

Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
When my dad and gf are dead I'll be living in a council flat not in my name, none of the bills etc in my name, I'm on benefits though so should be eligible to keep the flat and get housing benefits to pay for it. Similarly for council tax etc.

Say my gf dies, who do I call to say I can't cope and I'm going to be homeless unless someone helps me or does all the admin for me? Charities? Council? Social services? I'm so pathetic
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Nov 4, 2020
When my dad and gf are dead I'll be living in a council flat not in my name, none of the bills etc in my name, I'm on benefits though so should be eligible to keep the flat and get housing benefits to pay for it. Similarly for council tax etc.

Say my gf dies, who do I call to say I can't cope and I'm going to be homeless unless someone helps me or does all the admin for me? Charities? Council? Social services? I'm so pathetic
I would say a lawyer. You get what you pay for, free help is worth exactly that.
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
I would say a lawyer. You get what you pay for, free help is worth exactly that.
Thanks. Would I have to find a lawyer who specialises in anything in particular? Might I have to use several lawyers?


Nov 4, 2020
Thanks. Would I have to find a lawyer who specialises in anything in particular? Might I have to use several lawyers?
I can't speak specifically to the UK. In the US, there are lawyers who specialize in getting clients on permanent disability. There is a lot of paperwork involved, and they know the process well. Your chance of success with a lawyer is much, much higher than attempting the process yourself.

In the US, you don't have to pay anything for these lawyers up-front. They take 25% of your first disbursement. This is usually a substantial amount, since you get paid from when the paperwork is filed. So let's say it takes 6 months to get approved. You get a lumps sum payment for that first 6 months, and the lawyer takes their fees out of this amount.

Perhaps there is a member from the UK who can give you location-specific advice.
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
I can't speak specifically to the UK. In the US, there are lawyers who specialize in getting clients on permanent disability. There is a lot of paperwork involved, and they know the process well. Your chance of success with a lawyer is much, much higher than attempting the process yourself.

In the US, you don't have to pay anything for these lawyers up-front. They take 25% of your first disbursement. This is usually a substantial amount, since you get paid from when the paperwork is filed. So let's say it takes 6 months to get approved. You get a lumps sum payment for that first 6 months, and the lawyer takes their fees out of this amount.

Perhaps there is a member from the UK who can give you location-specific advice.
Thank you :) it looks like I'll need at least two lawyers, one for the housing side and one for the benefits side. I wonder if housing will cover things like transfering energy or phone bills into my name


Nov 4, 2020
Thank you :) it looks like I'll need at least two lawyers, one for the housing side and one for the benefits side. I wonder if housing will cover things like transfering energy or phone bills into my name
Transferring bills is super easy. You can either do it on the utility website or just a call. Takes less than 10 mins.
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I want throat hugs & anime! Can't use chat pm me
Aug 7, 2022
I can't speak specifically to the UK. In the US, there are lawyers who specialize in getting clients on permanent disability. There is a lot of paperwork involved, and they know the process well. Your chance of success with a lawyer is much, much higher than attempting the process yourself.

In the US, you don't have to pay anything for these lawyers up-front. They take 25% of your first disbursement. This is usually a substantial amount, since you get paid from when the paperwork is filed. So let's say it takes 6 months to get approved. You get a lumps sum payment for that first 6 months, and the lawyer takes their fees out of this amount.

Perhaps there is a member from the UK who can give you location-specific advice.
It's reassuring to have your wisdom around.

Yeah the free services were crap... I wish I had a social worker do that shit but they claim to help me be independent by merely staring at me while I do all their job.
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I'm rocking it - in another universe
Sep 28, 2021
I think I found a lawyer that seems to cover both social housing and welfare

In the UK you can get excellent free advice from the Citizens Advice Bureau. They can help with benefits, housing, debt, employment disputes and other things. I know lawyers help with claiming disability in the States but in the UK the Citizens Advice Bureau do this. They have experts who will fill in the forms for you. They can also suggest other organisations which can help you. The Citizens Advice Bureau have successfully helped me with lots of things.

It sounds as if you're worrying about something that hasn't happened yet. You wouldn't need a lawyer for routine stuff like transferring a tenancy. Perhaps you could find out now by asking the social housing provider what the rules are for transferring the tenancy on death. It might even be in the tenancy agreement. That might help relieve your anxiety.

Do you have a disability which makes this sort of thing difficult? If so you might be eligible for a support worker to help with housing. Some things in the US are very different but as summers said it's easy to transfer bills. Though a support worker would still help with this.

I just had a look at the site for the lawyer above and they say they deal with evictions and disrepair and so on. Basically I think they deal with disputes not routine admin.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I worry about the same thing, I always think I'll end up homeless if I keep going.
But I did decide one thing a long time ago, when the time came, when I see it coming, to go directly to the social services of the city where I live and leave it in their hands.

On the other hand, today, in Spain, there are different ways to ensure a less painful future, because there are many laws that provide for situations like ours, although they are generally aimed at more vulnerable groups who are extremely dependent on their parents.
The one I've been looking at for some time and we've talked about at home is handing over assets in favor of the disabled. But I'm not very clear yet. The following link is an example of what I'm talking about:

There are many solutions and the time has probably come when I will have to see a manager at the same time as asking social services for help.


A mi em preocupa el mateix, sempre penso que acabaré sent un sense llar si segueixo endavant.
Però si que vaig decidir una cosa fa temps, arribat el moment, quan ho vegi venir, anar directament als serveis socials de la ciutat on visc i deixar-ho en les seves mans.

D'altre banda, a día d'avuí, a Espanya, hi han diferents maneres d'assegurar-te un futur menys dolorós, doncs hi han moltes lleis que preveuen situacions com les nostres, tot i que generalment van adreçades a colectius més vulnerables que tenen una dependéncia extrema dels seus progenitors.
La que jo estic mirant fa temps i hem parlat a casa es la lliurar patrimoni a favor de discapacitats. Pero no ho tinc gaire clar encara. El següent enllaç és un exemple del que et dic:

Hi han moltes solucions i probablement arribat el moment hauré de consultar un gestor alhora que demano ajuda als serveis socials.
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Aug 12, 2022
Citizens advice should be able to help
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