
Jul 3, 2018
I have a dilemma, I was going with Helium but I am not sure I can trust the tanks you can buy locally. I was told by more than one online source that if the tank has no other listed ingredients, then it is pure Helium, is this true?

Also I have been looking into Nitrogen, but I would really struggle to buy it online as my husband is home all the time at the moment and would know if I ordered something so huge, he'd think it was to get high on. If I get caught with Helium I can quickly make up some cock and bull story about how I am going to mess around with balloons, but Nitrogen, what use could I possibly have for Nitrogen? It's not like I am getting into home brewing any time soon is it.

Exit bag + inert gas is really the only option I have, I don't fancy jumping, plus there's not really any decent places round me where I won't get caught, the thought of hanging isn't one I want to think about because during my Benzo withdrawal, I have suffered severe episodes of breathing difficulties, that feel like my throat and chest are being squeezed. Feels as if I am breathing through a straw when it comes on. I've been for so many tests etc, nothing has ever showed up.

Anyway, I don't mind breathing something in if I don't know much about it until the job is done, but nothing to do with restricting breathing please.

OD isn't really an option for me either, drugs have pretty much killed me already, finding a drug or a mix to finish the job is not only very difficult, it's impossible for me to get drugs past him. He'd crucify me, he doesn't understand that these drugs would be my last. If I got caught I'd be up to my neck in the whole 'relapse and recovery' sewage.

It's the 'recovery' mindset and system that's put me here in the first place, I do not want to have to go to huge extents to cover up my damn ctb method, no thanks.
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Jun 19, 2018
You can have the nitrogen delivered to a PO Box instead of your home.

Now you just need to pick it up and hide the nitrogen. There are boxes/containers that people rent when they moving from house to house. They stash all their stuff there and pick it up at a later time. You can rent a container, google will help you find suitable options. You could probably even ctb in one of those containers.

Damn max dog doesn't ship to po boxes..I was also hoping for myself that this would be possible.
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Jul 3, 2018
I thought about that but most places, as you said, don't ship to PO boxes.

I can eventually get the money for it, but if he sees it on my bank statement a LOT of questions will be asked.

I wish there was a way of finding out of these Helium tanks are any good, I know a lot of you say the party balloon ones are not any good anymore because they're mixed with oxygen, but a fairly recent video by exit international I think it was, says they're ok, and other articles say if no other gasses are listed, then they're not in there.

I don't really have the funds, or means to access something like that container idea either, as I said, because he suspects me of using drugs constantly, he wants to know everything, where I go, what I spend my money on, who I speak to, I am to be frank sick of it.

He may well have to return to work soon as money is running out, that means he'll ramp up the stasi campaign even more.

He probably means well, but it's all gone towards crushing me, you want to know why I am here? People's GOOD INTENTIONS put me in this place.
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