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Apr 5, 2024
Lately I've been constantly dissociating, daydreaming and listening to loud music so I can't think about reality.

I need some ideas for where to dissociate to, I usually imagine myself in a completely different world where everyone is happy, or imagine myself gaining superpowers and changing the world.

What about you?
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Jul 29, 2021
imagine having a computer with unlimited computing power and how i would go about coding software to simulate complex systems of living organisms cellular automata self replicating machine extra like in the video below
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Apr 5, 2024
imagine having a computer with unlimited computing power and how i would go about coding software to simulate complex systems of living organisms cellular automata self replicating machine extra like in the video below

Just make sure your organisms don't become sentient.
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Mar 21, 2019
Have you tried video games?
Writing short stories based on your mental wanderings? There is this guy called Stephen King. He gives his daydreams to everyone!
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Apr 15, 2024
Lately I've been constantly dissociating, daydreaming and listening to loud music so I can't think about reality.

I need some ideas for where to dissociate to, I usually imagine myself in a completely different world where everyone is happy, or imagine myself gaining superpowers and changing the world.

What about you?
I don't daydream much, but I imagine myself drinking SN, passing away and dead in the grave, but since I believe in the Bible and resurrection, I know that after the world ends, I will rise again in a body without pain, sorrow or death and live forever in a new earth with other believers who are immortal and painless. In fact, I can't wait for the world to end and be transformed for this. I want to die so I can wake up in the resurrection!


in the luminous darkness
Jan 31, 2024
I imagine myself being a traveler out in space, watching the stars whiz by as I move at incomprehensible speeds through basically infinity. All my "troubles" are not even a speck in the distance. Somehow I'm seeing the universe the way I always saw it in pictures of space. I'm an astronaut. Not the 24 hr. a day, work for the government type, just a solo, drifting through the void and occasionally stopping by a planet, watching the star-rise and star-set, from various horizons.

Annotation 2024 06 27 105735
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
A lot of my daydreams do not involve me and instead mainly revolve around characters I have created that live in their own universe. When my daydreams do actually involve me it's usually involves me in this world, just with different events playing out.
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Nov 13, 2021
Some of you guys have some crazy imaginations, my daydreaming is so mundane in comparison. When I daydream, I imagine myself somewhere far away from where I currently live, usually with a beach, which is one of my favorite places to be. I just imagine myself living in a coastal, usually as a SWE which is what I hope to be after graduation. Typically, however, this results is me stressing and experiencing anxiety about various other aspects, a big one recently being moving my stuff out lol.

The first half is pleasant. I usually don't daydream anything crazy. Sometimes I would daydream about being in some fictional universe when I used to dissociate much more. Oftentimes about a show I would be watching, such as Avatar TLAB, when I was watching that.
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Why, do the birds, go on singing??
Mar 14, 2024
I mostly save daydreaming at night for when I'm going to sleep so I dont have to think about my shit self and life so I don't know if that helps.
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Infinite Solipsist

Infinite Solipsist

Jun 20, 2024
I imagine myself as being infinitely reincarnated with the same consciousness into the same body--trapped in a place between hell and true life. With each cycle, I gain more knowledge, gain amazing physical qualities, and inexplicably gain new powers that don't technically break the laws of nature within these new parallel universes. I imagine eventually becoming a living god who has achieved apotheosis and I become the new controller of reality. I try to comprehend this power of infinity and all the possible timelines I could create by influencing the natural world. Since I would already know the future up to a certain point, it goes without saying that I would manipulate financial markets and would make myself incredibly rich--- like 5 times more than Elon Musk's or Jeff Bezos' combined net worth. I would use this foresight to prevent things like atrocities and tragedies just to see the butterfly effect that happens and also prove that the current god is truly cruel and that most suffering could be avoided.

In one of my parallel universes, I develop an amazing monolithic dome construction technology and use it to erect an extremely large dome (7777sq. km) in the interior of Marie Byrd Land in west Antarctica. In this dome, I use advanced technologies to construct a near-utopic civilization complete with artificial (but beautiful) old-growth forests. The inner workings of this society would be heavily automated and there would be no need for toil anymore. The dome would also act as a solar collection surface and would be able to withstand (and capture the energy of) direct hits from nuclear weapons. Geothermal energy would also play a large role since west Antarctica is believed to have several active volcanoes and magma plumes. (I would be storing excess energy in mechanical flywheel batteries.) My civilization would welcome those who I deem as being similar to my current self--- those from extreme poverty, impulsive suicide victims, people born into literal chattel slavery, those failed by the systems of developed governments, and those from similarly unfortunate backgrounds. There would be an unprecedented level of education, science, and prosperity. We would eventually terraform Venus (Mars is too small) and make that our new home---leaving behind this already god forsaken planet.

When you think about infinity in this way, you can come up with anything.
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Aug 18, 2022
In my desired reality in my penthouse in Tokyo. This is what it looks like:

Penthouse thumb01 bellustar tokyo

It looks just like the Bellustar Tokyo Penthouse hotel but it isn't. That place still exists adjacent to my penthouse. It's not just the Bellustar, there's a reason it's my desired reality. I have Godzilla in the city somewhere. It's safe, no harm to people. I also can do things I can't do on Earth. For example I have magic magic. Like Disney Magic, not wiccan magick although that does exist. In this reality I am me but I'm not toxic so I still do all the things that I do but it's not toxic somehow (and not in a backhanded, sarcastic way or anything negative in any possible way at all).

In this reality, there's no wars. Palestine isn't having a genocide, there's nothing bad happening in the Congo (actually Africa looks like Wakanda from the MCU), America has never had any wars which means the American revolution never happened but America still exists, covid doesn't exist, rape doesn't exist, abuse doesn't exist, misogyny doesn't exist, etc. I'll be honest, there are some controversial things I have in my reality that most people will not like but it's not toxic, it's good and healthy.

People don't do stupid shit. There's stupid shit and then there's stupid shit. The latter doesn't exist. Petty arguments can happen between friends or whatever but it never becomes so bad to where they go like "I NEVER want to see you again." Annoyances can exist but it's never to the point where boundaries are crossed. And I magically always dot he right thing and always know right from wrong. I have the absolute perfect moral compass and virtue ethics and do the right thing according to justice. But I usually keep to myself. I don't bother people.

My desired reality also has a magic door. This door (which only I can see unless I want others to be to interact with it) lets me go to different realities. I have many, many realities. One of them is this normal Earth as it is right now. The only difference is this reality has my family as they are but with all the good and none of the bad. Also in this reality I'm 18 years old and not 28. I'm a fulltime artist and have an indie game company with my brother. We just made about 2-3 games and maybe some proto-types and that's it. But in my desired reality I have so many games I've created and a completely different indie company than what my brother and I have created. It's known for having the characters usually based on rubberhose cartoons.

My desired reality also has dimensional internet. So I can connect with other people from other places like I can connect to the internet of this Earth or I can connect to the internet of my desired reality. I can also reality shift to any reality I want to instantly.

Life comes with an undo button. So in case I do something wrong or something happens that I don't like I can just undo it. It never happened. I can also redo actions and yes this is unlimited.

All the objectively, morally wrong and bad thing I've done according to every single morally ethical proper value on Earth have never happened. My past is revised, it's wiped clean. To the point where if you asked anyone on Earth what I've done they'll say, "What are you talking about?" And any traces of the bad I've done are wiped off the planet. It's not there any more, you can't find them anywhere, they don't exist, they literally never happened. Even records of them don't have them. TVs don't have them. They are gone from computer files. You could go on my internet history and yu'd never find them. You could search up my username on Youtube or discord and it's not there because I was never there, I simply never did those things. And it's not like one of those things where you see the name of the person (like [deleted] and you still see the other person responding to the deleted person, no). I mean you wouldn't even see the other person because the two never had the conversation to begin with. Even mods who witnessed the events wouldn't even know what you're talking about, not because they're trying to swipe it under the rug or pretend it doesn't exist but simply because it never existed in the first place. It literally never happened. History itself deleted them. Time deleted them from the world. Even the universe doesn't even remember them. If God existed and you asked God about the things that happened even s/he would not remember the events because they never happened. And I would have the ability to delete them from my memory. Even the Quantum Eraser can't erase them because they never happened (how can you erase something that doesn't even exist?)

In my desired reality I don't age, no one ages. But that doesn't mean we are immortal (unless the person chooses to be and yes this can be turned off). There's euthanasia clinics. You just go there and you can die. It's free. This will be controversial but yes anyone of any age can go there, young ones just need a guardian. Humans can also just choose to un-exist. There's a magic button in their minds they can activate and when they do they just stop existing. Instantly, just like that. Also pro lifers don't exist, they all understand choice and free will. And psych wards don't exist, looney bins don't exist, etc.

I don't sweat, I oil (unless I want to). I never have to shower and am I always clean 100% germ free or to the healthiest possible. Disease doens't exist, sickness doesn't exist.

I myself have a sarco pod and bottles of nembutal or halatal or pentobarbital sodium. All fresh, not gone, not expired, in perfect condition. I also have a 12 gauge shotgun with buckshot bullets I can use.

There's many, many, many more things I would explain about my desired reality but I'll leave it at
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Jun 24, 2024
Lately I've been constantly dissociating, daydreaming and listening to loud music so I can't think about reality.

I need some ideas for where to dissociate to, I usually imagine myself in a completely different world where everyone is happy, or imagine myself gaining superpowers and changing the world.

What about you?
I do visualisations on youtube of how id like my life be and live it out in my head. My ideal scenario is coming home from a job that is stressful but I love, to a husband, children, cottage in a remote area with woods and the water nearby. But not so far from the city its not accessible. Sitting on the porch with my husband at sunset, big old ivy covered tree, light breeze, feeling content. Thats real life scenarios.

Imaginary - I imagine what life would be life if we lived in utopia. Not a perfect world just a content one with no mental or physical illness. Where you get to choose an age youd like to live out for the rest of your life. End of life is at the same age for everyone.
Youre given an option at 40 where you could redo your whole life or change one certain event and remain 40. And daydream about what id do differently.
I also used to day dream a lot about the game Fallout and how id live during that time lol.
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