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Jun 16, 2023
Wondering if anyone had a UK reliable source, not in a major rush as still need to get other stuff but feel my time suffering is coming to an end.

As a side question about SN method I notice people saying to get comfy in a bed or chair after taking, is there any reason why I shouldn't/couldn't have everything ready to be prepared correctly measured etc then take it all in to the middle of nowhere because I'm not looking to be found. Ill go more into detail of my plan once wheels are in motion
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Jun 19, 2022
Did you order anything yet? I'm not in a major rush either I just don't wanna wait too long before they restrict it completely to businesses only. Problem right now seems to be UK customs and possible welfare checks-no way can I have the police turning up. Customs can't check possible SN packages forever and police can't do welfare checks for SN sales forever though right? I don't know what to do....seems like such a risk right now. Has anyone got an SN order into the UK lately?

As a side question about SN method I notice people saying to get comfy in a bed or chair after taking, is there any reason why I shouldn't/couldn't have everything ready to be prepared correctly measured etc then take it all in to the middle of nowhere because I'm not looking to be found. Ill go more into detail of my plan once wheels are in motion
Only thing I can think of is they mean make sure you're safe from falling when you faint so sit or lie down?
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Jun 16, 2023
Did you order anything yet? I'm not in a major rush either I just don't wanna wait too long before they restrict it completely to businesses only. Problem right now seems to be UK customs and possible welfare checks-no way can I have the police turning up. Customs can't check possible SN packages forever and police can't do welfare checks for SN sales forever though right? I don't know what to do....seems like such a risk right now. Has anyone got an SN order into the UK lately?

Only thing I can think of is they mean make sure you're safe from falling when you faint so sit or lie down?
No luck sadly and now I'm in a bit of a rush so I'm going for night-night method, as for police/check ups I would have spun up a lie, I'm fortunate (if you wanna call it that) to have a history of cooking both as a job and hobby so I could easily say I am curing meats. As for customs I'm sure if a new reliable seller comes around they will package it professionally to try to lower suspicions but I'm not sure. In regards to it being risky well for me at least I don't care, if I have my hands on it well its mine and no issues matter once I've taken it.

Cheers for the clarification, I thought so just wanted to make sure, I have every intent of not being found if I were to take SN and I've made it clear (assuming I go through with night-night in the next few days) that all my stuff including my body is to be burnt and made sure that the couple true friends I have shut down any silly pricks who pretend to care about my death when they didn't care when I was alive
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Jun 19, 2022
@Parasitic yeh I'm just worried I won't even get the SN it'll get seized at customs then have a welfare check to look forward to as well! You have a good cover there, no such luck with me but I think I can come up with something just in case. I have no MH history to speak of so maybe they won't even visit anyway. I might be exaggerating the risk I just don't see anyone saying they've got it into the UK recently which sucks.

Cheers for the clarification, I thought so just wanted to make sure, I have every intent of not being found if I were to take SN and I've made it clear (assuming I go through with night-night in the next few days) that all my stuff including my body is to be burnt and made sure that the couple true friends I have shut down any silly pricks who pretend to care about my death when they didn't care when I was alive
Am around if you wanna talk things over, am sorry you're feeling rushed right now as well although you obviously have some plans in place. I still don't really know what night-night is! I'm sorry for whatever has brought you here. Is there nothing that could make you stick around? You can always DM me, I'm pro-choice and I respect your decision either way.
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Jun 16, 2023
@Parasitic yeh I'm just worried I won't even get the SN it'll get seized at customs then have a welfare check to look forward to as well! You have a good cover there, no such luck with me but I think I can come up with something just in case. I have no MH history to speak of so maybe they won't even visit anyway. I might be exaggerating the risk I just don't see anyone saying they've got it into the UK recently which sucks.

Am around if you wanna talk things over, am sorry you're feeling rushed right now as well although you obviously have some plans in place. I still don't really know what night-night is! I'm sorry for whatever has brought you here. Is there nothing that could make you stick around? You can always DM me, I'm pro-choice and I respect your decision either way.
Its completely fair that you would be worried about that, I don't think legally customs can seize it without reason, you said you have no history so that would mean they have no reason to seize it. I'm seeing a fair few places where you can get it from a quick google search but its one of those you need to have a reason to have it, if I were to attempt ordering (I wouldn't due to not being 100% sure) I would spin a lie and assume because its a business they would care more for the sale and if I put my reasoning as curing meats for example it covers them legally, again personally I wouldn't risk it and can only advise against risking it if you are worried about it being seized and or a welfare check. That being said welfare checks I've personally had in the past I managed to lie my way through, its a person/people doing a job they probably don't want to be doing and just need to tick some boxes (That opinion comes from a cynical pessimistic view of the mental health teams due to personal experiences).

I appreciate the offer of talking things over, currently time wise it would be a struggle but should things change I will keep it in mind for when I could! Thank you for that.

As for what night-night is. In short it is a self done blood-choke (same principle they use in the army) targetting the carotid arteries in the neck (the ones you see doctors put 2 fingers to when finding a pulse). If pressure is applied the brain gets no oxygenated blood, pass out pretty quickly and from there well... yeah. There is a megathread on it ( https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/the-night-night-method-mega-thread.6834/ )

Finally as for the anything worth sticking around for, ehh I would be lying if I said absolutely nothing, I have a friend who I value very highly, some music I enjoy and looking/studying animal behaviors. My thing comes from weighing up pros v cons of living, is it worth 23 and a half hours of misery a day for 30 mins of feeling less miserable and as it stands the answer is no.

Absolute best wishes to you.
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Jun 19, 2022
Its completely fair that you would be worried about that, I don't think legally customs can seize it without reason, you said you have no history so that would mean they have no reason to seize it. I'm seeing a fair few places where you can get it from a quick google search but its one of those you need to have a reason to have it, if I were to attempt ordering (I wouldn't due to not being 100% sure) I would spin a lie and assume because its a business they would care more for the sale and if I put my reasoning as curing meats for example it covers them legally, again personally I wouldn't risk it and can only advise against risking it if you are worried about it being seized and or a welfare check. That being said welfare checks I've personally had in the past I managed to lie my way through, its a person/people doing a job they probably don't want to be doing and just need to tick some boxes (That opinion comes from a cynical pessimistic view of the mental health teams due to personal experiences).
I think they ask for a business certificate or something. Everyone seems to be giving up as soon as it says "only sells to businesses"-it sucks that you can only order from other countries now. Years ago apparently it was super easy to get hold of but they've restricted it so much now they've caught on to what people were ordering it for. I don't mind a welfare check per se it's just that I don't live alone and any police visit is gonna be hard to explain. I couldn't blame anyone for being pissed if I brought the police up even when it's not a crime to order SN, plus how would I explain it...for a start I'm a vegetarian so I can't say it's for curing meats lol. Right now I only want the SN as a last resort option just in case, especially with it getting more and more restricted I don't wanna lose the chance to get hold of some.

I appreciate the offer of talking things over, currently time wise it would be a struggle but should things change I will keep it in mind for when I could! Thank you for that.
Sure, if you get a chance drop me a msg-I tend to be on evenings and pretty late.
As for what night-night is. In short it is a self done blood-choke (same principle they use in the army) targetting the carotid arteries in the neck (the ones you see doctors put 2 fingers to when finding a pulse). If pressure is applied the brain gets no oxygenated blood, pass out pretty quickly and from there well... yeah. There is a megathread on it ( https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/the-night-night-method-mega-thread.6834/ )
I remember reading about it now when I first joined-it gets brought up from time to time but I think I had it confused with something else when you mentioned it. I don't think it's something I could do altho if I can't get SN it's definitely something to keep in mind.

Finally as for the anything worth sticking around for, ehh I would be lying if I said absolutely nothing, I have a friend who I value very highly, some music I enjoy and looking/studying animal behaviors. My thing comes from weighing up pros v cons of living, is it worth 23 and a half hours of misery a day for 30 mins of feeling less miserable and as it stands the answer is no.
I understand, I feel a similar way. If you wanna talk about music some time though that'd be cool-I'm also very into music. Studying animal behaviors sounds super interesting as well. I think I'd be interested in knowing more about that if you get a chance. It's great to have such a good friend in your life-sounds like a lot to stick around for but I'm not you I don't know what you have to deal with on a daily basis. I wish the best for you too in whatever you decide, give an update on how you are doing if you can?
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