheer laziness and i haven't read the comics that gaiman wrote yet

i'd love to hear what you guys are enjoying :)
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I don't have many, but when I was reading I liked Tim Powers, Terry Pratchett and Brandon Sanderson.
Regarding Tim Powers my favorite book is 'The Anubis Gates', by Terry Pratchett I like 'Night Watch' and by Brandon Sanderson "Mistborn: The Final Empire".


No en tinc gaires, pero quan llegía m'agradavem Tim Powers, Terry Pratchett y Brandon Sanderson.
Respecte Tim Powers el meu llibre preferit és 'The Anubis Gates', de Terry Pratchett m'agrada 'Night Watch' i de Brandon Sanderson "Mistborn: The Final Empire".
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Oct 11, 2022
Coraline graphic novel is devastatingly gorgeous.💔 But I think that the movie is still my fav way of experiencing the story (whybe aside). Creeped and intrigued the hell out of ten y/o me. And yeah, it's SO hopelessly relatable for anyone who's felt estranged to/an imposter in their family.

Sandman felt patchy but has moments for sure (season of mists arc was soogood). His American Gods is phenomenal too - at finding sacred in the secular and secular in the sacred, and just straight up spinning a cracking yarn. Recommend if you haven't checked it yet.

I don't have many, but when I was reading I liked Tim Powers, Terry Pratchett and Brandon Sanderson.
Regarding Tim Powers my favorite book is 'The Anubis Gates', by Terry Pratchett I like 'Night Watch' and by Brandon Sanderson "Mistborn: The Final Empire".


No en tinc gaires, pero quan llegía m'agradavem Tim Powers, Terry Pratchett y Brandon Sanderson.
Respecte Tim Powers el meu llibre preferit és 'The Anubis Gates', de Terry Pratchett m'agrada 'Night Watch' i de Brandon Sanderson "Mistborn: The Final Empire".

Ooh I love Pratchett, you're making me want to go on a binge! Sam Vines/Night Watch arc is fun for sure but also been enjoying the Von Lipwig ones. Phenomenally biting cross sections of the social implications of technology. And the old books rule too! Isn't it marvelous how many stages of life and writing maturity he gifted us with over the years?

what makes a good writer for me is if they're versatile and if their writing translates well to other mediums of media.

I like the idea here and agree to an extent, but my abs fav authors actually don't seem to adapt well. Borges(!!!), Dostoevsky(!), Plath, Coetzee. The huge exception is Philip K Dick who gets a new movie every second year lol. Still waiting on a film of 'Valis', it would be so hard to do right, but it's the absolute best articulation of psychosis I've ever read.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Ooh I love Pratchett, you're making me want to go on a binge! Sam Vines/Night Watch arc is fun for sure but also been enjoying the Von Lipwig ones. Phenomenally biting cross sections of the social implications of technology. And the old books rule too! Isn't it marvelous how many stages of life and writing maturity he gifted us with over the years?
Pratchett came to a time in my life where I could only read to distract myself. I made a weekly collection (a new book came out every week) and read them all (including the non-Discworld ones) as soon as they arrived.
What Pratchett built over the years was incredible, a whole world with tons of characters interrelated with each other through each of his stories.
I really liked all the sagas and some are pure genius (like Small Gods).
This man helped me to understand and see life with different eyes.


Pratchett va arribar a una época de la meva vida on només podía llegir per distreure'm. Em vaig fer una col·leció setmanal (sortía un nou llibre cada setmana) i me'ls vaig anar llegint tots (inclòs els que no tenien relació amb Discworld) tan bon punt arribaven.
El que va construir Pratchett al llarg dels anys va ser increïble, tot un món amb un munt de personatges interrelacionats entre si a través de cadascuna de les seves històries.
Totes les sagues em van agradar molt i algún que altre es una pura genialitat (com Small Gods).
Aquest home em va ajudar a entendre i veure la vida amb uns altres ulls.
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hedgehog dilemma
Oct 18, 2022
I really love reading - but right now more in theory than in practice. My brain is too foggy and I can't concentrate, which is a shame, because it takes a form of escapism away from me.
Let me dump my favorite books here and I'll maybe elaborate on why later when I'll gain more mental energy
F.Kafka -Metamorphosis, Trial
Osamu Dazai - No longer human - my all time fav, Schoolgirl, all other short stories
Yukio Mishima- Confessions of a mask
Albert Camus -The Stranger
F. Dostojewski - Karamzov brothers, Crime and Punishment - looking forward to read Notes from Underground
Lem - Solaris - excellent sci-fiction
Kurt Vonnegut - Slaughterhouse nr. 5
His other works as well - Deadeye Dick
Cat Cradle
Bulgakov -Master and Margarita
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Gray Wounds

Gray Wounds

A Phantasmagoria
Jun 27, 2018
Neil Gaiman's also a fave. Lovely, lovely writing, mostly his and Terry's Good Omens.

But of authors...oh, I've got a ton of favourites. I think, at the moment, since I'm all heart and soul to House of the Dragon, my favourite as of now is George R.R. Martin.
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𖣴 nadia 𖣴

𖣴 nadia 𖣴

Dec 15, 2021
I don't read a lot of poetry but my favourite poet is Carol Ann Duffy, I like her collection of poems in Standing Female Nude and The World's Wife which features poems about characters like Little Red Riding Hood, Medusa, and the wives of famous historical men or mythical characters. Other poems of hers that I like are Valentine, You, and War Photographer.
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Down in a Mirror
Feb 19, 2022
I have too many favourites to give just one, but something I'm enjoying at the moment is Alan Moore's new short story collection, which I picked up on a whim. I especially liked "What We Can Know About Thunderman," a vicious and slightly cruel satire on the comic book industry, the fans and the creators, and the weird revolving door relationship between them. It's maybe also about the modern idea of "fandom" in general. Not for the squeamish, but laugh out loud funny at times.
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Oct 11, 2022
I really love reading - but right now more in theory than in practice. My brain is too foggy and I can't concentrate, which is a shame, because it takes a form of escapism away from me.
Let me dump my favorite books here and I'll maybe elaborate on why later when I'll gain more mental energy
F.Kafka -Metamorphosis, Trial
Osamu Dazai - No longer human - my all time fav, Schoolgirl, all other short stories
Yukio Mishima- Confessions of a mask
Albert Camus -The Stranger
F. Dostojewski - Karamzov brothers, Crime and Punishment - looking forward to read Notes from Underground
Lem - Solaris - excellent sci-fiction
Kurt Vonnegut - Slaughterhouse nr. 5
His other works as well - Deadeye Dick
Cat Cradle
Bulgakov -Master and Margarita
Love Kafka, Camus, 'sh5'. Never finished 'No longer human', no good reason, I'll go back sometime. The old 'Solaris' movie was good (and the new one surprisingly decent), so the book's surely worth a look.

Do you ever listen to audiobooks? It's the only way I get through anything these days.

Here's a Kafka short for your troubles:
A Little Fable
"Alas," said the mouse, "the whole world is growing smaller every day. At the beginning it was so big that I was afraid, I kept running and running, and I was glad when I saw walls far away to the right and left, but these long walls have narrowed so quickly that I am in the last chamber already, and there in the corner stands the trap that I must run into."
"You only need to change your direction," said the cat, and ate it up.

So it goes💀
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hedgehog dilemma
Oct 18, 2022
No, I zone out even faster with audiobooks, glad that they work out for you. Lem was not a fan of movie, to put it mildly ('72 one) he thought that it focused way to much on relationship and drama aspect, so I recommend checking book, since is going to be something completly diffrent.

Loved the short story btw
Kinda feeling like the mouse rn
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Aug 28, 2022
I don't have many, but when I was reading I liked Tim Powers, Terry Pratchett and Brandon Sanderson.
Regarding Tim Powers my favorite book is 'The Anubis Gates', by Terry Pratchett I like 'Night Watch' and by Brandon Sanderson "Mistborn: The Final Empire".


No en tinc gaires, pero quan llegía m'agradavem Tim Powers, Terry Pratchett y Brandon Sanderson.
Respecte Tim Powers el meu llibre preferit és 'The Anubis Gates', de Terry Pratchett m'agrada 'Night Watch' i de Brandon Sanderson "Mistborn: The Final Empire".
also love camus. i should name one of the mice 'albert camouse'.
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