

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I'm sure many of you already know this and most likely agree with it, but just for the those who don't know, this thread is solely for that. When someone is suicidal (that have a plan, means, and intent to do so) they are oftenly locked up involuntarily force, forced treatment against their will, then (at least in the US) billed for said services, along with other consequences such as the loss of certain civil rights, their job (if they had one and they are out for no good reason/extended time), stigma from their fellow peers and more. However, these people have broken no laws, committed no crimes (assuming their method did not break the law), or harmed anyone directly (threatened them physically). Yet they are treated like an animal, an criminal, or someone who has done something wrong. Furthermore, it is disgusting that ALL of that is 'legal' and that the suicidal person is then told to pull themselves up by their bootstraps or some other tough love rhetoric. It is no surprise that some of them then go on ahead to actually commit suicide (for real), and/or lash out against society (hurting others, taking others with them, forgoing basic human decency and more), mass shootings, killings, and what not.

It's like saying hey even though you didn't break the rules, but (written or unwritten) you will still face some consequences from your actions. Not only is that injustice, it's also grossly unfair. I suppose there is no fairness or justice (legal justice if so - but that's another topic altogether) in this shitty world. Therefore, by punishing and/or treating people who did nothing illegal, broke no laws, did no harm to others, like a criminal, it's essentially saying that "we don't like what you said, thought, or did (even though it isn't illegal), so we are going to go ahead and treat you as if you did do something wrong." Then the person has no other incentive not to commit a real crime because they are essentially being punished for something that they didn't do.

I mean imagine an cornered animal or someone who was already down and then being kicked even more just for the heck of it. There is no surprise that they would instinctively lash out and just do more damage. What incentive (if any) do they have to do better or if they even have the means to do so in the first place? Just think about that for a moment. It just doesn't make any sense, both strategically, logically. Why would someone want to do the right thing or continue to play by the rules and be the good person (good is subjective here) when they are being screwed for essentially a non-crime? The bottom line is if someone is going to be treated like a criminal despite not being one or doing stuff to deserve such treatment, then there is NO incentive to being a law abiding citizen or just not committing a crime. He/she might as well commit an actual crime because he/she is getting the same treatment. People claim that we have free will, live in a free country, but I disagree and digress (maybe freedom only when it aligns with what society wants and whatever is politically correct, socially acceptable. We don't really have free speech, real freedom, that's a myth), but that's another topic.

Note: I am not talking about nor advocating for violence or any illegal acts. I am merely exploring the absurdity of suicide prevention and the current process in which professionals, society, and government handle suicidal people.
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żyję cicho krwawiąc
Aug 28, 2019
i hate the american system, i feel sorry for people there. "yes! let's punish people who are suffering by throwing them in a space they don't want to be, treat them like shit and then give them a huge ass bill!!! that'll show them!!"
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saddest grl
Aug 23, 2019
I'm not saying I agree, but I can kinda see why they would lock someone up. But the bill afterwards is ridiculous for a place you didn't even want to go to in the first place.

Mental Hospitals are anything but a peaceful experience. If your going to send someone away at least have the decency to send them some place nice.
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New Member
Aug 30, 2019
I've had first-hand experience with this unjust system and have been battling recurring nightmares and memories of the experience for the past two years since it has happened. I was hospitalized at first voluntarily (the social worker at the hospital the firefighters took me gave me no other choice "go willingly or I will have to involuntarily admit you") but then after arriving at the mental hospital I had a massive anxiety attack realizing that being locked up for a week and sharing a room with a stranger wasn't what I really wanted anymore. A health care worker came in and told me I was suddenly involuntary and I was just filled with absolute despair. That same day I ran into my room and tried to break my head open by banging my head between the wall and a book shelf because fuck that I'd rather die than now be there for months. The nurse lady came in and said if I didn't come out from between there she would grab me out so I screamed "don't you dare touch me!" And "I just want someone to care please don't hurt me!" Then a team of them came in, grabbed me from the space I was in and forced me onto the bed as I tried to fight them off. There must have been eight staff people grabbing onto me and forcing me down on the bed. They pulled my pants down and shot me with medication and then pulled my body to another room and strapped me down onto this table/bed thing. I kept trying to fight to get away from them because of how scared I was so when I was tied up I tried biting them. Then they put something on my chest that restricted my neck so I was not able to move at all except lay facing the ceiling with my legs pulled apart. I had been raped before so I felt very exposed and violated being tied down the way I was with my legs pulled apart. The medication they injected me with eventually made me pass out and when I woke up I was untied, still on that table/bed thing curled into a ball. After that I became extremely numb and distant for the entire month that I was in there. I had to lie about my mental/emotional state and put on my fake smile to just get the hell out of that place. When I arrived home I was so destroyed by the experience that I had a mental break down, told my boyfriend I was going to end my life, smashed a glass cup on my head and almost punched his dad out. His dad kicked me out and I lived with my parents for half a year before getting accepted for disability. It took me two years of therapy just to get to a somewhat stable place that I'm in now but I'm still depressed and hopeless. The thought that the very system that is suppose to help me ended up hurting me in such a horrible way took any hope for life away from me. I've been paranoid of trying to end my life since because what if I fail? What if someone finds me before the deed is done? There's no way in hell I EVER want to go back to that place. I can't even tell a therapist or psychiatrist about my thoughts either without some fear I'll get turned in, fuck telling my loved ones too since they'll probably try to admit me too. These mental hospitals produce people that are more committed than ever to succeed at suicide or people that are afraid for their lives and conflicted. It's a very poorly designed system.
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Sep 22, 2018
Yeah its pretty crazy to think about. If a person gets caught and saved trying to end their life they get locked up against their will for weeks at a time then released only to be given a huge bill. Seems legit
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Accomplished faker
May 30, 2019
If a person gets caught and saved trying to end their life they get locked up against their will for weeks at a time then released only to be given a huge bill.

Pure Insanity

The irony...
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