
Aug 18, 2020
I run out of thread ideas currently. I considered to make a poll about this topic. I am an adult and out of school since many years to make that clear. College has some advantages and some disadvantages compared to school. The major benefit is there is no bullying. At least not in my case.

The worst was P.E. (physical education) for me. I liked playing soccer, basketball, handball and some other sports though. But perseverance/fitness tests were horrendous. I almost puked a couple of times. It was torture. Privately I am not doing any sports. I still was so obsessed by grades and it was so fucking depressing to receive almost the worst possible grade after giving 120% of your power. I am so fucking glad that shit is over.

I hated math because it was so boring and I am not talented at all. Biology was boring as fuck. Music I was so fucking bad. I am also glad I don't need to deal with this shit any longer. I still like listening to music but I am certainly not talented to anaylze it.

I loved English and German when I was older. English was and still is so fucking useful. History and politics was pretty cool. Geography depending on the topic. Physics was sometimes interesting but I am too stupid for that shit. At least for some details we discussed. I liked religion or philosophy classes a lot. Other languages or natural sciences were (very) mediocre for me.

What about you?
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Sep 9, 2023
So, I hated French and German - went on to get an Honours Degree in Modern Languages after walking away from another subject!
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May 27, 2020
My three most favorite subjects in school were:

Industrial arts/Design and Technology - specifically for this subject I really enjoyed the woodworking part of it. It was fun to craft objects... even if what I made at that time was terrible. I think this subject is what caused me to develop an interest in things such as: welding, engineering and electronics.

Computing - I have always liked playing video games, and at school the computing subject (ICT) included a few modules that related to video game development. Though I still enjoyed the other modules too, because I just have an interest in computing in general.

Science - Because science is awesome.
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Draw a dog
Oct 2, 2023
PE was the worst BY FAR, i never had friends so i had to just stand there and bite my nails, my classmates always made fun of me so i used to skip the class and hide in the bathrooms
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Deeming that I were better dead
Oct 28, 2023
Gonna vent a bit while I'm at it, so apologies.
My favourite was math. Wanted to study architecture after high-school, that was basically my life plan. Unfortunately I got bullied by my math teacher (along with many other students). Why? I will never know. I would hear daily how dumb I amd and that I'm not even gonna pass finals. I would study for hours and didn't pass test after test. Thought I'm just literally too stupid for anything, lost my interest. Fast forward - passed math exams pretty well without studying for them (since I didn't believe studying will change anything at this point), not well enough to persue architecture. Also when I got all my tests back at the end of the school it turned out this bitch was falsely marking my test (and again, some other people's as well). Was too late to do anything about it at that point unfortunately.
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Sep 11, 2020
History and PE sports ,especially if it was football (soccer) , were my favourites.
Quite liked Geography ,Science and French.
Didn't like Maths .
English was okay but often boring.
Hated subjects - Music , Drama and Art.
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Oct 19, 2023
My favorite classes in high school were the AP math classes. The teacher was amazing. Also, I, unlike the other here, never had PE in high school. My school simply didn't offer it, we had to get the credits through alternative means.
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I am Clive
Oct 23, 2023
My favorite classes in k-12 were always the math ones. No projects to worry about. No studying (bc I am really good at picking up math). No stress over tests (again, aptitude I think). I never had to worry. Plus I got to help friends with their work which was nice.

I hated Language Arts. Essays in particular. I hate projects with a burning passion (procrastination things), and LA was full of projects. Not for me.
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only help i want is with ctb
Jul 9, 2023
Math usually went well bc it was routine and I never had to use any critical thinking for it (at least at the elementary level and to a lesser extent in HS).

History was a close second, as most of it (also, at least at the elementary/HS level) was just memorizing facts so that was pretty easy and sometimes interesting.

The worst, by far was English. I even didn't mind the grammar/vocab/spelling parts, just was terrible at the reading and creative writing parts.


shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Love: History

Hate: Math

I do pretty well in math, but it bores me to tears and takes a lot of work. I do not find it interesting or intuitive most of the time. History, when presented well, should feel like hearing a story. Most teachers just suck at teaching it and testing knowledge of it. History is so much more than memorizing dates and names.


Hanging in there
Aug 29, 2023
I honestly don't remember what my favorite subject was as a kid anymore– I guess when I was in high school it was a tie between creative writing and Chinese– but I know I always used to hate both PE and "social studies"/ history. Always found history to be really boring until I entered adulthood and realized that it's important to have a decent grasp of the subject in order to understand current events & politics, lol...


Dec 26, 2021
Hated math,geography and religious education.
Loved english,woodwork and drama.


brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
I run out of thread ideas currently. I considered to make a poll about this topic. I am an adult and out of school since many years to make that clear. College has some advantages and some disadvantages compared to school. The major benefit is there is no bullying. At least not in my case.

The worst was P.E. (physical education) for me. I liked playing soccer, basketball, handball and some other sports though. But perseverance/fitness tests were horrendous. I almost puked a couple of times. It was torture. Privately I am not doing any sports. I still was so obsessed by grades and it was so fucking depressing to receive almost the worst possible grade after giving 120% of your power. I am so fucking glad that shit is over.

I hated math because it was so boring and I am not talented at all. Biology was boring as fuck. Music I was so fucking bad. I am also glad I don't need to deal with this shit any longer. I still like listening to music but I am certainly not talented to anaylze it.

I loved English and German when I was older. English was and still is so fucking useful. History and politics was pretty cool. Geography depending on the topic. Physics was sometimes interesting but I am too stupid for that shit. At least for some details we discussed. I liked religion or philosophy classes a lot. Other languages or natural sciences were (very) mediocre for me.

What about you?
I also hate P.E. It was my least favorite subject by far. I honestly don't even know why it's a required subject.

I'm actually not sure what my favorite subject was, maybe science? Lately I keep dreaming about English and math class though, English as neutral and math as a nightmare because I keep having to take math tests. I've also dreamt about history class too.

I wish I tried econ, engineering, and politics though, I never took them.
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Dec 1, 2022
As someone who did cross country and track in middle and high school, I enjoyed running laps in PE but balked at anything involving actual sports, especially dodgeball. I enjoyed the more theoretical aspects of math and found that the more concrete it was, the more I disliked it, which doesn't seem to be common. I also did not enjoy science, but that's because I seemed to always get stuck with strict science teachers.

Despite my love of literature, I was not a fan of my English classes. I felt it was more about memorizing the correct interpretations of a book rather than encouraging creative thinking. My favorite classes were history and art. In community college, I took film studies classes that I loved because I was lucky enough to have a nice professor who was genuinely passionate about the subject and interested in what his students had to offer.
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The Songs of Distant Earth.
Sep 18, 2022
Love - Music, Geography, History, Physical Education(PE/Gym), English, Spanish, Biology, Modern Studies.
Hate - Maths, Art, Woodwork(Shop), Religious Education.


Lost in a delusion
Sep 5, 2022
I'll start with the ones I hate, I hate chemistry, my brain could not wrap around how the numbers and letters added together and what preflix or whatever you add before or after the name based on the number. I also hate French, I gave up on it after learning that every word has a gender and I have to remember the gender of every fucking word in order to speak it correctly. Career was depressing, it reminded me of the horrors that awaited me in the future. On top of that, back then I already knew I wasn't going anywhere but the underworld and it was depressing to have to pretend I was actually going aomewhere.

My favourite classes were Design, art and creative writing. Design because it was cool to have a peer feedback worked into the class. Some projects were also interesting. Art because I like art. Creative writing is also nice, way better than English, a lot more creative freedom. Writing is also one of the ways I expressed my feelings. Although it was a bit annoying to have to play "how far can I go before they send me to the school counselour's office". You see, I wanted to write about my suicide idealation and other stuff, and if I did that I would get into some big trouble. Although, I think I did manage to sneak in something that related to my idealation that was vague or far stretched enough to be seen as normal.


in the end, nothing matters
Sep 17, 2023
ive always hated math the most. especially in middle school- for some reason, i had a math teacher that seemed out to get me. made my life miserable. but in general math just makes my brain hurt and i hate it. PE sucked too but i didnt particualrly hate it until highschool, when we started getting points taken off if we didnt change into the specfied gym uniform. can you believe i failed gym one year just because of that? i hated changing in front of everyone and i hated changing, period.

from elementary through middle school, english was a solid favorite of mine. i hated when we had to write argumentative essays or anything based on fact and evidence, but when it came to reading and creative writing- i was in love. in that time, all i did was read. i still have books that ive kept from my assigned reading that ive read 5, 6, 7, times over and over. then, i got into a "specialized" high school that provided fashion, business, and art programs. (although it mainly specialized and was known for fashion) i attended as an art major, and obviously, art class became my favorite. at the time, i also really enjoyed my science classes. in my senior year i moved to a diffferent state and had to change schools, and although art class (as an elective) still remained in my favorites, it was bumped down to second. instead, marine science was my absolute favorite- it was my first time taking a marine science class, and its where i discovered my love of fish (hence my username). learning about the science of the ocean and such was great too, but what really interested me was learning about the marine life itself. i had to draw a fish for a class assignment one day, and since then ive been drawing fish and other marine animals just for fun. the ocean and everything that lives in it are just so uniquely beautiful in a way that words cant describe. honestly, if i had taken a marine science class sooner i may have become a marine biologist instead of an artist.


Aug 22, 2023
My favourite interest in real life is mathematics, I love learning about maths and how ungodly clever the first mathematicians/phycists were, Academic math however.... bloody murder. A pile of bullshit composed of repetitive problems specifically made to make you fast at math, the teachers couldn't care less about explaining how insanely brilliant integration is but they rather teach you those childish integration tricks so you could answer exam questions more easily, and then they assign a homework that takes double the lesson time every single lesson. It's there just to kill any passion anyone has for mathematics. I'm not here to be able to integrate a function in 1 minute, I'm here to learn how to imagine it visually and mentally, fluency comes later. It's not like I would ever need fluency anyway with the rise of technology. So that was my worst subject.

My favorite academic subject has always been biology, especially the anatomy/biochemistry bits, though I couldn't care less about cells and all that. Probably because the nature of biology leaves no room for those dickhead examiners to fuck you up, it's the least abstract and most straightforward subject of all.

academic physics is just disgusting, not hard, i don't even hate it. I'm just disgusted by it.
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