
Feb 25, 2020
Could someone else provide the technical details about the gun and bullet for success? Thanks.

Where are the best places to aim?

Heard 45 degree angle with barrel in mouth.

Heard base of head in the back.

Heard through the eye which provides direct access to brain.

Heard back of ear.

Heard between second or third rib cage at a certain angle. I'm not sure which side.

Could Cheddar Bobbing or Plaxico Burressing yourself in the leg after taking blood thinners work?

Which method has the best success rate?

Which method is the least painful?
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Aug 27, 2018
Heard 45 degree angle with barrel in mouth.

Heard base of head in the back.

Heard through the eye which provides direct access to brain.

Heard back of ear.
All of these will kill you all the same with no pain.

Inb4 "you need to aim for the brainstem bla bla bla"
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May 9, 2019
Could someone else provide the technical details about the gun and bullet for success? Thanks.

Where are the best places to aim?

Heard 45 degree angle with barrel in mouth.

Heard base of head in the back.

Heard through the eye which provides direct access to brain.

Heard back of ear.

Heard between second or third rib cage at a certain angle. I'm not sure which side.

Could Cheddar Bobbing or Plaxico Burressing yourself in the leg after taking blood thinners work?

Which method has the best success rate?

Which method is the least painful?
This is a link to the megathread on guns and firearms as a method, it has excellent information on your questions:

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Feb 25, 2020
This is a link to the megathread on guns and firearms as a method, it has excellent information on your questions:


Thanks for the information Halo13. I'm just trying to provide a shorter and abbreviated version of that thread. Get a consensus on what works.


Thoughtful poster
Jan 17, 2019
Thanks for the information Halo13. I'm just trying to provide a shorter and abbreviated version of that thread. Get a consensus on what works.
With all due respect, if you're taking measures of wanting to CTB, doing your own research is important instead of someone's condensed summary.
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Whats wrong with me

Whats wrong with me

Nov 7, 2019
Could someone else provide the technical details about the gun and bullet for success? Thanks.

Where are the best places to aim?

Heard 45 degree angle with barrel in mouth.

Heard base of head in the back.

Heard through the eye which provides direct access to brain.

Heard back of ear.

Heard between second or third rib cage at a certain angle. I'm not sure which side.

Could Cheddar Bobbing or Plaxico Burressing yourself in the leg after taking blood thinners work?

Which method has the best success rate?

Which method is the least painful?
Shotgun in the mouth.
Shotgun in the mouth.
Shotgun is important


Dec 23, 2019
All of these will kill you all the same with no pain.

Inb4 "you need to aim for the brainstem bla bla bla"
This. Some People overcomplicate suicide by gunshot to the extreme. As if the stars have to align, it's gotta be exactly 23 degrees out, the wind has to be 2km/h, you need the perfect angle, hit that perfect spot, that's all BS. Press the gun to your temple, bam, your're gone before you know it. That's why they're so great in the first place, they're simple to use and the chance of failure is miniscule.
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Jul 18, 2019
All of these will kill you all the same with no pain.

Inb4 "you need to aim for the brainstem bla bla bla"
No pain? Are you sure?
This. Some People overcomplicate suicide by gunshot to the extreme. As if the stars have to align, it's gotta be exactly 23 degrees out, the wind has to be 2km/h, you need the perfect angle, hit that perfect spot, that's all BS. Press the gun to your temple, bam, your're gone before you know it. That's why they're so great in the first place, they're simple to use and the chance of failure is miniscule.
What about the brain stem then?


Aug 27, 2018
This. Some People overcomplicate suicide by gunshot to the extreme. As if the stars have to align, it's gotta be exactly 23 degrees out, the wind has to be 2km/h, you need the perfect angle, hit that perfect spot, that's all BS. Press the gun to your temple, bam, your're gone before you know it. That's why they're so great in the first place, they're simple to use and the chance of failure is miniscule.
Thank you! This is exactly what I discuss with other members mainly in the firearms thread I had to leave that thread because they made it out to be rocket science with aiming the gun 45 degrees angle in the mouth to hit the brain stem it completely took my courage away for the time and now I have dozens of pictures of videos where people shot themselves in the temple and it worked.

If anyone were to bet everything they had on that I would survive shooting myself in the temple with a 9mm Glock I am sure they wouldn´t take that bet because they would be 100% sure they would lose but somehow when you turn it around they think the chance of surviving is so great if you don´t hit that "precious" brain stem.
Another great example is if you look into mass shooters/school shooters who killed themselves none of the ones who shot themselves survived despite SWAT and medics was on standby seconds away from them.

I have researched the shit out of this so the people who claim aiming the gun in the mouth at a 45 degree angle is the only certain way to ctb should do some more research, if you shoot yourself through the eye that is a great method it´s called the kill triangle used by the military which can be found through a google search and even Budd Dwyer who shot himself in the mouth with his gun didn´t hit the brainstem at least in the video it appears he aims more upwards but the bullet still penetrated the brains center so he died also the amount of blood determines that he didn´t hit the brainstem because if he had hit that the heart would have stopped pumping blood that is also why in some suicide photos there arent a lot of blood because if death is instantaneously the heart stops pumping blood but just because you don´t die immediately doesnt mean you will suffer when the skull breaks through a gunshot you go unconcious and bleed out in seconds or about a minute.

Sorry now I ended up giving a whole lecture put the point is if you put a gun to you temple and press the trigger you will die there is no need to overcomplicate things by telling every member on here who wants to use a firearm to ctb that they need to hit a tiny peace of the brain (brainstem) by following a list of rules JUST put the gun to the temple and shoot done deal, that is exactly why I said all the methods mentioned by OP is going to work and I have evidence for all of them.
No pain? Are you sure?
When you shoot yourself in the head you skull break with such force that you go unconcious the human´s reaction time is around 200 milliseconds so shooting yourself in the head happens so fast that you won´t even hear the 'bang' from the gunshot the bullet is inside your brain before the sound even happens, an example is if you have ever kicked a football very hard you will see it fly away and the sound come slightly after only that the speed of a bullet is way faster.
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Feb 25, 2020
If anyone were to bet everything they had on that I would survive shooting myself in the temple with a 9mm Glock I am sure they wouldn´t take that bet because they would be 100% sure they would lose but somehow when you turn it around they think the chance of surviving is so great if you don´t hit that "precious" brain stem.
Another great example is if you look into mass shooters/school shooters who killed themselves none of the ones who shot themselves survived despite SWAT and medics was on standby seconds away from them.

I wouldn't do the temple. Taking blood thinners would increase the mortality rate though.

I think with gunshots you want either two things...

Clear penetration


Destructive power, bullets ricocheting inside your body...
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Aug 27, 2018
I wouldn't do the temple.

A temple shot is so incredibly simple no fumbling around trying to aim the gun at a certain degree etc. which is even harder with a Glock in the mouth it doesn´t feel steady or comfortable, putting the gun to the temple is so simple and easy.
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Feb 25, 2020
View attachment 28447

A temple shot is so incredibly simple no fumbling around trying to aim the gun at a certain degree etc. which is even harder with a Glock in the mouth it doesn´t feel steady or comfortable, putting the gun to the temple is so simple and easy.

Hey man I'm with you. I just think you want to aim for parts of the brain which are vital to life.
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Feb 25, 2020
Could Cheddar Bobbing or Plaxico Burressing yourself in the leg after taking blood thinners work?

Could I also shoot myself in the stomach and just bleed out? Throw some dirt into it too and risk infection?


Feb 25, 2020
I never got a clear answer to this question.


Nov 4, 2020
I never got a clear answer to this question.
I can't answer your question, but I can tell you for handguns, use a 44mag or 45, shotgun 12 gauge slug or 00 buck, rifle 308/7.62 or bigger.

See the first post here: https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/man-survived-shotgun-attempt.62309/ That's what can happen if you don't do research and fuck up with a firearm.


Feb 25, 2020
I can't answer your question, but I can tell you for handguns, use a 44mag or 45, shotgun 12 gauge slug or 00 buck, rifle 308/7.62 or bigger.

See the first post here: https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/man-survived-shotgun-attempt.62309/ That's what can happen if you don't do research and fuck up with a firearm.
Thank you friend.


Nov 30, 2020
My prick father had a 222 hunting rifle which I was going to use at one point, on him and me. Thought better of it in the end.
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