I have this overwhelming sense that I am "too far gone", that I cannot right the ship called my life. I had a substantial career trajectory that was sent off the rails when I had a manic (?) episode triggered from binge drinking long term. I pushed all my family away during that period, but they are responsible for my traumatic experiences of every type of abuse during childhood, so I'm keeping them cut off - still, life is very lonely without family.
I had a car accident that led me to requiring spinal surgery back in 2021 at the risk of being paralyzed. I'm 29 now, and my legs are still partially numb. I've always been a physically weak man, but after the surgery I've been terrified of hitting the gym because of fear of furthering my neuropathy.
Because I'm not physically fit, it is damn near impossible to find a woman that meets the incredibly high, unrealistic standards I've subconsciously set for a partner. wish I could shake this standard but it seems ingrained, and I'm further lonely because of this.
I have no desire to better myself. Like, logically and consciously I do, but something intrinsic and subconscious has me petrified of positive change. The cognitive dissonance I have from knowing that all I need to do is make small, positive actions that I know aren't difficult, and the fact that I STILL cannot do these things, causes mental torment.
I wish I could've been born to a different, non-evil family. I wish I didn't spend my formative years using weed and alcohol instead of forming positive hobbies. I am a shell of a human being. I already suffer so much, I can't fathom the good in sticking out with life just so the suffering can intensify.
I've done psychedelics, including DMT, and know what being one with the universe feels like, I know what the loving embrace of Source, the Void, feels like. I know that is what's on the other side. Why wait to get there?