
Aug 18, 2020
I imagine how I could describe to a potential girlfriend (that I will never have) that I am in a forum for people with "problems". People with "severe and longlasting problems"? "People that don't really have temporary problems and only can find a permanent "solution"". Maybe it could need some preparation for the other person to drop the message.

Maybe I could call it a mental health forum. But this would not be perfect. I think many people would reply with it is a" bus stop". I don't really like that metaphor but I cannot really say why. But I have no problems that other people use it or like it.

There is the story of David Foster Wallace The Planet trillaphon mainly about depression. He calls the protagonist solider in the English version but I think there is an adjective which I can't remember. The German translation is fantastic. Though the original version is probably way better. But the German translator must be a genius. He uses the German term "ein Steppke" with problems which is very hard to translate because it is a word that only exists in a certain German dialect. Though the words perfectly captures the feeling of that story. A brave young man that is facing pretty heavy and serious issues.

Sometimes I think of myself as "Steppke" with issues. "Steppke" is only used for young men and I love that term since I read the text. I really love that story it was my first DFW story which I found during my second major depression.

But finding fitting terms is not only for an imaginary girlfriend of mine. There are also other people where I might could say that I spend my time in online forums. But I would struggle to name the right topic. Do you have any ideas? How have you handled it? My closest friends know it is a suicide forum. My parents too. I mean I am now suicidal since a decade it was impossible for me to hide that fact. I even told it to some therapists and my last therapist did not even dislike it. He knew I am suicidal since a long time and it helps me to cope with these thoughts that haunt me since so many years.

I struggle to find catchy terms for members of this forum because English is not my native language. I think if you have a larger vocabulary you can play way better with ambiguous terms, puns and hidden meanings. Maybe it is too much of a generalization anyway because our stories are way too heterogeneous to find one term.
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Sweet Tart

Sweet Tart

May 10, 2023
Funny you should ask... earlier today, I told a social worker that I go on "a depression support forum." That's vague enough to cover pretty much anything, lol. Some are here for support with ctb, some for support with recovery, and some for both and more. It's not catchy, but that worked for my purpose, cause I didn't want to be asked questions about it.

I admire you for being so honest with people you are close to. Sounds like there is a lot of trust in your relationships. My family, best friend, and psychiatrist know I'm severely depressed but I can't admit to anyone (outside of this site) that I am suicidal. I feel like it should be obvious? I barely leave my room or do anything. But if I said it out loud, I'd get hospitalized and I am vigilant about avoiding that experience.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I wouldn't go near the terms depression, mental illness or suicide (obviously.) I just tend to say it's a forum where people discuss the REALLY big topics in life. Existencial questions etc. That's not a lie. 😉
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May 4, 2023
Hmmm, it depends on how honest you want to be. Calling it a mental health forum, online anxiety support group, or an existential/philosophical discussion forum could work. If you don't mind lying you can call it whatever you want. If you want to say you talk to people online, you could do it under the guise of a gaming forum or something.


There's nothing here..
Apr 30, 2023
Philosophy forum, screw getting into that can of worms, all it does is get wide-eyed stares.

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