
Oct 10, 2023
I am relatively new to this term and don't really understand it. It also seems to be some people who are proud of their decision to be a NEET. I had a change when I was in my early 20's and decided that I wanted to be creative and productive. I wanted to express my passion and be a contributing valued member of society at the same time. Not an easy task and full of challenges for a lot of people, but I achieved it for a while and felt really good. I think it is what most people aspire to. Things fell apart and If I had my time again I would of chosen sports physiology and nutrition rather than making the other choice that I did of studying of environmental science. I think my life would of turned out much differently, but I don't know. At least I can ctb now knowing that I tried my best.

I jam ust womdering if those who are NEET chose this path or if they were forced into it? and how they afford to do this? Are they on some kind of benefit or just wealthy ?
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Aug 5, 2023
I'm a NEET of sorts. I had about ~100k saved up at the age of 30 so I 'retired' from my job and moved to a town where I don't know anybody with the idea of CTBing before I run out of money. I'm not really proud or ashamed of it either way.

In media they tend to be more of people who stop going to school and continue living with their parents. I think on SaSu the term tends to have a pretty different context.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
I've never heard about the term "NEET" before I made an account here but I would consider myself a NEET after a big failure in life. From this POV I'm not a NEET by choice rather I'm forced to be one. I don't have any relevant skills nor any further education and to start over again is not a real option bc I'm older already and I wouldn't have a real advantage after finishing an education when I'm even closer to natural retirement. Being a NEET is the better choice instead of too much stress again. Given the fact that I'm older, I probably should use the term "forced early retirement" instead of NEET.
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Hypomania go brrr
Apr 5, 2023
I've never heard about the term "NEET" before I made an account here but I would consider myself a NEET after a big failure in life. From this POV I'm not a NEET by choice rather I'm forced to be one. I don't have any relevant skills nor any further education and to start over again is not a real option bc I'm older already and I wouldn't have a real advantage after finishing an education when I'm even closer to natural retirement. Being a NEET is the better choice instead of too much stress again. Given the fact that I'm older, I probably should use the term "forced early retirement" instead of NEET.
Is this a recent term why tf have I never heard this before lmao. Also is this suppose to be offensive? It seems more slur-esque.

In the case that it is don't put urself down :(. World causes enough harm to you already.


Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
Is this a recent term why tf have I never heard this before lmao. Also is this suppose to be offensive? It seems more slur-esque.

In the case that it is don't put urself down :(. World causes enough harm to you already.
Hey! How r u? Long time no see! Sorry I don't get the point⁉️
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Aug 23, 2024
I'm a NEET, but won't be able to continue like this indefinitely.
I have a bit of savings and live with parents.
I chose it because with the options available, getting a job wouldnt improve my life conditions a lot from what I have now, and I value free time a lot.
I think I could be content being homeless and not choose to CTB, as long as I have good health, but I like to know the methods, for when my health goes bad.
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Aug 5, 2023
Is this a recent term why tf have I never heard this before lmao. Also is this suppose to be offensive? It seems more slur-esque.

In the case that it is don't put urself down :(. World causes enough harm to you already.
The connotation and level of offense is the same as the word unemployed.

The term originated in the UK but the modern cultural relevance imo is that it's used in anime (ie in konosuba aqua calls kazuma a hiki-NEET *hikikomori + NEET)


I'll see you in the Wired.
Feb 4, 2023
I have been a NEET since early last year, when I left school. I get disability payments from the government, since I cannot work due to mental illness. I wish I could get more money since even maximum disability wouldn't even be able to afford a studio apartment in my city, so I have to live with my family and even then I still don't have much money, but it's better than nothing, and apart from the lack of money and I suppose social interaction I have no desire to get a job, even if I was mentally capable of working.
The connotation and level of offense is the same as the word unemployed.

The term originated in the UK but the modern cultural relevance imo is that it's used in anime (ie in konosuba aqua calls kazuma a hiki-NEET *hikikomori + NEET)
It's generally not a popular term in the West, but I understand in Japan it's somewhat more common, probably due to the hikikomori phenomenon there. Even when you see "NEET" used, it is typically used in combination with, or in relation to a, hikikomori. Like hikiNEET, or referring to someone who is a hikikomori as a NEET instead of just calling them a hikikomori.


Aug 12, 2024
intense fear of people. can't get a job or an education. easier to kill myself now. time is going by i'm getting dumber and more tired with depression and nobody would want me. it's easier to die. i'm a burden and if you don't have a job you might as well die because everyone gets angry at you and it doesn't matter if you can't even get out of bed or if you really can't work due to how your brain functions differently. and it just can't. i'm scared of people. i can't work. and i'm tired. i try to find jobs but i hang up when they call me back or turn off my phone. i don't like people. i'm too scared to die but it is easier than stepping over this fear. i can't step over it. and i'm growing worthless by the second so it only grows worse. i wish there was help for this but there isn't. i did show a lot of promise as a child but it's all gone now. i don't think i can ever work
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Hypomania go brrr
Apr 5, 2023
Hey! How r u? Long time no see! Sorry I don't get the point⁉️
Me good, couldn't sleep, decided to return. And the point was that if NEET is suppose to be offensive don't call yourself a NEET! You don't need extra reasons to be sad :(. It's okay to lie to ourselves.(that said from the other responses I'm gathering that it's not really suppose to be that offensive but in cases of actual offensive words be kind to yourself)
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
Me good, couldn't sleep, decided to return. And the point was that if NEET is suppose to be offensive don't call yourself a NEET! You don't need extra reasons to be sad :(. It's okay to lie to ourselves.(that said from the other responses I'm gathering that it's not really suppose to be that offensive but in cases of actual offensive words be kind to yourself)
Yeah, got it! :heart:

Ik, "think positive" would be the way to go but it's often difficult to stay positive.


Hypomania go brrr
Apr 5, 2023
Yeah, got it! :heart:

Ik, "think positive" would be the way to go but it's often difficult to stay positive.
As someone who is self deprecating at every possibility and hypocritically refuses to treat myself with an ounce of kindness I understand. But even still I it's best to not be negative, and sometimes a stranger telling u to be kind to yourself can help. So be kind to yourself lmao


i'm a loser, a failure
Apr 3, 2024
I've been a NEET for three years now. I stopped studying because of mental illness. Now I'm on disability allowances.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
I've been a NEET ever since graduating college/university a few years ago. Being a NEET is the ideal life for me because I don't want to be a contributing, valued member of society. I never wanted to be a part of society in the first place. I never wanted to be human either. I've always wanted to be a cat. Cats are the original NEETs. I also don't owe society anything. Why should I have to contribute to it? I find normies' obsession with contributing to society absurd. I don't see any point in becoming a wageslave and working my life away. I find that dumb and stupid. I've never dreamt of labor, so that's why I'm a NEET. I chose this path because it is the best way of life for me
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New Member
Aug 26, 2024
I've been NEET since I dropped out of school 15 years ago. I don't really care about life, nor do I want to be an active member of society so it never really bothered me. I'm on disability benefits (due to mental health issues) and if it stopped it would just give me a good reason to give up entirely.
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flower, water
Jun 20, 2024
Lol my early and mid-20s was my high functioning phase too. Good times. I'd say I was always productive but from highschool until my late 20's I tried to be more extraverted as well. Having things fall apart irreparably is crippling for someone who was very unfortunate and always working 10 times as hard to compensate in the first place. One thing I cannot deny tho is I've always, always just wanted to be a girl in my room. Forever.
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Deep Breaths
Aug 25, 2018
Ik, "think positive" would be the way to go but it's often difficult to stay positive.
As someone who is self deprecating at every possibility and hypocritically refuses to treat myself with an ounce of kindness I understand. But even still I it's best to not be negative, and sometimes a stranger telling u to be kind to yourself can help. So be kind to yourself lmao
I would suggest going with "think neutral" instead.

Negative: "I'm a hopeless NEET."
Positive: "Life is great."
Neutral: "I'm neither employed, nor in education."

Negative and positive thinking are associated with judgements (opinions). It's these judgements that lead to our feelings and emotions. Neutral is "just the facts". When you want to get away from negative thinking, try stripping the opinion out of the problem thoughts.

Actually, it would be even better to take it a step further. Ideally, the neutral thoughts are without any negative words.

Neutral: "I'm neither employed, nor in education."
Neutral, without negatives: "I'm finished with schooling, and I can look at employment options if/when I'm ready."

If you can "think positive" and believe it, that might be better, but belief is the key. In order to buy into it, you need to believe it. You won't always believe positive thinking, but you'll always believe an objective fact, so neutral is the go-to strategy in countering negative thinking.
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Jan 25, 2024
I've been neet since I left high school over 10 years ago. It wasn't entirely my choice. My dreams got pushed away/killed because I wasn't strong enough to stand up for myself and I realized it's no big deal, maybe because they weren't real dreams, just fantasies, so I just kept living one day at a time at my house doing basically nothing all these years. I don't really have energy to change anything. This is one of the reasons I should ctb: people won't sustain my living for a long time and this is humiliating. I don't fit in anywhere, I can't see myself having to interact with people in order to just survive, I don't see myself wage slaving too.
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Make love win against fear 🤍
Jul 5, 2020
I'm currently disabled, so living on benefits, and doing self education, I consider my main job right now to be finding what I need to live and heal, but I don't have yet a professional activity I can subsist on unfortunately.
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What dreams may come?
Oct 4, 2021
If you're in receipt of disability related benefits, you're not counted as economically inactive. It's recognised that you're unable to work because of your health. NEET is meant to refer to those who are capable of studying, training, or working but are actively choosing not to, often not even claiming unemployment and housing benefits but continuing to live at their parents' or relatives' houses, contributing nothing to the overall household income. People living on their savings after years of work don't come into this category either. (I personally classify people living on inherited wealth as entitled fuckers but I doubt there's an actual government code for that.)
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Jan 25, 2024
If you're in receipt of disability related benefits, you're not counted as economically inactive. It's recognised that you're unable to work because of your health. NEET is meant to refer to those who are capable of studying, training, or working but are actively choosing not to, often not even claiming unemployment and housing benefits but continuing to live at their parents' or relatives' houses, contributing nothing to the overall household income. People living on their savings after years of work don't come into this category either. (I personally classify people living on inherited wealth as entitled fuckers but I doubt there's an actual government code for that.)
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Aug 26, 2024
Neet since l left school at 16, i am now 33. Was supported by a parent until i was 25 then i managed to get NeetBux (benefits)
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Oct 10, 2023
If you're in receipt of disability related benefits, you're not counted as economically inactive. It's recognised that you're unable to work because of your health. NEET is meant to refer to those who are capable of studying, training, or working but are actively choosing not to, often not even claiming unemployment and housing benefits but continuing to live at their parents' or relatives' houses, contributing nothing to the overall household income. People living on their savings after years of work don't come into this category either. (I personally classify people living on inherited wealth as entitled fuckers but I doubt there's an actual government code for that.)
Thanks for clarifying it 😀
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