
Mar 12, 2024
When one wants to die so badly and all other options are exhausted, can one really find a way to end it al. I say that without serious risk of pain and failure? I'm basically without any resources and with no access to the items that would at least ensure death, it's scary to worry about how much pain I will be in with whatever method I could find. My one option, which is likely.foinf to fail, is to try and OD on a load of prescription pills. These are not.mine as I haven't been able to get any meds or mental help in some time due to my Agoraphobia. Regardless, Im.fairly certain, it woukd just get violently ill and vomit them up. Odds are against it working to give.me a peaceful death. I'm also afraid of any hanging or partial hanging method as I feel I would likely fail or my survival instinct would.kick.in..I guess I'm.destined to keep suffering and.ultimatly end up on the streets or in the psych ward.
  • Aww..
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Apr 18, 2023
When one wants to die so badly and all other options are exhausted, can one really find a way to end it al. I say that without serious risk of pain and failure? I'm basically without any resources and with no access to the items that would at least ensure death, it's scary to worry about how much pain I will be in with whatever method I could find. My one option, which is likely.foinf to fail, is to try and OD on a load of prescription pills. These are not.mine as I haven't been able to get any meds or mental help in some time due to my Agoraphobia. Regardless, Im.fairly certain, it woukd just get violently ill and vomit them up. Odds are against it working to give.me a peaceful death. I'm also afraid of any hanging or partial hanging method as I feel I would likely fail or my survival instinct would.kick.in..I guess I'm.destined to keep suffering and.ultimatly end up on the streets or in the psych ward.
To be honest if the last 2+ years have taught me anything at all... It's sometimes no matter hard you will something. to happen.. Sometimes it just won't happen. It's unfortunate but it is true.
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Infinite Solipsist

Infinite Solipsist

Jun 20, 2024
When one wants to die so badly and all other options are exhausted, can one really find a way to end it al. I say that without serious risk of pain and failure? I'm basically without any resources and with no access to the items that would at least ensure death, it's scary to worry about how much pain I will be in with whatever method I could find. My one option, which is likely.foinf to fail, is to try and OD on a load of prescription pills. These are not.mine as I haven't been able to get any meds or mental help in some time due to my Agoraphobia. Regardless, Im.fairly certain, it woukd just get violently ill and vomit them up. Odds are against it working to give.me a peaceful death. I'm also afraid of any hanging or partial hanging method as I feel I would likely fail or my survival instinct would.kick.in..I guess I'm.destined to keep suffering and.ultimatly end up on the streets or in the psych ward.
What kind of prescription pills are you talking about? Some pills are basically impossible to die from without taking entire pounds of the stuff.
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Mar 12, 2024
All kinds of pills, but again I know my body would just reject the and vomit them up and make me violently ill. No pain pills or benzos, so it's almost certainly to be a fail.
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Aug 15, 2023
All kinds of pills, but again I know my body would just reject the and vomit them up and make me violently ill. No pain pills or benzos, so it's almost certainly to be a fail.
Nothing a rope and a ceiling fan can't fix that's where I'm at I did a ton of research on pills and other shit and the most reliable way I see is just good ole hanging. I get u prolly don't wanna suffer and that's how I felt up until a few hours ago tbh but I mean if ur deranged like me you've seen hanging vids and it only last for 1 minute max and I feel like once the weights on ur neck u just pass out or stop feeling pain
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*perpetually annoyed*
Mar 14, 2024
Nothing a rope and a ceiling fan can't fix that's where I'm at I did a ton of research on pills and other shit and the most reliable way I see is just good ole hanging. I get u prolly don't wanna suffer and that's how I felt up until a few hours ago tbh but I mean if ur deranged like me you've seen hanging vids and it only last for 1 minute max and I feel like once the weights on ur neck u just pass out or stop feeling pain
I seriously don't know how people can do this and actually die without taking the rope off. You can hold your breath for a minute, but before that is the pressure in the head. I've never practiced because I want to keep the brain cells I have left, but it seemly like a painful and terrifying method. Maybe I'm weird but pulling the trigger or jumping (though I have access to neither) are far less scarier but to each their own I guess.
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Yes, the everlasting contrast.
Jul 14, 2023
i don't think death applies to this phrase. i use it often in my brain when people try to interfere with my habits of self destruction. but death is less accessible. made even more difficult in this highly regulated world.

desperation can get you closer, i suppose. but it can also make you try things you know won't work in frantic thirst for an exit (i.e, i tried stabbing multiple areas and nothing happened bc of SI LOL....)

so, in a rare case, no. death is not something in which if there is a will there is a way. not in my head anyway - after i vowed to die this year and have... well, embarassingly been kept here for half a year now.
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Mar 12, 2024
i don't think death applies to this phrase. i use it often in my brain when people try to interfere with my habits of self destruction. but death is less accessible. made even more difficult in this highly regulated world.

desperation can get you closer, i suppose. but it can also make you try things you know won't work in frantic thirst for an exit (i.e, i tried stabbing multiple areas and nothing happened bc of SI LOL....)

so, in a rare case, no. death is not something in which if there is a will there is a way. not in my head anyway - after i vowed to die this year and have... well, embarassingly been kept here for half a year now.
Good points indeed. Yes when one is desperate they will indeed try things that they know won't work. It's got me thinking about trying methods that surely will fail.
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May 19, 2024
I'm a coward and I soon won't have a home with privacy. So jumping from a tall height is pretty much the one option left to me. I'm afraid that I'd somehow fuck that up and survive, though...everything else I do makes things worse.
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An angel who wants to go home..
May 29, 2024
I also don't think this applies to death or everything. In general it's more of a motivating saying for healthy people to keep going or to pursue their dreams.

But tbh it's the same like the generic "stay strong" stuff people like to say, just bshit imo.

It's hard to ctb. It's against nature. Against your primal purpose of existence.
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Mar 12, 2024
I'm a coward and I soon won't have a home with privacy. So jumping from a tall height is pretty much the one option left to me. I'm afraid that I'd somehow fuck that up and survive, though...everything else I do makes things worse.
I totally get that. No privacy, and no real way to end it. I'm also afraid I would fail in whatever method I try.
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Infinite Solipsist

Infinite Solipsist

Jun 20, 2024
Nothing a rope and a ceiling fan can't fix that's where I'm at I did a ton of research on pills and other shit and the most reliable way I see is just good ole hanging. I get u prolly don't wanna suffer and that's how I felt up until a few hours ago tbh but I mean if ur deranged like me you've seen hanging vids and it only last for 1 minute max and I feel like once the weights on ur neck u just pass out or stop feeling pain
Residential ceiling fan junction boxes in the US aren't capable of supporting more than 70 pounds of weight for (probably) this exact reason. I had a friend who almost found this out the hard way. You'd have more luck using a chandelier if you were going to use home lighting as your anchor point.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I totally get that. No privacy, and no real way to end it. I'm also afraid I would fail in whatever method I try.
have you seen the website watch people die . there they use all kinds of methods to suicide.
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Dec 14, 2021
Residential ceiling fan junction boxes in the US aren't capable of supporting more than 70 pounds of weight for (probably) this exact reason. I had a friend who almost found this out the hard way. You'd have more luck using a chandelier if you were going to use home lighting as your anchor point.
I live in a house alone, I've thought about going in the atic and finding a sturdy support beem. Knock a couple holes on both sides of it through the ceiling and rope up. Forget ceiling fans and chandeliers.
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Infinite Solipsist

Infinite Solipsist

Jun 20, 2024
I live in a house alone, I've thought about going in the atic and finding a sturdy support beem. Knock a couple holes on both sides of it through the ceiling and rope up. Forget ceiling fans and chandeliers.
Yeah that should work but it'd probably be easier to just knock some holes in the drywall ceiling of an interior room to find a joist instead of tying off to a rafter in the attic. There's some other things you need to consider if you're going with full-suspension in order to get a clean break at the neck.


Mar 12, 2024
Thanks I will give it a look
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