
May 9, 2021
Hi there everyone! My name's Michael, Ernest Pobjoy is my pseudonym. I live in a small Victorian mill townon the easterly edge of the Pennine hills in the north of England. That makes it sound a lot more pleasant than it is but anyway, I sometimes call a national helpline to talk about my suicidal thoughts. The helpline is known as the Samaritans and people volunteer to answer the phones and they advertise that they don't give advice and instead, they just listen. From experience, there are some volunteers who are very patient and concerned but others should check their motives as to why they have joined the organisation.
Anyway, volunteers usually ask why I am thinking of suicide and I hesitate to explain that anxiety it at the root of the cause. A typical, immediate response is, "have you been to see your doctor?" I have put the phone down on a number of occasions at that point.
It's true to say that I have had suicidal thoughts for many years but the last 18 months has been very tough. I made my first sincere, genuine attempt to end my life in September 2020, almost 8 months ago now.
But there are always 2 sides of the coin eh. Yeah, life's been life for a while but that hell has also prompted me to sit and think about suicide. I've used my experiences from the past to understand what suicdie means for me.
I have appreciated for a long time now that everyone experiences anxiety but, more recently, I have come to realise for myself that everything and everyone experiences anxiety because it is that force which prompts all movement. You could say that this is a more broader definition of anxiety than a medical one. Anxiety is experienced by everyone and everything. Something gets anxious and so it moves in an attempt to contend with that anxiety and reach a place where it can be without anxiety again. I'm not the only one who experiences anxiety and those people who think they're tough cookies and don't 'suffer from anxiety' are wrong because they too experience that state which causes them to move throughout their lives. It's just on a different level you could say.
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Mar 22, 2020
Yeah, I can relate.
My anxiety can be hellish!!
For instance, I'm very worried and anxious about tomorrow and rest of the week. I just don't know how I'll deal with it.

Anyway, hope you can feel better somehow soon.


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May 9, 2021
Yeah, I can relate.
My anxiety can be hellish!!
For instance, I'm very worried and anxious about tomorrow and rest of the week. I just don't know how I'll deal with it.

Anyway, hope you can feel better somehow soon.


I hate to give advice, especially when it's not asked for Matt but I'm going to mention something I used to do but haven't donw for a while. I have an account on YouTube with some films of myself on. I would go on YT and select a topic to do a search for. It might be "organic gardening" or "jesus prayer healing" or "yoga." I would then select films which didn't have so many views and where the channel holder always replied to comments left for them. Then, I would pluck up the courage, overcome any anxiety and write something along the lines of "Thank you for uploading this short film. I hope you don't mind me writing about my current situation and I'd be grateful if you would consider sparing me a thought/ include me in your prayers." I would then go on to write about my situation with anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts. I had some amazing adventures when I did this and was able to fight anxiety very well after leaving such a comment for a few days.
Again,not giving advice. Instead, just writing about what's been good for me. It's better than sitting here wondering why I didn't manage to shoot myself in the head with a high powered crossbow last night.
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Mar 22, 2020
I hate to give advice, especially when it's not asked for Matt but I'm going to mention something I used to do but haven't donw for a while. I have an account on YouTube with some films of myself on. I would go on YT and select a topic to do a search for. It might be "organic gardening" or "jesus prayer healing" or "yoga." I would then select films which didn't have so many views and where the channel holder always replied to comments left for them. Then, I would pluck up the courage, overcome any anxiety and write something along the lines of "Thank you for uploading this short film. I hope you don't mind me writing about my current situation and I'd be grateful if you would consider sparing me a thought/ include me in your prayers." I would then go on to write about my situation with anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts. I had some amazing adventures when I did this and was able to fight anxiety very well after leaving such a comment for a few days.
Again,not giving advice. Instead, just writing about what's been good for me. It's better than sitting here wondering why I didn't manage to shoot myself in the head with a high powered crossbow last night.

Advice or not, your words really help, my friend.
Thank you very much!!!

I think we gotta try out all the possibilities.

For instance, something that makes me feel better is listening to music while I talk to you all or when I write japanese kanji. It works better than therapy lol.

Anyway, I might try to do something similar to what you did.

Thanks again and wish you the best!!


May 1, 2021
I think anxiety is something that none of us can ever escape from. They go nuclear on me from time to time and they're the worst. I could sit there and appear normal while my mind is going nuclear.
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May 9, 2021
I think anxiety is something that none of us can ever escape from. They go nuclear on me from time to time and they're the worst. I could sit there and appear normal while my mind is going nuclear.
Sorry to hear of your atomic anxieties Voidparadigm. I used to really appreciate my anxiety levels as they made me do things which were exciting in order to overcome them but all that has changed for me. Life used to give me people and things I needed to deal with anxiety and live an interesting life but that's come to an end now and there's really little I can do now other than to sit here while it all goes nuclear all over my body.


Pronounced dead
Jan 14, 2021
Have severe anxiety as part of autism.

It's so strong that I failed college cuz the group projects were too anxiety inducing. Also never went to hospital despite my health being in complete ruin at this point, all cuz being around people is too much.

I'm just a massive pussy.
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Empty gas can

May 3, 2021
Hello Ernest. Welcome! I've had Generalized Anxiety Disorder for as long as I can remember, among other things. It's bad enough to keep me from sleeping and the more sleep deprived I am, the more anxiety I feel. Are you still thinking of ctb?
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May 9, 2021
Hello Ernest. Welcome! I've had Generalized Anxiety Disorder for as long as I can remember, among other things. It's bad enough to keep me from sleeping and the more sleep deprived I am, the more anxiety I feel. Are you still thinking of ctb?
Hello Gas can, hope this message finds you in a good spot. I slept for 6 or 7 hours today and woke an hour ago but I've started to have periods when I only get between 1 and 4 hours sleep. That's very painful eh. Does ctb mean "catch the bus?" I'm hoping to be able to end my life by shooting a crossbow bolt into my head on Wednesday night or around then. I've made such plans before then and not gone through with it. What will be will be eh.

Empty gas can

May 3, 2021
Thanks for your wish for peace Gas can, much appreciated. Sometimes, you just have to make a deision and stick with it. If you analysed the pros and cons of any method then you'd be hanging around for ever.
Fair enough. I sincerely hope everything goes your way. Good luck!


Apr 5, 2020
Anxiety may have fucked my entire life up. I say 'may have' because I don't know how much explanatory power the concept of anxiety has, and I suspect there's a lot more to be said neurologically speaking than just saying 'anxiety'. But it looks that way.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I had anxiety quite bad when I was a teenager, it was due to life circumstances which caused constant stress. I have always struggled with overactive thoughts and our minds really can torture us and once we get a thought in our head there is no escape from it. I feel like now not as much as I have a lot of anhedonia and my emotions are all dulled out.
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