
Aug 18, 2020
Difficult question. I quit most of them. When I was a child I watched a lot of animes. Some series are still on going and I still follow them. Like One Piece.

Yeah I am not into most fictional series anymore. And I don't watch many movies. As a teen I had a period when I made offending jokes to provoke people. I feel very bad about it now. I was bullied in school and abused at home. I had to vent/cope at this age. And I turned my hate to people who did not deserve it. There was a time I made some edgy jokes when I met friends.

The movie American History X has convinced me that racist jokes are awful. Yeah I am not proud of this time period in my life. My best friends experienced this time period. It caused some tensions. But I have apologized for being a dick at this time. I only made these jokes when I was around them. Not in public.

The TV series House of Cards has shaped me. It fueled my interest in having a career, getting a good education and a lot of power. Yeah everything bakcfired. And in the Tv series they depict suicide as the easy way out. I can remember it I think one character commits suicide by mixing wine with sleeping pills. Yeah I had to learn this is only a myth.

The TV series Ray Donovan gave me a really toxic notion how men shall be. The main character has some demons and has a very destructive behavior. I think he was abused as a child too. He coped by being a bad-ass. Sleeping with a lot of women, earning money by doing crimes. The latter one was never my intention. But I think this notion to never show weakness and always being seen as a strong person had a destructive impact on me. When I had my first psychosis my whole world view collapsed. I was taught by parents to never show vulnerability. I think these TV series never explained how life really workks. At least I had no idea how to cope with vulnerabilities in an healthy way.

And yeah look at me now. I am doing way better. I am whining every single day in an online suicide forum how much I hate my life. Okay I am only joking. I think I have developed more healthy ways to deal with my suffering. But this does not change the fact that am total mental wreck who probably cannot be saved.

Moreover I watched some violent series which were pretty bloody. I think this led to watching gore later. I regret both. I have quitted watching violent content. It affects my mental health badly. But at least I am not traumatized by what I have seen Some The Walking Dead episodes are this violent that they only allowed in a censored version in my country. Honeslty I think this is quite stupid. Adutls should have the opportunity to watch brutal fictional stuff. It is kind of paternalistic.

I liked the movie Joker. It could comfort me a little bit. But the ironic thing was I only watched it when the movie was released as a DVD. I watched clips on youtube and liked them a lot. I dislike cinemas, Probaby one reason why I did not watched it there.

Which fictional movies or series have shaped you?
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niki wonoto

Oct 10, 2019
Interesting post.

The Matrix trilogy probably could be the first that influenced me & how I view this 'reality' of existence/world/life/society etc etc

But I would say -surprisingly- it's actually perhaps the anime series "Naruto" that probably influenced & changed me in a lot of ways (yes it IS actually quite deep, contrary to popular opinions). Especially in the latter part of "Naruto Shippuden" series, the main villains (Obito & Madara) talked a lot basically about reality .vs. imagination; and this, I believe, have really changed me a lot even more, that have even led me to a deep existential crisis (or existential depression).

Tbh, I'm even afraid what if perhaps I've taken movies (which is a work of art) way too seriously (than 'normally'), that it's shaped & changed me forever into who I am now, sadly. But some movies (& games/novels/comics/books/music, basically any works of art) do have some really valid points, that can in a way seriously/truly shaped & changed you forever as a person. There are a lot of real-life examples of how movies did actually change people (& their perspectives/perceptions).

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Feb 27, 2021
I think as cheesy as it sounds sailor moon taught me to wanna be kind to others as a kid. Anime in general. Disney movies as well.

But I think all that horror I watched as a kid taught me others won't always be kind to you.šŸ˜…
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Mar 28, 2022
I think as cheesy as it sounds sailor moon taught me to wanna be kind to others as a kid.
The world is in desperate need of some Moon Healing Escalation.
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Jul 13, 2022
I wouldn't say any have "shaped me", but the TV series House, MD is one of the few whose character's views I can relate to very much, espically when it comes to views towards life. (Referring to Dr. House's views)...


shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Given that good art should move you, I find it sad that I can't answer this question satisfactorily. When I reflect upon the stories I have most enjoyed or resonated with, I find that most were only reflections of my beliefs at the time, not influences on those beliefs.

The only book that comes to mind is one I despised: Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead. I was a political conservative (I'm American) at the time and found myself extremely repulsed by the philosophy espoused in the novel. That was one piece fallen out of the Jenga tower that was my ideology.

I think probably a lot of the cartoons and anime I watched as a kid encouraged me to be loyal and not shy away from fights even when I probably should have, but most of the kids who watched the same things were nothing like that, so who really knows?