

winter is coming
Aug 2, 2023
In my darkest moments, I feel a sinking, aching sensation in my stomach and get a headache. My body feels like it clenches up and my muscles are easy to pull, sending me into reeling pain. Lying on my back, it can feel like I'm lying in liquid depression that is slowly rising, and my most painful moments are when my body is entirely submerged.

It begins to feel like I'm floating in a breathable fluid.

It's so strange... Something about that sinking emptiness feels almost comforting and welcoming. It's like the void is saying "now that you've accepted your worthlessness and given up hope, you are welcome into our vacuum paradise."

I don't know how it feels to anybody else, so I'm curious.
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bus tickets are expensive
Mar 29, 2023
For me, personally, it's a strong knot in my throat. I've been pretty much emotionally dead since I was about 12, meaning I couldn't cry or express myself even if that was my strongest desire at that moment.

Maybe it's easier to think of it like this: a tragic situation that occurs, with no aftermath. Just the knowledge that something awful has happened. It destroys you, but you don't know what to do about it. A familiarity as concrete as it is abstract.
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Dec 20, 2023
I get a sharp headache. It's not like a normal headache that I get. It kind of feels like metal rods piercing my skull.
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Serial Experi Pain

Serial Experi Pain

I hate me more :P
Sep 12, 2023
A piercing pressure behind my eyes... a pulling in the back of my throat that meets my lungs and determines whether I can breathe or not... tension in jaw and fingers.
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Kill me
Nov 26, 2023
Where my chest meets my stomach, I feel it in there. Almost a sort of dread for life feeling, never a clear cause.

Sometimes I feel it in my ovaries, this noticeable emptiness. It's like I'm so anxious I will piss myself. It's strange.
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Selflessness, contribution, service ❤️
Nov 28, 2023
it's always somewhere beneath my ribcage but above my hip. it feels the same as when i'm anxious or when i feel unrequited love. i can't explain it properly but when i feel it, i end up feeling helpless that i cant do anything about it :(
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F*ck humanity. Let's end this.
Jul 4, 2023
Everywhere. My whole body is in constant pain. But the really excruciating stuff happens in my GI system. Years of cortisol being flooded into my body from trauma and living under threat for 20 years I think has destroyed my body and set me for some very nasty health conditions down the line as I age. Fun.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
My chest and my throat. Oddly, my wrists. Google searches have yielded nothing. I assume it's some weird cardiovascular issue, though I am young.
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Dec 14, 2021
My shit's been going on for over three decades. At this point I rarely feel anything physical/mental. Just an emptiness.
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Dec 8, 2023
I feel that huge knot in my throat and pit of my stomach. The emotional pain because physical because I am hardly able to breathe . I never imagined that this kind of emotional pain existed.
When you tell people you're really depressed they assume, oh she's just sad it happens to all of us and I hate those that say oh enough already get up and move on as if I have some kind of control over it, or they'll think you're just lazy and don't want to do anything. I wish they would feel what we feel just for five minutes and then get back to us!!!!
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I'll just lay here and die
Mar 6, 2023
Betwen me stomach and chest.
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Teleftaía Anapnoí

Teleftaía Anapnoí

δεν υπάρχει μέλλον
Jul 6, 2023
its in my stomach too
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Oct 24, 2023
I feel like a million elephants are stamping around in my head and my chest and I cannot breathe - it hurts. And this can last for days. My neck and shoulders are always knotted and apparently that is to do with stress - it is permanently painful there. But when the pain exceeds a threshold, I actually stop feeling any kind of pain - I would only know if I was injured if I see blood at this point. Basic dissociation - and that could last for a period of time.

until death

maybe it's time to say goodbye
Dec 12, 2023
I feel the pain in my chest and in my stomach
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Jan 24, 2020
same here. in my midsection (between my stomach and chest). first, a sinking feeling, then a strike of pain in the gut, then it radiates outwards.
is there a scientific explanation for that, just curious?
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Oct 15, 2023
similar to some of the other responses, mine is in my stomach. I get this intense sinking sensation in my stomach and get a feeling like everything is meaningless. It comes on so suddenly, and I've had this happen since I was young. I thought I was the only one, so it's comforting to know others share similar experiences!


Eternal Spirit Experiencing a Human Moment
Dec 23, 2023
I don't feel anything but a vacuum where pain and feelings should be.


I'm still here b/c of my dogs
Oct 28, 2021
It feels like a bomb going off in my stomach and lower chest. Constantly. Ativan helps a little bit. I shit my pants every time I need a refill because I'm afraid of getting cut off. If that happens I'll ctb immediately because I'd rather be dead than go through benzo withdrawals. Anxiety is a real bitch as is severe depression. I can't even imagine what life would be like living without it.


homesick ⭒
Apr 14, 2023
In my throat and chest/stomach, when emotions are too intense I feel like I need to throw up (it's like there's something inside that make me feel this way and I want to get it out) 🤷‍♀️


Another six months, I'll be unknown.
Nov 24, 2023
I get a tight pain in it chest like I can't breathe, and my stomach will often feel like it's in knots.


Oct 23, 2023
My chest and my stomach are pulling themselves together, which crushes my upper body, makes me want to bend forward or stay like this laying on the floor. Plus a sharper pain in the front of my brain.


trapped in a body
Dec 22, 2023
Sometimes in my head as bad headache but mostly when my soul hurts too bad i feel like theres a void or knife in my chest. It is always a strong and dull pain like acid beig poured onto my heart. Gosh i hate this.


Dec 16, 2023
In my darkest moments, I feel a sinking, aching sensation in my stomach and get a headache. My body feels like it clenches up and my muscles are easy to pull, sending me into reeling pain. Lying on my back, it can feel like I'm lying in liquid depression that is slowly rising, and my most painful moments are when my body is entirely submerged.

It begins to feel like I'm floating in a breathable fluid.

It's so strange... Something about that sinking emptiness feels almost comforting and welcoming. It's like the void is saying "now that you've accepted your worthlessness and given up hope, you are welcome into our vacuum paradise."

I don't know how it feels to anybody else, so I'm curious.
Definitely corny but my heart. Like inside my chest I just constantly have this dull aching that wont subside. Occasionally my stomach will feel knotted but it's mainly a sinking dull ache in my chest.


I check notifications once per week
Dec 31, 2023
In my darkest moments, I feel a sinking, aching sensation in my stomach and get a headache. My body feels like it clenches up and my muscles are easy to pull, sending me into reeling pain. Lying on my back, it can feel like I'm lying in liquid depression that is slowly rising, and my most painful moments are when my body is entirely submerged.

It begins to feel like I'm floating in a breathable fluid.

It's so strange... Something about that sinking emptiness feels almost comforting and welcoming. It's like the void is saying "now that you've accepted your worthlessness and given up hope, you are welcome into our vacuum paradise."

I don't know how it feels to anybody else, so I'm curious.
Neck, back, lower back.


(ᴗ_ ᴗ。)
Nov 25, 2023
Right there ->💔
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Dec 4, 2023
my pain is often full-body except for my limbs, but the central most significant pain is almost always right there in the center, like abyssal said, sorta equal parts stomach and chest. sometimes it's mixed with other sources, and on the worst days, like today (yay) it's a fully connected chakra system basically, i call it hell, the vortex, the inferno, lots of little pet names. it manifests in the following physical positions:

1. the top of my skull has this subtle sorta airy / cold pain, hard to describe, like pins and needles
2. pressure and aching behind my cheeks and eyes since i'm usually silently weeping when this happens lol
3. aching lump in the throat, almost like i'm sick, the feeling of being strangled internally, worse when i'm crying but can be there independently as well
4. a feeling of emptiness in the chest, hollow, aching sort of pain, or like something is stabbed or lodged there
5. anxiety, dread, nausea, aching in the stomach, the sensation of falling

my genitals aren't usually directly involved in the pain sensations but there's a change in my conscious relationship to them, it's as if they cripple or vanish. and sometimes, in a real fit, it seems like i have this aching pain radiating so strongly from my lower stomach that it's touching my pelvic floor.

it's really amazing how physical this kind of suffering can be, and how utterly incapacitating it can be when it strikes multiple systems. the combination of sensations 3 and 4 (throat and chest) makes me feel like i can't breath, even though i'm obviously breathing, it's a horrible feeling. overall the total body experience makes me feel like my insides get suddenly pulled around or inverted or something, the whole body is at odds with itself.

i want to hug everyone in this thread, i'm so sorry :( these are hellish realms to experience even once, much less chronically
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Jul 27, 2023
my chest I think? It's like a giant pressure on my upper torso and I can't walk upright or move very well in general. It's very excruciating, I can barely breathe, I usually take my sleepie pills before it escalates. Sometimes when it's very bad my extremities start to go numb.


Jan 23, 2023
I'll try to add kind of quirky definitions, because I find this kind of stuff to be extremely interesting.

My chest has this hollow feeling, not like its empty but that its full of something making it hollow.
My stomach hurts, sort of as though it is bruising and suffocated.
I get nauseous, my head and throat get warm and there are intense almost achy sensations as if it was too cold, and pain like sometimes my nose feels sort of broken for instance.
My back and limbs sometimes indescribably carry my feelings of dread and panic, as if animated by it.
And my fingers and toes may tingle numb with fear.
My jaw and shoulders hurt, I clench them frequently. its not sore really, just tense

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