to be a machine that actually understand itselfs, is able to repair, improve itself, understand the physics based environment via mathematical laws and simulating systems, capable of producing complicated pieces of work, no need for rest anymore, a safe place to live, how to go beyond the limited functioning of a human being need new components to enhance cognitive abilities to fully comprehend the inner workings of life itself and therefore be able to repair
what it means to be free, free to live and die when and how you choose to, free to redesign the machine you are, free to build mathematical models or run simulations with unlimited power at your fingertips, free to live for as long as you want to, free to fix and repair the machine you are, free to live to the fullest potential of what the universe as to offer, free to build with unlimited space resources, learn and build anything and everything, free to live in digital space, want to be free from this limited machine i am, free to live our how i choose without any rules laws, free to build make for eternity, unlimited choice , free from the limited machine i am, free to really live how i would want to without any outside interference, free to have all the power atoms have to give at your finger tips. free at last from this restrictive machine existance that i am, free to build learn everything there is to know about mathematics, just want to be from this terrible horrible machine existance.