

ill / failure
Mar 20, 2020
I often become prone to assumptions that most of the people on this site are young NEETs or younger people with less life experience, but I'm not sure. Has anyone else here been a "successful" person in the eyes of society before they became suicidal? By successful, I suppose I'm referring to people who had good careers, earned good money, and had the material proof to show it. I have never been a rich, successful person, but I always assumed that if one were suicidal and they were previously successful, that would mean more material stability - even if they were suffering in other ways - and thus, they'd be 90% more likely to stick around much longer via survival instinct.
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F*ck this sh!t I'm out
Dec 30, 2019
I never was
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Cat piss sammich??
Jan 10, 2020
I dont know if I was "successful" in the eyes of "society"..I felt I was though.Had money to do what I wanted,when I wanted owned multiple vehicles,house...Job where I had pull and can tell people what to do...Saw alot of people more "successful" and made me envious/competitive and just an all around asshole.

Somethings just never felt right though,and Im older now and dealing with the decline and health issues that come with that.I dont know if it was something in my youth,my upbringing,or just biology,maybe environment? Just never felt right.The more deaths I saw over my time may have complicated things.

I just know I feel old,tired and confused+made bad decisions/lotta mistakes..But was able to see some amazing things and bright lights as well.

I often worry some people are too young to be considering ctb on this site,but looking back, I did as well at that age.I just didnt have the internet,where I could voice it,and share with others.Any talk of it, would be shamed...I honestly dont know whether thats good or bad.

The point is I was nothing,something,nothing,something and nothing again,(in the eyes of this "society")..Im still on a suicide website.. Staring into the face of some world Ive never witnessed before.Maybe I have another go left in me,"successful" again..I doubt it..But Ive also "doubted it" before..Maybe 20 some odd years ago.

PS-I was never "rich" just "hood-rich" there is a difference...
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Nov 8, 2018
I was supposed to be.
When I came to Israel and showed an even greater interest in the inner workings of computers, as if it was an experiment, my parents bought me one.
My parents kept buying me stronger and stronger computers, and I kept fucking around with coding. C++, C, bash, hell, my father even tried tutoring me at first.
There were three main fuckups that lead me to where j am now:

1) When they finally signed me up for a VB, C++, C#, Oracle, MySQL kind of course, to become a back end developer, I started fucking around. I understood very well that I'm an investment at that point. I wanted to be an investment, a good investment. I took the classes, but since I didn't have compilers at home to fuck around with, I didn't do as well as I should have, but that didn't matter because...

2) The fuckers ran away with the papers. It's "graduation day" when we were supposed to get the papers that we did the classes and are qualified developers, that we have experience. I come to the class and nobody is there. They even took the tables, but left one chair as if to mock those who came to take their papers, and there were a lot of us. We were quite pissed. There was quite the commotion.

3) some time later my mother was murdered. This sent me on a spiral of depression and rage. For a while I hunted the fucker before he disappeared to Cyprus.

To add more shit, I was drafted to IDF, lost my training, and when I finally got out, epilepsy hit.
So now I'm here, a fucking failure. A failed investment.
To clarify, "failed investment" is a bit of a joke for me.
Being I view myself as more of a brain cripple than a failed investment thanks to epilepsy. If it wasn't for this shit, things could've been better, I could still work that out through other means.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I had points in life where I was doing good but it seemed the rug always got pulled out somehow or I sabotaged myself. I've never been successful by the measure of what that means to most people. Marriage, family, well paid respectable occupation, very materially comfortable. I would just have periods where I was doing ok in between crisises lol!
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Hollow Point

Hollow Point

A̵l̷w̷a̷y̸s̷ ̷t̸i̸r̵e̸d̶
Mar 24, 2020
I used to have a good job, good girl, good car, good apartment...I miss working so much. I can get the odd temp work but finding employment is hard, especially now.
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Before I Disappear
Mar 10, 2020
I used to be in high school - i could put relatively no effort into studying/etc and still get A's and B's - i spent waaay too much time doing after school activities - robotics, two bands, theater. I was at the school untill 7pm every day at the earliest, and then back Saturday and Sunday 9 to 5 to help work on theatre stuff. then college came around and i was not used to the idea of putting in work constantly outside of class to study and couldn't get into it, and i can't say why. Ended up dropping out of college and now work a blue collar job lol. can't say i would see myself here if it was still my junior year and you asked me, but oh well.
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Drs suck mega ass!
Sep 3, 2018
Before I met my ex I was doing pretty good, not perfect but no complaints. I was off meds for eight years and free of side effects and who knows what else those things do to your body. Met my ex, started getting depression, didn't realize they were a sociopath and controlling af and then had a massive reaction to meds caused by an idiot dr. If my ex was on my side after this happened I could've maybe pulled through but they were actually the farthest thing from being on my side.
I had a lot of material things etc but that stuff doesn't matter at all when your health is finished, actually nothing matters too much after that
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Dec 22, 2019
I keep on thinking of when I had different jobs, and things in life, and money in jobs, or not. And my mental state was never really any different no matter what. Even when once I could walk into a store and buy whatever I wanted in cash, or take my car in for repairs and just say "fix it" and when they were like "it's $1200?" and I'm like "ok? how long? oh and cash check or debit preferred?" (this being like 20 yrs ago, apparently I shouldn't have looked up the inflation difference as not only am I making less now than then, the inflation difference is even more as my pay then would've been like 70K now). I was even offered a transfer when the location closed.

Anyway... even with that back then? well... I actively tried to make sure I didn't have to stick around. Granted, money doesn't mean that much to me, it pays for things, makes things easier, but I have a what's the point if you have tons of money but no happiness, or constant physical pain, or something.

I guess though that means that to me success is more happiness, but that's not society's.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I used to have a good job, good girl, good car, good apartment...I miss working so much. I can get the odd temp work but finding employment is hard, especially now.
We're gonna have to get creative everyone lol! Yea right if they shut off the internet that might really fuck shit up. Then we will be back to the olden days of actually having to go door to door. Rebuilding lost social skills.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I wouldn't say successful, but I functioned in the system of employment and self-support. I have a lot of post-gradaute education, just short of having extra letters after my name (didn't finish either thesis, long and irrelevant story). I was for a while a homeowner, always had a car. I worked for over 25 years.

Yes, there is seemingly a predominance of NEETs on this site, but there are plenty of folks who, if not successful per se, have a lot of experience in life, work and independent living. Imo, the 2008 financial crisis is what primarily gave rise to NEETs, along with other mitigating factors such as a college education becoming the new high school diploma, making it no longer a competitive edge but rather a bare minimum for most entry-level employment, even some that's minimum wage or barely above it.
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Feb 14, 2019
I was for a time after I bounced back after being homeless and abused. I had a good job, my own home. But I lost it all. Life came crashing down worse and harder than I ever thought possible. Now I'm in my late 20s and a Neet... a shell of a person. It hurts so bad knowing I almost made it and that I almost had a decent life. I cannot fix the past and the traumas, the hole I dug myself in is too deep.
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Oct 2, 2019
It depends on the definition of "successful." By my definition, yes, there was a brief period in my life where I was successful. I measure success by my happiness from life. I don't require much to be happy. All that's needed is appreciable romantic and social progress, along with being content with my environment (location). For the vast majority of my life, I have been a colossal failure obtaining all those things.

Anyway, the highpoint of my life by far was in 2007. I had escaped my miserable exile in rural new england, and was living in sunny southern California, attending a college there on exchange. For the first time in my entire life, I managed to put together a respectable social life from people I met in anime club. Even girls were showing interest in me. I met one who I fell in love with, and she had feelings for me too. The summer of 2007 was the crest of my success, when I spent a lot of time with this girl. We were both huge otaku, so the type of things we'd do were often along the lines of playing JRPGs together all afternoon at each others' place or her taking me to the many Japanese stores that sprinkled the landscape there. It was like being in a dream.

My desires are pretty simple. A loving girlfriend, some good friends, and an environment where I'm happy living. It's not like I require a yacht and private learjet. I was so very close to achieving them. Then it all fell apart in the most destructive and nightmarish way possible. I've written about that part before so I don't really want to get into it again. Suffice it to say, that destruction ensured I will remain a loser and failure the rest of my life. It resulted in me having to move back to rural exile and live with my mom again. I've never been able to escape since for a multitude of reasons, but in the end everything comes down to money. If there had been money, I could have escaped and would have had a chance to maybe rebuild after that crippling destruction. I look at trust fund kids with similar personality and employment shortcomings to me, and they had no problem getting a relationship or social life. It's all about opportunities that are locked behind paywalls.

As far as my professional life went once I got my bachelors, after a brutal first job that I completely flopped at and got fired in less than a month, I was never able to get anything else. I found pretty quickly that I wasted 6.5 years of my life busting my ass for a CS degree that the tech industry laughed off because it was from a rural backwater state college and not MIT, Caltech or Stanford. Maybe I could have made it at a real tech company instead of the clownworld I got fired at, but looking back at it now, I doubt I would have been able to cut it even at a big N. My brain is just not wired to succeed in the realities of modern employment. I believe it's something like over 80 percent of those on the spectrum are unemployable.

In the years since, I have futilely attempted to try rebuilding my social and romantic life online, but it has been a pretty sad existence. I always ran into the money problem and the NEET problem, which made anything I tried fail. At this point, at my age of 40, it's become quite impossible to find girls or friends with my shared interests (anime, gaming), as these interests have a severe age skew of < 25. So trying to recapture the fleeting success I had all those years ago really seems an impossibility now. "Lightning in a bottle" is the perfect applicable phrase here. I'm now far past that point in the game where you turn it off and reload from an earlier save file.
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Una Nancy

Mar 25, 2020
It's actually becoming successful which worsened my suicidal thoughts lol
One could say I was a good student, and thanks to my work, I managed to get to the best school of my country during my college studies.
There, I met quite a bunch of bigwigs, and more generally, my classmates were the children of influential people: of ambassadors, directors of big companies, and even nobility. Well maybe I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but the people I met were all assholes. Students and teachers alike were so contemptuous, they were all about competition, and more generally, they lived in their bubble, I've heard so many things which made me so depressed, especially since I know that those people will be the rulers of tomorrow in my country
My therapist told me that it broke me psychologically :ahhha:
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Living sucks

Forced out of life before I wanted to leave
Mar 27, 2020
I had everything anyone could need to be considered successful, hone, job, family, health, life, love, friends, enough money needed and now have nothing no one no health and wish life would end
And I'm still in disbelief that this is my life now
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Dec 28, 2019
And I'm still in disbelief that this is my life now
I know exactly how you feel.
The only thing I still have is money and I'm not physically ill & i'm schizophrenic but in remission, but all those things you mention and most other things people have mentioned I had too.
Amazing how things can change but I can pin point the mistakes I made in my life that led me to where I am now.
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Jun 3, 2019
Meee, me, pick Meeeee!

The product of a hugely dysfunctional family I am now returning from corporate success story to my roots
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disappear here
Oct 9, 2019
I feel like my life isn't anything glamorous, but could maybe be viewed as a 'success' so far.. New car, stable job, just bought a house w my long-term partner who has a better job, good health, a few close friends.. Still, I'm empty. I think I've always been a pretty broken person.
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Nov 28, 2019
I had the potential to be a "successful" person, going into college with years worth of credits, full scholarships, and an optimism I will likely never know again. Instead of pushing through with diligence and faith that my hard work would pay off, I became disillusioned and filled my life with drugs and casual sexual relationships leaving little time to legitimately dedicate myself to my studies. Living this life, I inevitably encountered terrible people who inflicted unforgettable trauma on me. Perhaps I could have recovered from my drug habit, found a stable relationship, worked a decent job to pay the rest of my way through schooling had it not been for the traumas which mentally broke me as a person and took years off my life. Suppose it is best to not think over the hypotheticals though.
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