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All i have left is memories
May 19, 2019
Everyone is talking about it.
Teenage activists ranting on the United Nations; World Leaders making beautiful speeches full of hope for this "wonderful" world we live in.
Am i the only one actually hoping things go downhill after my passing?
Fu** this place!
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Jun 1, 2019
Things will go downhill whether you hope for it or not. The scientific evidence already indicates that the balance has shifted. The arguments about if its accelerated by mankind are raging and are immaterial at this point. Its damage limitation now.

I worked in the energy industry for over 20 years and follow the climate change debate with great interest. Not that I am a expert, just a general knowledge of the sector.
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Sep 19, 2019
I'm formally trained as a scientist, so I feel like I'm supposed to be more concerned about it than I am. The thing is though, life always rebounds. Even if 90% of life is wiped out on this planet, it will eventually diversify again over the epochs. New organisms are already being discovered that have evolved to feed on our plastics and other synthetic crap that we humans have created. Ironically, I think they will out-survive us though.
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Sep 22, 2019
I'm not oblivious, but some things irritate me about the crisis. There have been cycles of heating and cooling throughout the earth's history. Climates have changed repeatedly. Even before mankind. The Saharan desert was a savannah just before the Old Kingdoms. Petrified forests, fossilised antelope's long before man started spewing CO2 at today's rates. Volcanoes spew more than man does even now.
Other factors could produce more heat than CO2. Variation in axial tilt, ecentric orbit, solar activities for examples.
I'm far from convinced mankind is to blame or that mankind can prevent.
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Aug 28, 2019
I find the Bible has a weird way of being true.

I believe Elon Musk is actually trying to recreate Noah's Arch on Mars. This is actually achievable considering the net carbon production of Tesla cars far exceed the standard vehicle, and everything else he is doing is creating massive pollution in the guise of elevating society. He's gone passive aggressive Armageddon from being bullied as a child, and his mother seems like the worst narcissist.

That's why he's so antagonized by Bezos' efforts.
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Apr 5, 2018
Yeah, exactly! Global problems (of our species) seem to be so distant, irrelevant. Why bother when you have bigger concerns at hand?
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Heart of Ice

Sep 26, 2019
I don't really care. The way the media won't shut up about it makes me feel like it's all just a big hoax.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
It is a hoax, the political class is pushing it to justify taking away heat, electricity, hot showers, access to a car, cell phone lol! The elite want all this stuff still available for them but not for the average person. They still expect to fly their private jets all over and have their extravagant climate change inducing lifestyles while the rest of us can hardly support ourselves.
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Aug 19, 2019
I don't give a single fuck. I live as simple a life as possible anyway, the loudmouth crisis mongers have more of carbon print than me. Also I'm allergic to virtue signalling in any shape or form, so if you want to die because of climate change, you are very welcome to it.
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Jul 2, 2019
Everyone is talking about it.
Teenage activists ranting on the United Nations; World Leaders making beautiful speeches full of hope for this "wonderful" world we live in.
Am i the only one actually hoping things go downhill after my passing?
Fu** this place!

If there was a red button, I would push it. Benevolent world exploder.
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Sep 18, 2019
Couldn't give a fuck if the whole of human society burns to a cinder. It's irrelevant to me. Extinction of humanity doesn't concern me. Nor does the break down of civilization. Another world war? Sign me up. Global Warming is a trivial affair, but even if the whole of human society were to go up in in smoke I'd not lift a finger to prevent it.

Humans reap what they sow. Most humans are selfish cosmic criminals, complicit in the exploitation of innocent animals and the rape of nature, so deserve the planet's final revenge.
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Divine Trinity

Divine Trinity

Pugna Vigil
Mar 20, 2019
It's easy to brush aside urgent issues when you don't think you'll be personally affected. Quite frankly, it's under reported and corporate media avoids any in-depth discussion on environmental issues because of conflicts of interest with their sponsors, and the political implications of telling the public what academics know is coming.

The cynicism here isn't that suprising.
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Aug 21, 2019
I won't be around for the repercussions and humanity can go fuck itself.
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Sep 2, 2019
I do not like the idea that humans have to live near the poles because it is too hot everywhere else. These regions have unhealthy day/night lengths.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
Oblivious? Hardly possible anymore.
Unworried? Yes.

Awhile ago, when there were some scares that North Korea would drop some damage on us, I joked with my mother that I would very much enjoy that and that I hoped my place of residence would be the first target.

In truth, I was hardly joking. So safe to say I don't give a rat's ass about the climate crisis. I don't think I would even if I had a life worth living, as I would still not have children and wouldn't care about what happens to those who were to come after my time.
It's horrible, but humanity is horrible, and when you end up on the wrong side of it, this outlook is only natural.

I think if we were all blessed with a fair life and fair opportunity, we might be more inclined to want to gift that to the next generation, and so on.
As it is, that's just not how the world works and it's not what this society breeds.
So long as even one person suffers, cynicism and apathy will prevail. And the world will burn.
I don't give a single fuck. I live as simple a life as possible anyway, the loudmouth crisis mongers have more of carbon print than me. Also I'm allergic to virtue signalling in any shape or form, so if you want to die because of climate change, you are very welcome to it.
I think there was someone the other day who posted about feeling suicidal due to these types of world crises.
I could see the horror if the world was a wondrous, magical place of everlasting hope and love.
Yadda yadda
But it's not, so I just don't get it.
It makes me think that overarching problems like these are for people who don't have sufficient personal crises to consume them.
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Jun 9, 2019
I hope to be long long gone before this is an issue. but i do feel sorry for those left behind. the world is turning into a hellscape
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Sweet emotion

Sweet emotion

Sep 14, 2019
I hear about it and I could care less.
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Mar 19, 2019
The earth is infected with a virus called humanity and is having a fever, no problem for me.

Edgy humour aside, I don't give a damn about the future of humanity on this planet, so I see climate change as a good thing. I do wonder what kind of species would thrive in a world post-humans though, after all the damage we did.
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Jul 31, 2019
More than 30 years ago, when I was little kid, I was told that Maldives would be under water soon...

It's been almost 40 years. And that place is still floating


All i have left is memories
May 19, 2019
The earth is infected with a virus called humanity and is having a fever, no problem for me.

Edgy humour aside, I don't give a damn about the future of humanity on this planet, so I see climate change as a good thing. I do wonder what kind of species would thrive in a world post-humans though, after all the damage we did.
Cockroaches... haha
More than 30 years ago, when I was little kid, I was told that Maldives would be under water soon...

It's been almost 40 years. And that place is still floating
Yeah i also think that they are exaggerating things a bit in order to get people's attention.


Sep 22, 2019
More than 30 years ago, when I was little kid, I was told that Maldives would be under water soon...

It's been almost 40 years. And that place is still floating
About that time I was being told another ice age would be upon us by now!


Because screw life. I didn't ask to be born.
Jun 29, 2019
I admit that a part of me sees climate change as positive: this world would finally be put out of its misery. There is some beauty in the world, but anything good is overshadowed by all the horrors, by the sheer potential for suffering. Torture, rape, prejudice, etc. will always exist as long as humans do.
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Sep 28, 2019
I feel bad for the animals. Humans are making things worse, not better... to what extent? I have no idea. That being said, everyone will die eventually, nothing lasts forever, not even twinkies.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
a) It's not 'hysteria' but a cold, hard fact. Each new scientific report tells us the process is accelerating and pretty soon will be beyond our control if it isn't already. Yet the few who actually care about this are laughed at by the very scum responsible for bringing us to this sad state of affairs. Their reaction: lets continue down this path of self-destruction aslong as we can and f*** those who'll come after us.

That a teenage girl has to inform the leaders of this world how urgent the matter really is is baffling. That she is ridiculed for telling the truth and expressing righteous anger at the mess made by the previous generations tells me that this species does not deserve to survive and will hopefully be wiped off the face of the planet as soon as possible.

Millions of people will die as the result of global warming yet no-one cares and everyone thinks their own petty, personal problems far exceed the tsunami of human suffering that will be upon us soon. That is humanity: me, me, me repeated billions of times.

It's pretty much obvious by now we are parasites on this beautiful blue planet and we will be served our come-upins by nature.

b) As for me: I try to limit my intake of red meat and live as frugal as possible. I do not have children and I use only public transportation.

I cannot solve this problem and I know inspite of my lifestyle I am part of the problem merely because I was born in a western, capitalist nation.

I know this will not affect me that much but I fear for the future of so many innocents and my nephews who did not ask to be born nor to be confronted with this mess when it will already be too late.

If I weren't as selfish as most human-beings my heart would break and I would die as a result of not being able to bear how much suffering there really is on this planet. We really should cease procreation altogether and thereby avoid anymore needless human suffering and death.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Idc, any time I have left in life is a bonus (okay, a crappy bonus) and I don't have kids or anything, so the cockroaches can inherit the Earth for all I care. I don't mean to be extra flippant per se, but I just really don't care.

I tend to think climate change is a natural process anyway. The Earth has been around for 4.5 billion years, I'm sure it's done a lot of weird shit as far as climate and whatnot and will continue to irrespective of human involvement.
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Sweet emotion

Sweet emotion

Sep 14, 2019
When we are so miserable that we are thinking about suicide that is the last thing that is on my mind. I'd rather be concerned about wall paper samples than climate change.
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I knew taking this picture would come in handy
Mar 30, 2019
I'm formally trained as a scientist, so I feel like I'm supposed to be more concerned about it than I am. The thing is though, life always rebounds. Even if 90% of life is wiped out on this planet, it will eventually diversify again over the epochs. New organisms are already being discovered that have evolved to feed on our plastics and other synthetic crap that we humans have created. Ironically, I think they will out-survive us though.
This is something the media/news fails to mention. That is very interesting though, can you provide a factual article for me to read?
When we are so miserable that we are thinking about suicide that is the last thing that is on my mind. I'd rather be concerned about wall paper samples than climate change.
I mean.. that's how Oscar WIlde went... and now people kiss his tomb.


Sep 19, 2019
This is something the media/news fails to mention. That is very interesting though, can you provide a factual article for me to read?

The plastic-degrading microbes?

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I knew taking this picture would come in handy
Mar 30, 2019
The plastic-degrading microbes?

Thank you ☺️
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